The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 111 The critical blow of love is so unbearable.

Chapter 111 The critical blow of love is so unbearable.

Pei Jiuyin was covering his hand, his handsome face was slightly pink, he just wanted to...

"Hmm...!" Pei Jiuyin snorted softly, and felt the pain of needle pricks in his chest.

Tong Li took advantage of the moment when he lost his mind and started to insert the first needle. This time, it was indeed not as painful as last time. The pain this time was not a one-time pain.

The back was pierced last time, but the heart was pierced this time.

Tong Lixu sat straddling his waist, his expression became serious, and he would twist it three times after every stitch, and then deliver a little spiritual nourishment to him.

Pei Jiuyin's knuckles were clearly defined in his hands, he was tightly clutching the quilt on the bed, and his brows were tightened, as if he was enjoying it, but also as if he was enduring great pain.

What is it like?Only he knew it in his heart.

Tong Li's eyes wandered around him, and he slapped his swollen abdominal muscles, reminding him: "Lie down quietly, and I will help you pull out the needle in half an hour."

Pei Jiuyin: "."

Powerless to resist, he could only silently endure the critical blow of love.

As time went by, he couldn't tell whether it was pain or itching in his chest, but he just felt uncomfortable, as if someone tapped on his heart once, and then touched it twice.

So repeated, there is a feeling of wanting to live and die.

He regretted it, this feeling is too tormenting, it is better to let him hurt once, then pass out, and wake up the next day with nothing.

Pei Jiuyin looked helplessly at the man sitting on the sofa reading a book. The woman was so cruel that she gave him an injection and left him here without even saying a word to him.


Tong Li flipped through the book calmly, without looking at anyone, and said flatly: "Don't talk, don't have emotional fluctuations, wait for the blood to rush up, and the only one who suffers is yourself."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

So you can't even talk this time?Just suffer like this?

Pei Jiuyin clenched his teeth, took deep breaths to adjust the pain, trying to get rid of it, but the more he wanted to ignore it, the clearer the feeling became.

It was less than half an hour, and it seemed as if centuries had passed in his mind. There was no notification there, which meant that it was less than half an hour, but he really couldn't bear it.

"Tongtong. Is it time yet?"

Tong Li put down the book in his hand, glanced at the time, and said indifferently: "There are still 5 minutes."

5 minutes soon, he kept hinting to himself in his heart.

But these 5 minutes seemed to be stagnant in place, and it was impossible to pass.

"All right."

After his long-awaited expectation, he finally waited for Tong Li's natural voice.

Tong Li pulled out more than a dozen golden needles on his chest, and then smeared a layer of transparent gel on his chest.

It was cool and comfortable when I first put it on, and I directly suppressed the itching, then it became hot again, and then it became normal again.

He began to rejoice that it was finally over, but the next moment.

"Turn over and pierce the back."

Pei Jiuyin refused, he refused, but no matter how unwilling he was, he finally succumbed to Tong Li's violence.

But this time, the back really didn't hurt that much. At first it was a little uncomfortable, but then it gradually became more comfortable, and when I opened my eyes, it was dawn.

There was no one beside the bed, so he stretched out his hand to feel it. The place was already completely cold, and he probably got up early.

He rubbed his hair angrily, complaining why he fell asleep because he hadn't eaten meat yet.

Pei Jiuyin got up full of resentment, he blamed himself, why he fell asleep, why didn't he persist for a while.

After some washing, the resentment pent up in his heart that could not be vented became more intense, and he looked full of desire and dissatisfaction.

I thought that I would come back earlier at night to avenge that thousand needles.

"Ninth Brother..."

He was still complaining about himself in his heart, and the next second he heard a beautiful female voice.

When seeing the person coming, the face of resentment from her husband just now turned cold in an instant: "What are you doing here?"

Qu Lanxin was used to his cold face, and took his attitude for granted, and said with a smile: "I see you just came back from a business trip, you must be very tired, I specially boiled some medicinal soup for you."

After speaking, he shook the soup cup in his hand, making a gesture to open the soup.

"No need." Pei Jiuyin refused without even thinking about it, completely ignoring the person who worked so hard to cook the soup for him.

Qu Lanxin's smile froze on the corners of his mouth, and he soon returned to normal, and continued with his hands: "Ninth brother, I put several kinds of medicinal materials in this soup, it is a newly prepared formula, it is very good for your health, drink it You're sure to get a good night's sleep tonight."

As soon as he talked about sleeping well, Pei Jiuyin's face became even more stinky.

"Need not."

Pei Jiuyin glanced at the breakfast on the dining table, then at Qu Lanxin who appeared inexplicably, lost his appetite in an instant, didn't eat breakfast, put on his suit, and walked straight to the door.

Before the door was opened, a servant's voice was heard behind him.

"Master, Miss Tong told you to eat breakfast before going to work, and told you to eat three meals a day on time. In addition, she left a pill for you to take half an hour after breakfast." The servant bowed at 45 degrees and relayed these words in fear.

She embellished these words. If it was according to Miss Tong's original words, it would be an imperative.

I can't imagine, if she said those words truthfully, the young master would throw her out.

Look at the soup that Miss Qu specially made for the young master, does he also get embarrassed and refuse to eat it?

Not to mention Miss Tong's attitude...

Just when she thought that the young master would be angry, she rarely saw a smile on the young master's face, as if she was very happy.

Then I saw the young and old obediently walking to the dining table and starting to eat breakfast.

And Qu Lanxin, who was stunned by the side, looked at the noble young master who was eating well, in shock, her heart seemed to have fallen into the mist of the mountains, her heart was extremely cold.

He didn't want the herbal diet she worked so hard to cook, but the woman surnamed Tong said a few words lightly, and he obediently obeyed.

It turns out that the gap between liking and disliking is so big. Could it be that her hard work in the past ten years is not as good as a woman she has known for a few months?
No, it must be what that woman did to brother Jiu!
She sat down on the sofa, lowered her head, hiding the real emotion in her eyes.

When she adjusted again, the man at the table had long since disappeared.

Qu Lanxin tightened her mind, ready to go home and think about countermeasures, but was stopped by the servant when she was about to go out.

"Miss Qu, here is your soup, take it away."

"And the young master asked me to tell you that you should not enter this house if you have nothing to do in the future. Regarding his illness, you can just ask young master Qu."

After the servant finished speaking respectfully, he backed away, leaving only Qu Lanxin standing there in a daze.

It seems that she can't accept Pei Jiuyin's abandonment of her. This battle is over before it starts?

But let her stick to her original intention for more than ten years, and let her give up like this, how can she be willing.

Qu Lanxin tightly held the handle of the cup, her fingernails dug into the flesh, as if she couldn't feel the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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