The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 118 Huo Da saw his wife being beaten by someone on the side of the road

Chapter 118 Huo Da saw his wife being beaten by someone on the side of the road
They have been watching Tong Li's location for several days, but this woman has been staying in the villa, and they have nothing to do with her.

Now that she has managed to follow someone, how can she let her leave safely from under their noses.

At first the driver concentrated on driving, and everything was fine.

Slowly, no matter how unresponsive he was, he realized that the jeep behind him was following them.

Still blatantly following, without any cover.

"Miss Tong, the car behind..."

"Don't worry about it, keep driving." Tong Li's voice was calm and cold, as if she wasn't worried about the people behind her at all.


The car continued to move forward steadily, the two cars were driving one after the other, the venomous sun was shining on the towering trees, fragmentary light spots were projected from the windows onto the people in the car.

The car turned a corner and headed towards the suburbs. The further you went, the less traffic there was.

Suddenly the car behind accelerated to pass them and slammed into their lane.

It happened so suddenly that the driver didn't have time to react, only heard a loud 'dong'.

There was an intimate contact between their car and the car in front.

The driver said badly to himself, and immediately unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car to check.

His car was just an ordinary car. After the two cars collided, the front of the car was severely dented and white smoke came out.

And the jeep in front, which was obviously modified, was only slightly dented under the impact of this gravity.

The driver looked at his car being hit like this, and thought it was over, the car cost at least a few hundred thousand, and the collision would cost him his job.

But I also thought that the car in front suddenly turned in, and I didn't brake in time to hit it. According to the division of responsibilities, it should also be the responsibility of the car in front.

The driver was full of anger and wanted to go up to argue with the person in the car in front, but before he could make a move, he saw two burly and muscular men getting off the car in front.

The driver was only about 1.7 meters tall, and his heart trembled when he saw the man in front of him who was much stronger than himself and had a fierce look on his face.

The driver subconsciously wanted to run back into the car and hide. There were so many of them, and there were only two of them. Obviously outnumbered, it was the right choice to get in the car and call the police.

It's just that before he touched the car door, a man striding forward grabbed his neck and pressed it against the hood of the car.

"How did the kid drive? Hit our car."

The man's rough voice seemed to be able to break people's eardrums, and the driver was so frightened that he shivered.

"What...what, you suddenly..."

The driver was very frightened and stuttered and couldn't speak a word.

The target of these people was not the driver, and they didn't bother to tell him, so they threw him back and walked to the back seat of the car.

From the window of the car, Tong Li was seen sitting inside as motionless as a mountain. One of them directly opened the car door, holding a piece of white cloth in his hand, and stretched out his hand to pull Tong Li out.

It's just that before his hand touched Tong Li, Tong Li grabbed it with his backhand, and with a click, he took off his wrist first.

"Ah!" The man was caught off guard by the beating, they didn't expect Tong Li to be a trainee.

At the moment when he was flashing, Tong Li raised his foot and kicked the man's abdomen hard.

The man flew two meters away in response, and there was a thump on the ground, and the ground felt like it was shaking.

The person next to him was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he quickly took over the position of the previous brother, and stretched out his hand to pull Tong Li out.

But Tong Li doesn't want to come out, so you can't pull her away.

The two fought back and forth at the door of the car, Tong Li was in a favorable position, and smashed the man's hands three times and two times.

In the end, he also gave him a kick, which happened to hit his brother impartially.

Seeing that something was wrong, the people in the car opened the door and rushed down.

Tong Li clapped her hands and slowly got out of the car.

Then the people who came to support also jumped out one after another and surrounded her.

Tong Li roughly glanced at them, and there were 10 of them in total.

I don't know who sent it, but it's really annoying to stop her from working and earning money.

Passing vehicles saw a car accident here, a bunch of big men surrounded a little girl, someone stopped the car and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, but was stared at by those people, and the driver drove the car away again.

A group of people looked fierce and didn't talk nonsense. After exchanging glances with each other, the two closest people caught him by surprise, fisted and leaned forward.

Tong Li grabbed a person's hand, directly blocked the other fist that was attacking her, and kicked the person to a group of people who were about to move outside with the help of force.

This one fell a few.

These people did not expect Tong Li to be so powerful.

Began to have some scruples about Tong Li, a person behind Tong Li kicked him unawares.

He tried his best with this kick, and there was a sharp kick, and it was no exaggeration to say that he could kick a cow to death.

Just when he thought he could kick Tong Li, his foot landed on his companion strangely.

The man yelled, startling Cicada who was on the tree.

There was only a clear and audible click, the sound of bones breaking.

The person was kicked into the air and flew out. If he kicked out, half his life would have been taken away if he was not dead.

But Tong Li, who was the target, stood not far away intact.

They had never encountered such a situation. Everyone's expressions became serious, as if they were facing an enemy, and someone touched the weapon on the back waist.

"Boss, see if the one in front is Miss Tong." Secretary Qiao leaned on the window and looked ahead in surprise.

A crowd of men surrounding a woman doesn't look like a good thing.

When Pei Jiuyin heard this, he raised his head abruptly, and when he saw that it was really Tong Li outside, his whole heart arose.

What are so many people doing around her, and he has already seen that man has touched...

Pei Jiuyin's anxious voice was out of tune: "The car ran over me."

The driver didn't say a word. Hearing Pei Jiuyin's order, without even thinking about it, he slammed on the accelerator and slammed into the group of people.

The incident happened suddenly, and several people had no time to react, they were thrown into the air by the car, and some people barely brushed against the car.

The car came prepared and stopped without hitting it once.

The driver reversed the car, slammed the steering wheel, and ran like a mad cow, ramming anyone he saw.

Screaming brakes sounded one after another around, the ground was full of traces of friction between the tires and the ground, and a thick smell of plastic spread on the road.

The cars coming from behind, seeing the situation in front of them, stopped at the same spot and waited, not daring to go forward.

Taking advantage of the gap between them getting up, the driver reversed the car and came in front of Tong Li. Pei Jiuyin opened the car door and shouted, "Come up."

When Tong Li saw Pei Jiuyin, he was stunned for half a second, then bent down and got into the car.

The driver then slammed on the accelerator and left the scene of the accident.

It took only a few tens of seconds from hitting someone to getting him in, but it was enough to make people thrilling.

Especially Secretary Qiao, the boss with staring eyes, his whole body was tense, so tense that he could only breathe in and out, and before he was about to suffocate himself, he took a sharp breath.

Just now he experienced a fight scene on the co-pilot that only appeared in movies. Although it was dangerous, it was too exciting.

 Ah, some mm said that I have too many words, if you see it, please catch the bug for me, thank you, ╮(╯_╰)╭! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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