Chapter 119
"Is there something wrong?" Pei Jiuyin nervously raised and lowered his hands to check if there was any trauma on her body.

Tong Li held down his flustered hand, and said calmly as if nothing had happened: "I'm fine."

Those people can't do anything to her yet.

Pei Jiuyin didn't believe it, the front of the car was flattened, and several people fell on the ground, how could it be all right?

He put his arm through her waist, grabbed her onto his lap, and sniffed her with his dog nose.

Tong Li leaned back unaccustomed, and Pei Jiuyin pulled her back to confirm that there was no bloody smell on her body. Only then did she believe that she was not injured, and her tense heart relaxed.

The next moment his face became serious again: "What's the matter with those people?"

The murderous aura on those people was exposed, and they were carrying guns with them. They were ready to pull out their guns just now, obviously intending to put Tong Li to death. If he hadn't happened to pass by, the consequences...

Tong Li walked away from him, flicked his sleeves and said indifferently: "I don't know."

She only woke up today, and she wanted to beat them down before asking. Who would have thought that this man's sudden appearance would indirectly destroy her next plan.


Pei Jiuyin recalled the scene just now, his eyes darkened, and there was a flash of hostility in his eyes. : "Don't worry about this, I'll check."


Tong Li nodded, she doesn't care, let him do it if he wants to, and he will be clean.

After that, both of them were speechless, immersed in their own minds, and the atmosphere in the carriage was inexplicably depressing.

The secretary in front didn't dare to show his anger. Although the driver still had that stinky face, the veins on his hands were bulging and his whole body was tense, which was more or less affected.

Pei Jiuyin stomped on all the people in the group just now in his mind, and one of his palms squeezed Tong Li's hand too hard.

"What are you doing?" Tong Li frowned slightly, and took her hand back.

Pei Jiuyin came back to his senses, looked at his hand with a guilty conscience, and wanted to pull it back, but he didn't have the confidence, so he could only change the subject: "Why didn't you tell me when you woke up."

Tong Li glanced sideways, and mercilessly exposed him: "Don't you have eyeliner? You won't know when I wake up?"

Pei Jiuyin: "."

"How can what you told me be the same as what others told me?"

"What's the difference?" Tong Li asked back.

These words directly silenced Pei Jiuyin's words, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

As a girlfriend, shouldn't you tell him he's safe when you open your eyes?Or show some attitude of thinking about him.

I haven't seen you for so long, don't you miss him at all?
Don't worry about him at all, hum.

Tong Li didn't know why he was going crazy, so he sat with his buttocks out a little, and Pei Jiuyin saw him move over a little.

Moving and moving, the people were pushed to the door, Tong Li had no way to retreat, and simply ignored him.

"Tongtong, where are you going?" Pei Jiuyin leaned against her with a deadpan face, claiming to help people straighten their hair.

"Something to do."

Here again, here again.

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips. He was fine ten nights ago, but when he opened his eyes, his attitude became indifferent again, making it difficult for people to get close.

Tong Li yelled at being wronged: My face looks like this. '

Tong Li looked at the scenery outside and saw a bus stop sign: "You stop in front, I'll just take a taxi."


Pei Jiuyin hugged her slender waist tightly with his arms, and said in a tone of deep dissatisfaction, "Where are you going?"

Tong Li stared at this slightly resentful handsome face, and reached out to untie the hands wrapped around her waist, but this man seemed to be fighting against her, the more you struggled, the tighter his hug.

Tong Li felt speechless, and casually gave him a list of addresses: "I'm going to xxx."

Pei Jiuyin smiled: "Well, I'll take you there."

Secretary Qiao in front was dumbfounded. He never imagined that Boss turned into a puppy in front of Ms. Tong.

No, he had to insert his own eyes and ears, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't see anything, Boss was still the most noble and arrogant male god in his heart.


But big boss, do you know that you still have a job, and if you run away, what will happen to your job?
Secretary Qiao wanted to go up to remind her, but the boss and Miss Tong were flirting with each other, so he didn't dare to go. What if the boss got angry and kicked him out, what would he do?

Not worth it, not worth it.

After hearing the address, the driver in front immediately changed direction and went straight to the address Tong Li said.

This address is a villa in the suburbs. There are not many people and the privacy is better. It is more suitable for people who like quiet living.

When Tong Li and his party came to the place, Secretary Qiao quickly went down to ring the doorbell, which made him impatient before someone came out.

Behind the auntie was a Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes, and the two of them looked unhappy, as if they had just had an unpleasant dispute.

When seeing Secretary Qiao, the servant gave him a very rude look.

He was so angry that he almost cursed.

"What's the matter." The servant spoke impatiently, obviously not wanting to talk to him. .

Secretary Qiao suppressed the anger in her heart and asked with a smile, "Excuse me..."

The words got stuck suddenly, what did he want to ask?
He didn't even know what Miss Tong was doing here, and no one told him.

Secretary Qiao turned her head and looked sadly at the people in the car.

Tong Li opened the door and got out of the car, followed by Pei Jiuyin.

"My surname is Tong, and Yi Jianzhou asked me to come here." Tong Li said neither humble nor overbearing.

The servant in front heard that it was introduced by Yi Jianzhou, and his appearance was even more disdainful. He came here to help the young master to see those things.

Although the previous old Taoist priests were not very strong, they at least looked decent.

Look at this girl in her 20s, can she know those underworld things?

Could it be that they came here again to scam money?
The servant responded faintly: "Come with me."

The three followed her, and Tong Li observed the environment inside quietly.

The environment here is very strange, it looks normal on the outside, but once inside you can feel an eerie chill surrounding you, and then it erodes into your pores bit by bit, making you shiver involuntarily , Subconsciously want to escape from here.

Tong Li also found that all the doors and windows here were pasted with talisman paper, and there were mahogany swords, gossip mirrors, and garlic hanging everywhere... and a bucket of black dog blood?There are all kinds of things that he can't understand.

Is this a disorderly treatment of a disease?
Secretary Qiao was insensitive to these things at first, but gradually he didn't know how to understand them, and when he saw these strange things, he could make a rough guess, and instantly understood what Tong Li was doing this time.

The last time he dug the ancestral grave, he couldn't sleep well for a few days after returning home.

Come again today?

Secretary Qiao slowed down, and the muscles in his back couldn't help tensing up. He regretted coming in. Wouldn't it be good to blow the air conditioner outside with the driver brother?

What can he do?

Hey... is it too late to go back now?
(End of this chapter)

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