The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 120 I'll Accompany You to 'Frequent Incidents'

Chapter 120 I'll Accompany You to 'Frequent Incidents'

Suddenly, Tong Li stopped in her footsteps, as if she sensed something looking at her, she turned her head abruptly, but saw nothing.

"What's the matter?" Pei Jiuyin followed her gaze and looked back. There was nothing in front of her.

"It's okay." Tong Li looked at the lonely landscape, her eyes darkened, she didn't feel wrong about the feeling of being spied on just now, something was spying on them.

At this moment, the servant made a suspicious sound. The doorknob that opened the door only needed to be turned slightly, but now it can't be turned.

The servant seemed to have guessed something, so he didn't dare to twist it any more, put his hands together, and bowed reverently in all directions.

Muttering something softly in his mouth: No wonder...!
After a weird operation, she turned the doorknob again.

The quiet doorway was full of clicking sounds, Secretary Qiao's eyebrows were knit together, and his scalp was numb.

I saw that the servant used all his strength, but he still couldn't open the door.

The servant's face suddenly changed drastically, his hand loosened as if he was electrocuted, and then he let out a piercing scream, covered his ears with both hands, and ran away like crazy.

This sudden scene made Secretary Qiao tremble with fright, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in, and now he was even more sure that there was something dirty in the house.

Tong Li's face remained unchanged, she stared at the door closely, she knew that the things inside should not want her to go in.

To dare to stop her so blatantly, this thing is also very powerful.

Tong Li went up to open the door, but before she touched the doorknob, she was grabbed by a single hand stretched out from behind: "I'll open it."

With a "click", Pei Jiuyin easily unscrewed the doorknob, which was still extremely firm just now.

Secretary Qiao resisted the urge to run, and kept saying in her heart that there are no ghosts or ghosts in this world.

But from the moment he entered the door, there was a weird atmosphere everywhere in this villa, even the door was weird.

Looking at the two people who went in ahead, should he go in or not?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Secretary Qiao took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and walked in as if dying.

He is already mentally prepared, no matter what the dark and bloody scene is, he will never run away, he must protect the boss.

But fortunately, there is nothing inside, everything looks so normal and so abnormal.

Just the owner of this house?

Regardless of what they came for, at least they should come out and receive them personally. The empty living room doesn't even have a ghost. What's the matter?

Tong Li observed every part of the house vigilantly, and saw an old man in front of a window at the corner.

The man's eyes were dull, and he looked at the sky outside in a daze, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Excuse me……"

The old man's thoughts were interrupted by Tong Li, he turned his head slowly, with a dull expression, and said directly: "Come with me."

After speaking, he walked towards the end of the dark corridor

Tong Li hesitated for a moment, but still followed, followed closely by Pei Jiuyin.

Secretary Qiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

The old man behaved very strangely, they didn't explain their purpose, so they knew what they were here for?
Just where to take them?

The old man brought them to a door and looked back at them. His old and cloudy eyes revealed an unknown gloom, which made people shudder.

"Since you're here, you probably already understand what's going on!" The old man's voice was muffled, making it hard to hear.

"No." Tong Li replied coldly.

"No?" The old man was obviously taken aback.

"Wait." He replied without a word, fumbled for a key from his pocket, and inserted it into the keyhole.

After twisting it hard a few times, just when they felt that the key was about to be twisted off by him, the door opened.

The old man pushed the door hard. The door seemed to have been placed for hundreds of years, and it made a "creaking" sound every time it moved.
In this quiet room, people feel inexplicably horrified.

The old man tried his best and finally pushed the door open. He took out a large flashlight from a grid next to it and shone a light inside.

By the light of the torch, you can see that there is a long staircase below.

Inside is a basement.

"Let's go! Talk while walking."

The old man went in first, and Tong Li followed closely without even thinking about it. As soon as he took a step, he was pulled back by Pei Jiuyin behind him.

He had already noticed that something was wrong here, but Tong Li didn't say anything, and he kept holding back and didn't ask: "Are you sure you want to go in?"

There is a weirdness everywhere here, and there is a closed basement below, what if something happens in it.

"Hmm!" She came here to solve the problem.

"But?" Pei Jiuyin hesitated, he didn't want Tong Li to touch these dangerous things.

Tong Li saw his hesitation, and patted his hand: "If you are afraid, stay up there, I'll go down and have a look."

Pei Jiuyin held her hand even tighter. Is he a scared person?

"I'll accompany you down."

Secretary Joe? ? ?

In the end, he still couldn't help making a sound. The stairs below made him feel that this was a road leading to the gate of hell. He couldn't overcome the fear in his heart, his ears were buzzing, and his legs couldn't move.

He really didn't want to go down.

"Stay outside."

Pei Jiuyin's words saved his life because of the sounds of nature.

"Okay... okay."

It's not bad to let him stay outside, if something happens, he can call someone to save him in time, right?

In the end, the two held hands and went in. Tong Li had better night vision, and looked around while walking. There were clearly light tubes installed here, why didn't he turn on the lights?
The old man walked in front and seemed to have heard Tong Li's heartfelt voice: "I'm sorry, young master, he doesn't like the lights, so I feel sorry for the two of you."

The two didn't reply, and the old man continued: "Since you are here, you must abide by the rules. No matter whether you can handle things well, you are not allowed to mention this matter after you go out."

"Otherwise..." The old man stopped suddenly, turned his head slightly, and stared at a hole in the wall.

Sen said coldly: "You will bear the consequences."

After speaking, he walked straight forward. The basement was huge. After walking for a few minutes, the two of them were brought to a room that was not too big or small.

There is also no light here, only a few candles are lit in the huge room, and the candle flames are constantly jumping, wanting to go out and then rising suddenly.

The huge room has nothing but a bed in the corner.

There was a person lying on the bed. When the person heard the movement, he turned his head suddenly and stared at Tong Li and the others viciously.

The old man reacted quickly, picked up a black cloth under the bed, and directly covered his face.

The man was miraculously quiet.

"You have seen it too, and that is the case."

"Young master has something on him, if you can drive it away, the benefits will naturally be indispensable to you."

Tong Li didn't do anything directly: "I want to know the ins and outs of this matter."

She will do things, and she needs to know the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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