Chapter 121 The Ragdoll That Was Digged Out

The old man frowned, and met Tong Li's eyes, as if he was considering whether to tell her.

Their family is a famous person, and looking for someone is just to handle errands, and will not give too much information, so as not to bring unnecessary disasters in the future.

I wanted to take them down for a routine routine, and then send them up, but the girl in front of me showed no fear all the way down. Once I entered the basement and observed the surrounding situation, she looked different from those people.

Even when she saw the distorted face of the young master just now, don't say she was afraid, she didn't even blink her eyes.

I don't know if she is really capable, or if she is faking it too well.

The old man looked at the person on the bed and pondered for a long time, but he still had scruples: "Can you guarantee that the young master will return to normal?"

Seeing that the young master's body is deteriorating day by day, his sanity has long been eroded, no one knows what will happen next, but his life is definitely in danger, the master estimates....


Tong Li didn't reply.

The old man didn't seem to want to give up this opportunity. After pondering for a long time, he sighed and said slowly: "Actually, it's just a child's play."

He looked at the young master in front of him, he didn't want him to die in such a vague way, even if he violated the master's order, he still wanted to fight.

"Some time ago, the young master went to attend a classmate's birthday, and lost while playing a game."

"They made an agreement before that the loser will have to play a big adventure, and if he dare not play, he has to bark like a dog and admit that he is a puppy."

How could someone as arrogant as the Young Master do such an insulting thing.

"The young master drew a bag to dig graves in the mangrove forest."

"The child is young and energetic, and he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods. With the booing of those people, he went."

"At noon the next day, they gathered four of them to go to the mangrove forest. They picked a small grave on the outermost side and dug shallowly for a few minutes."

"The mound of the grave is very hard. At first they wanted to give up. Who would have thought that the mound is so shallow that it can be dug out immediately."

"At the time, they were also quite frightened, but one with sharp eyes saw that there was only a rag doll buried underneath, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief."

The old man's face was a little tangled, he hesitated to speak, as if he was hiding some important information.

"Afterwards, they didn't stay long and came back. Within a few days after returning, the young master began to have hallucinations. He said that he often heard the sound of children crying."

"Madam just took him to see a psychiatrist when he was frightened, and his mood improved after several visits."

"But suddenly one day, the young master's belly suddenly grew bigger for no reason. Every day it got bigger, and every day it got bigger, and finally it was like it is now."

When I went to check it, the doctor said that it was empty and there was nothing there. It might be flatulence or something, but no matter how bloated it was, it was impossible to bloat like this.

In addition, now is the master's special period, and the wife is afraid that someone will make a fuss about this matter, which will be detrimental to the master's election, so she sends the young master here to recuperate.

In fact, it is better to say to give up than to rest.

However, the wife still felt sorry for the child, and knowing that she might be entangled with that kind of thing, she secretly looked for someone, but unfortunately, she couldn't find a capable one.

Tong Li nodded, expressing her understanding, and her eyes fell on the person on the bed again.

She walked over, and Pei Jiuyin followed closely.

Although the person in front of him covered his face, his whole body was covered by an evil aura. The evil aura had permeated every inch of his bones and blood. Even if he was rescued, it was hard to say whether he would be able to return to normal.

Tong Li reached out and removed the black cloth covering the boy's face.

Suddenly, a face covered with black and red bloodshot eyes appeared, which looked extremely hideous and terrifying. Anyone who saw such a face suddenly would be shocked.

When the man saw Tong Li, his pupils shrank, his eyes turned dark and white for a while, and he grinned at her, howling like a beast from time to time, as if he was about to tear Tong Li apart.

It's a pity that his hands and feet are handcuffed, and he can't do anything except make clanking noises.

Tong Li shifted her gaze to the high swollen belly, estimating the size of the belly.

It is almost the same as a pregnant woman who is five or six months pregnant.

Tong Li put her hand on his abdomen, and the evil force in his abdomen felt threatened, and began to roll continuously in his belly.

The round belly changed into a cone for a while, and a straight line for a while. Every time it changed, the person on the bed let out a heart-piercing scream.

The old man stared at this astonishing scene with wide-eyed eyes, and his heart was greatly touched, and his dry palm trembled uncontrollably. .

To be honest, there are quite a few people who came here to exorcise evil spirits these days, but all of them either said they didn't have the ability, or they did it here in a random way, and finally got paid for their hard work and left.

Although the person in front of her looked young, she just put her hands on her abdomen lightly, and the things inside responded.

This... maybe the young master can still be saved!
Tong Li withdrew her hand, and Pei Jiuyin, who was standing aside, looked unhappy, took out a handkerchief from her body, took her hand and kept wiping it, as if she had touched something dirty just now.

Tong Li glanced at him sideways, but didn't stop him.

The old man stepped forward and said in a very respectful tone, "This... don't know how to address it?"


Tong Li replied a word lightly.

"Tong...Master, can our little master be saved?" The old man looked at his hopeful eyes, and asked cautiously.

Tong Li didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Is he not 18 years old?"

The old man shook his head: "The young master is still two months away from being sixteen."

Tong Li understood that sixteen is not enough.

He asked again, "Have you brought back the rag doll they dug up?"

The old man thought about it seriously: "I don't know, probably not!"

Tong Li's face became serious, and said coldly: "I want to know for sure whether he brought it back."

The old man was taken aback by her sudden face change, and stared blankly at the young master who had fainted from the pain.

It is obviously impossible to ask him, his mind has long been eroded, and it is useless to ask.

The old man didn't know why she was obsessed with that doll, if he really wanted to know: "I have to ask the few people who went with them."


The three returned in place, but there was a little accident when they went out.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, the old man was very puzzled. They seemed to be walking on the same road repeatedly.

It was obvious that the door was just past the corner, but as soon as they turned the corner, they returned to the previous road.

No matter how you go, you can't get to the door.

Tong Li stopped in her tracks, her eyes darkened, she knew that they had encountered a ghost hitting a wall.

This thing is also bold enough.

Tong Li took two steps forward, took out a talisman from her body and threw it in front of her, whispered a spell, and the talisman burst into flames.

A gust of wind blew out of nowhere, and an invisible barrier burst and disappeared.

Pei Jiuyin's face was dark and ugly, he took her hand, quickened his pace and pulled her out of the door.

He didn't want her to stay in this place for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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