Chapter 129 Missing a soul and a soul

"Master Tong, our young master has been like this since he woke up that day. He doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking, even if he doesn't talk, he doesn't care about others. He gets up and sits on the balcony every day in the middle of the night. He sits until dawn. It's scary."


With Grapefruit in charge, the housekeeper's attitude towards Tong Li was much more restrained.

Before, she thought that Tong Li was at most an ordinary person exorcising evil spirits, but if she could let the little princess of the Xi family work under her, then her identity would be different.

Who is Grapefruit?If Xiyou can work for her, it is estimated that this person's status will not be low.

Seeing the wind makes the rudder, she still has this vision.

After reading it, Tong Li came to a conclusion: "It's not a big problem, it's just that one soul is missing."


The housekeeper's heart froze, is it not a big problem to lose one soul and one soul?

It is said that a person has three souls and seven spirits, without which it would be incomplete, no wonder the young master is like a wooden man these days, she thought that such things hadn't been cleaned up.

"Then...then what should I do."

Tong Li ignored her and dragged her back to the bed.

The boy was like a marionette in her hands, pulling and moving, the housekeeper frowned when she saw it, but she didn't dare to say anything because of Tong Li's ability.

Tong Li threw him back on the bed, tapped his forehead twice, and his round eyes closed instantly.

The sudden arrival startled the housekeeper.


"It's okay, just let him fall asleep."

"Master, what should we do with the young master's soul?" The housekeeper became anxious now.

Tong Li glanced at the time and thought for a while: "I will look for it at night."

At that time in the basement, except for Pei Jiuyin, none of the people present escaped the fate of being struck by lightning, and it was probably at that time that his soul was also struck out.

If she hadn't fainted at that time and could have pulled him back in time, there would be another procedure now.

"Okay, okay, then I will trouble the master, if you need anything, just tell me." The housekeeper folded her hands and bowed in all directions.

Grapefruit gave her a blank look, and instead of asking for help from the person who helped her, he asked for some air.


After Tong Li came out, she went to the funeral shop and bought a white lantern to call back that soul tonight.

The lantern with black characters on a white background looks creepy.

She bought some more cinnabar and drew strange runes around the lantern.

Xiyou squatted next to her, with her chin propped on her hands, watching like a curious baby.

Originally, she could have left a long time ago, but Tong Li's previous words aroused her curiosity. Although this kind of underworld thing would make people a little scared, she really wanted to see what a human soul is like. Is it really possible to get it back.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Tong Li came to the previous villa. It has returned to normal, but it has lost its popularity.

After going through that kind of thing, even the most courageous person would not dare to live anymore.

Not long after Tong Li arrived, the security guard came over with the key to help them open the door.

He opened the door with trembling hands, and ran away without saying a word. Those who didn't know the speed thought there was a ghost chasing him.

Seeing her panicked appearance, Xiyou's heart was touched, she shrank her neck and hid behind Tong Li, her eyes wandered around, it looked pretty good here, and it wasn't too scary.

She lowered her voice: "Tong Li, is there really such a soul here?"

"Not here."

"There are in the basement."


Does it make a difference?Suddenly I don't want to go in.

Tong Li squatted down, opened the lampshade of the lantern, lit a candle inside, and put the lampshade back on.

Xiyou squatted down and looked at the lantern with her head tilted. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She seemed to see this lantern just now, and many runes flashed. Those runes circled around the lantern, and then all All returned to their original positions.

She asked uncertainly: "Tong Li, did your lantern have a lot of words floating out just now? What is painted on this lantern?"

Tong Li paused, then glanced at her inexplicably: "Can you see it?"

Xiyou scratched her head: "I seem to have seen a lot of strange words just now."

"Yeah!" Tong Li hummed, but didn't say anything else.


In this deserted big villa, Tong Li was carrying a red, white and black lantern. Against the backdrop of the drowsy and cool night, it was completely impossible to see that she wanted to summon the soul. She looked like a girl who had just crawled out of the ground. ghost.

Anyone who came here for a stroll in the middle of the night would probably be scared to death by her.

"Hey...Tong Li, wait for me." Xiyou was afraid, and her slightly trembling voice couldn't help raising her voice a lot.

Tong Li turned her head sharply, her eyes released a cold and stern light, which was very scary, like a beast dormant in a deep valley, the light of her eyes can scare people to death.

Grapefruit was stared at so abruptly by her, her scalp tensed instantly, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe, as if she was immobilized by something, her limbs could not move, and her hair couldn't stop standing up.

She had never seen such a terrifying Tong Li, as if she would come up and tear her apart in the next second.

"If you dare to say another word, I want you to not say a word for half a month." Tong Li lightly dropped this sentence and continued walking inside.

Xiyou who was standing there knew that what she said was not a joke, she could really do it.

What should I do now, she is not going forward, nor is she going backward, as expected, there is a price to be paid for watching the excitement.

"Tong..." She couldn't control her voice for a moment, she was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth with her hands!
Fortunately, Tong Li didn't say anything.

Looking back, he decided to go deep into the tiger's den.

This time she learned to be smart, and stood behind Tong Li as a transparent person, not daring to say a word.

Tong Li came to the basement and looked around the room, but did not find Shang Zhaoxiang's soul.

She walked around the room with a lantern in her hand, shouting without any ups and downs: "Shang Zhaoxiang, Shang Zhaoxiang."

A gust of wind blew, and the grapefruit behind her jumped up in fright. She wanted to go up and grab Tong Li, but she didn't dare, so she could only hold down her hand as hard as she could, and whispered Amitabha, what ghosts, don't come close she.

Tong Li confirmed that Shang Zhaoxiang was not here, and walked out with a lantern.

Xiyou followed closely behind her buttocks, she didn't dare to look anywhere, her eyes were fixed on Tong Li's back.

Tong Li got a bell from somewhere, walked three steps and shook it, calling Shang Zhaoxiang's name from time to time.

Every time she yelled, Grapefruit's scalp exploded, and there were no words to describe her regret at the moment.

If time could be restarted, even if she was killed, she would not follow in.

"Tong Li... have you found it? Can we go out?" Xiyou called softly, only to realize that her voice was shaking violently.

Woohoo, she wants to go out, she wants to go home.

Suddenly Tong Li stopped, and said without beginning and end: "Here we come, don't make a sound."

(End of this chapter)

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