Chapter 130 Crash
Xiyou straightened her body in an instant, daring not to move anything except her eyeballs: "..."

The air was eerily quiet.

Sigh... The lights in front of them flickered, and the basement was pitch black in an instant. They even extinguished their only lantern.

At the moment, it became an environment where you couldn't see your fingers. Xiyou couldn't control herself anymore, and threw herself behind Tong Li, hugging her tightly: "Woo, I'm scared, I want to go out."

Just be dumb if you're dumb, it's better than being scared to death.

"Caught it."

Grapefruit behind her couldn't hear her, but hugged her tightly, her whole body trembling, and physical tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

Tong Li sighed silently in her heart, she had warned her not to follow, she insisted on coming.

"Grapefruit, let go." She shouted again.

Xiyou hid herself in her own world, and she couldn't hear any sound. In just over a minute, the clothes on her back were already soaked in cold sweat, and the fear in her heart was no less than a trip to hell.

Tong Li grabbed the flesh on her arm vigorously.


Grapefruit screamed in pain, clutching his pinched hand and whimpering, "What are you doing?"

Don't know how strong your hands are?Definitely bruised.

"go back."

"Okay, okay..." Xiyou nodded fiercely, this was the most beautiful thing she heard from Tong Li today.

It would be nice if she could go back, she wished she could grow a pair of wings and fly outside with a whiff.

But the reality is no, she can only follow Tong Li's footsteps and go out in the dark.

Along the way, she was trembling with fear, and she had to exert all her strength with every step she took.

When she walked out of the basement door, she collapsed on the ground exhausted, breathing in the fresh air outside.

She came out, she was reborn.

Xiyou took out her phone slightly trembling, and pressed a contact. Before she could speak, she couldn't control her emotions, and broke down crying: "Wow... Mom, I miss you so much ,I want to go home."

"Youyou, what's the matter? Why are you crying so hard? Is someone bullying you?" The lady on the other end of the phone was so frightened by her daughter's shrill cry that she almost smashed the cup in her hand.

"I, I..." Xiyou glanced at Tong Li cautiously, pursed her lips, and dared not say anything.

"It's nothing, I just miss you all of a sudden."

How could the lady believe that her daughter was crying so helplessly just now, she must have encountered something, she was afraid that her daughter would encounter bad people, so she suppressed her intentions and pretended to be relaxed: "What time is it, why are you still here?" Not going home? Where are you? Mom asked someone to pick you up."

Xiyou pursed her mouth, she wanted to say that she was frightened by ghosts, but could she say it?I definitely can't say it, my mother will only think she is crazy.

She took a deep breath and said in a muffled voice, "No need, Mom, I'll go back later."

Tong Li glanced at her sideways, time wasted long enough, she was lazy to care about her, and walked outside with the lantern in hand.

Seeing that she hung up the phone quickly, Xiyou got up from the ground in a hurry, her legs were still a little weak, so she could only stagger and run out. Who knows if something will come out of this basement.

"Tong Li, wait for me..."

Xiyou scrambled and crawled all the way to catch up with Tong Li. I don't know if it was because of crying once, but the fear in my heart was released a lot.


"What about people?"

Where did her driver go?

Xiyou took out her mobile phone to call the driver, but no one answered.

"It's strange, why no one answered the phone."

Tong Li's eyes fell on the car and observed the footprints on the ground. The footprints on it were messy and there were traces of dragging. It was not difficult to see that the driver was kidnapped unwillingly or in a coma.

As for who it is...

"Forget it, let's go back first." Xiyou pulled the clothes on her body, she didn't know if it was a psychological reason, she felt very cold, she had to go home quickly, it was too scary outside.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Xiyou rushed over and held down her hand that was about to open the door.

It's no wonder she reacted so stressfully. The speed at which she drove last time is still vivid in my memory. Is it because she thinks she can't die fast enough if she is asked to drive?
"Hehe...I'll drive, I'll drive."

After receiving Tong Li's cold stare, he immediately explained: "There's no reason to ask the boss to drive."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

She shrunk her body and squeezed into the driver's seat, quickly put on her seat belt, grabbed the steering wheel, looked at her and smiled.

It is said that she will not hit the smiling person with her hand, anyway, she can't drive Tong Li anyway.

"Are you sure you want to drive it yourself?" Tong Li said flatly, it doesn't matter who drives it, as long as she can bear it after a while.

After Xiyou heard her words, her heart skipped a beat. The artistic conception of her words seemed to mean that bad things might happen later.

But asking her to give Tong Li the car is a terrible choice.

Seeing her persistence, Tong Li carried the lantern around the front of the car and sat on the co-pilot, and put the lantern in the back seat.

While wearing the seat belt, the eyes looked through the rearview mirror to observe the dark place, and there was a car hidden.

Grapefruit started the car and drove out slowly, but did not notice the potential threat behind him.

She drove out along the road, didn't go far, and saw the car behind her in the rearview mirror.

The road is so big, it's normal to have other cars, she didn't take that car to heart, and continued to drive smoothly.

But Tong Li's face was getting colder and colder, and it was hard for Xiyou who was sitting beside him not to pay attention.

What's more, the strange white lantern behind him still has a soul inside, which makes me feel horrified just thinking about it.

"Tong... ah." Xiyou's face paled in fright, and she held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, controlling the direction.

Originally, she wanted to talk to Tong Li to distract her attention.

Unexpectedly, the car behind suddenly accelerated and hit it.

Although Xiyou was timid, she knew that when the car lost control, she must not step on the emergency brake, but the impact force of the rear car was too great. Even if she tried her best to control the steering wheel, the car still plunged into the nearby woods.

They didn't stop until they hit a tree.

Xiyou was stunned, her heart was pounding, her eyes were staring straight ahead, as if she hadn't reacted from the impact just now.

And Tong Li had already seen the people behind, walking towards their car.

She took off her seat belt, turned her head to Xiyou next to her and said, "Sit in the car, and don't come out if you don't want to die."

Tong Li opened the car door and walked towards the back of the car. The back of the car was severely hit, and a large part was obviously dented.

In addition to the car accident last time, Tong Li couldn't help feeling angry!

These people have repeatedly challenged her bottom line, do they think she is really so easy to bully?
"Heh." Tong Li looked at the few people walking towards her with cold eyes.

Those people seemed to have scruples about her, and they stopped moving halfway, but took out the pistols behind their waists and pointed them at Tong Li.

(End of this chapter)

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