Chapter 131 New Debt and Old Debt Together
Tong Li looked fearless, exuding a fierce aura, staring straight at the cold barrel without blinking.

Under their horrified gaze, she rushed up at a ghostly speed, snatched the gun from the enemy's hand, and before the enemy could react, she bowed left and right, rewarding them with both feet.

With a few "plops", the three of them fell to the ground with a breeze.

The three of them were lying on the ground, clutching their painful chests, and just about to stand up, the wound was immediately touched, and the sharp stabbing pain spread all over their bodies, making them grin their teeth in pain.

I don't know how hard the opponent used this kick. They felt as if several ribs were broken by the kick.

The man who was reserved in the car saw this and immediately pulled the trigger without thinking.


There was the sound of a bullet with great lethality passing through the flesh, and bright red blood gushed out and swayed everywhere.

"Ah..." The screams startled the little bird sleeping soundly on the tree.

But this voice is not Tong Li's.

Tong Li sneered, threw the person in her hand down, and caught the person to block the bullet. Her body was inevitably dyed bright red, and a good dress was ruined just like that.

Really annoying.

Tong Li raised the pistol he had just grabbed, turned on the fuse, pointed at the people in the car and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was a chug sound.

The difference is that she is the master of the gun.

The man reacted quickly, lying down with his head in his arms, looking for cover to avoid Tong Li's bullets.

Hearing the sound of gunshots approaching his ears, he couldn't figure out why the situation that was originally beneficial to them turned into a situation where they were embarrassed to avoid it?

The gun rang a few times before it went silent. After confirming that there was no bullet there, he raised his head cautiously.

But he saw Tong Li standing in front of him like a Rakshasa.

The corners of Tong Li's lips curled up slightly, revealing a disdainful smile, and he directly raised his hand, punching him to make him dizzy.

The man didn't even realize why Tong Li quietly stood in front of her, only to feel that her eyes went dark, and she lost consciousness.

Grapefruit hid in the car and covered her ears, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

She has lived for more than [-] years, like a flower in a greenhouse, growing under the care of her family.

Let alone a car crash, I haven't even experienced a scratch on the skin of a car.

Like being chased by someone today, seeing a group of ferocious people walking towards her, and hearing gunshots, all these powerful things have already scared her to death.

"get off."

When she regained consciousness, Tong Li came over and opened the car door to let her get out.

Xiyou looked at her with teary eyes, trembling lips: "Go, where are you going?"

Tong Li said coldly: "The car behind."

The front and rear of their car were badly damaged, and they could no longer drive, only the rear one.

With trembling hands, Xiyou wanted to unbuckle the seat belt, but after groping for a long time, he couldn't find the buckle.

Seeing that she was quite frightened and her face was pale and pale, Tong Li kindly unbuckled her seat belt and dragged her to the co-pilot of another car.

Fasten her seat belt again.

Back in the car, he took out the lantern and stuffed it into Grapefruit's arms.

Xiyou's eyes were stained with tears, her eyes were blurry, she couldn't see anything clearly, Tong Li stuffed something for her, but she didn't pay attention to it, so she hugged it subconsciously.

She sucked in the snot, unconsciously hugged the lantern tightly in her arms, and didn't realize that what she was holding in her arms was the lantern that she thought was terrifying and frightening.

Don't say anything to stop Tong Li from driving the speeding car now, even if Tong Li drives the car out of the speed of the plane cannon, she can't control it.

Xiyou listened to the sharp sound of brakes from the tires, and the exciting sound of the accelerator, without any disturbance in her heart.

Her thin body was tossing back and forth with the inertia of the car, and she didn't even bother to look at the sound of thumping sound coming from behind.

Finally seeing the car driving on the main road safely, she breathed out like a new life.

She had just breathed a sigh of relief, she turned her head inadvertently, and saw the blood-smeared people on the back seat, she immediately screamed out of fright.

If it wasn't for the seat belt, she would have jumped out of the car long ago.

Xiyou covered her mouth, her pupils trembled, and her fingers kept shaking: "Why are these people here?"

They're villains with guns, why put them in the car?
It's just that these people's movements are a little strange, lying crookedly, their eyes are wide open, as if they were frightened by something.

After watching for a long time, except for their eyes, they seemed unable to move their bodies, and their mouths were rounded, and they couldn't make a sound.

Xiyou thought of the days when he had no words, don't think about it, this must be Tong Li's masterpiece.

Xiyou tilted her head to look at Tong Li's indifferent eyes, pinched her palm hard, and didn't ask the rest of the question.

Tong Li let out a snort from his nasal cavity: "Those who are looking for death on the pole, why not fulfill their wish?"

Tong Li's voice was cold and ruthless, and a thick layer of goose bumps appeared on her arms instantly when she heard it.

Xiyou's mind was in a freeze, trying to analyze the meaning of her words: "Are you... going to kill them?"

Tong Li glanced over from the corner of her eye, and Xiyou rubbed against the door in fright.

"These are nothing but little scumbags. If you want to kill them, you must kill the person behind them."

Xiyou didn't know what to say, the word "kill" came out of her mouth as lightly as if she was farting.

Should she tell her that murder is against the law.

But these people looked like desperadoes, if they didn't die, it would be Tong Li's death.

She kept taking deep breaths to adjust her emotions: "Why don't you tell brother Jiu about it."

Brother Jiu is powerful, so it will be easier to deal with this matter.

Tong Li stared forward, narrowing his eyes dangerously. It's not that Pei Jiuyin didn't know about this matter. He hasn't heard any news yet. I don't know how he investigated it.

Now that these people still come and fall into her hands, if she can still swallow this breath, she will not be called Tong Li.


Tong Li took the car to Shang Zhaoxiang's house together.

It doesn't matter if you deal with your own affairs slowly, you have to solve the guests' affairs first.

Tong Li took the lantern from Xiyou's arms, lowered her eyes to look at her, and said calmly, "Will you go in with me or wait in the car?"

"Go in, go in" Xiyou said quickly, telling her to stay with this group of people, it would be better to throw her to be with ghosts.

It can be seen that this group of people is more terrifying than ghosts.

"what ever."

Tong Li went in with a lantern, and the housekeeper and several bodyguards were already waiting for them.

Seeing Tong Li's figure, she hurried to meet her.

"Tong...Master, are you back?"

Her eyes gradually shifted to a white lantern in Tong Li's hand, her eyebrows and eyes twitched.

White lanterns are mostly used in funeral ceremonies, and in the eyes of people, they are an unlucky symbol.

Tong Li came in with a white lantern, which almost made her lose control and wanted to curse, but fortunately she held back.

"Master Tong... you?"

Tong Li tilted her head slightly, as if anticipating their questions, and explained indifferently, "This is the guiding lamp, and your young master is inside."

(End of this chapter)

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