Chapter 152 Not a Couple
"This dagger is as powerful as those two talisman papers, do you want to try it?"

Tong Li is like a big villain, speaking various languages ​​to threaten other children.

The little ghost shuddered all over, recalling the pain just now, and said with a spoon: "She...she is in City C."

"C City?" Tong Li frowned.

"Is it far?"

The little devil was a little confused by her question.

Tong Li didn't care, instructing her to "bring people back."

The little ghost closed his head and regarded death as home.

She managed to get Sudan to City C, locked her in the cellar, let her enjoy her fear and despair at that time, how could she bring her back.

Tong Li looked at her coldly and threatened: "Are you sure you don't want to bring her back?"

The little ghost broke the jar and was determined to torture Sudan. No matter how threatened by Ren Tongli, she was indifferent, and it was even more impossible to bring him back.

She closed her eyes and waited for a long time, but she didn't see any movement in front of her. She slowly opened her eyes a little.

There was no one in front, and Tong Li didn't know when he disappeared.


Tong Li walked out of the community and strolled on the path, she didn't make things difficult for that little ghost, after all, she is also a poor person.

How could she sympathize with a ghost who stays in the world doing evil

Forget it
Right now, we need to find the fake Li Yao and get rid of her.

"C city?" Tong Li murmured in a low voice while walking.

To see the situation, I have to go to City C.

Suddenly, a car stopped in front of her, blocking her way.

The person inside pressed the car window, with a hearty voice full of surprise: "Tong Li, it's really you! It's so late, why are you here?"

Tong Li lowered her head slightly and saw the acquaintance inside: "Come here to do something."

Qu Rui had just left from a friend's house, and before he had gone far, he saw a figure who looked like Tong Li. He thought he had misread it, but he didn't expect it to be her.

He nodded his chin towards the co-pilot: "Get in the car."

Looking at the night, Tong Li realized that it was already late, so she got into the car without making a fuss.

The car drove forward slowly, Qu Rui stared at the front, and asked casually, "Why are you here alone?"

"I'm alone wherever I go."

Qu Rui smiled: "Yes."

"Do you know where City C is?" Tong Li thought for a while, but still had to find someone to ask.

How to say this!

"It's not too far if you go by plane, and you can get there in two or three hours."

Tong Li: "Oh."

"Why do you ask about City C in such a good manner? Are you going to City C?"

Tong Li nodded: "Well, there is something to go."

Qu Rui tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and said in a deep voice, "When are we going?"

"Two days."

Li Yao is such a vicious person, so it would be good for her to learn from it and teach her a lesson.

"Then... let me arrange it for you?" These words blurted out somehow.

Tong Li hesitated, and she would definitely have agreed in normal times, but the one at home would probably... Let's forget it.

"I'll just do it myself."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Qu Rui's eyes, but he quickly hid it: "All right, if you have any questions, just call me."


The carriage returned to silence and moved forward smoothly.

Qu Rui sent the man directly to Pei Jiuyin's building, he got out of the car as a gentleman and opened the car door for Tong Li, and after a few words in a low voice, he turned around and got in the car.

After getting in the car, he and Tong Li made a gesture of calling back

And all their interactions were clearly seen by Pei Jiuyin upstairs through the reverse glass.

Tong Li opened the door and changed his shoes in the hallway. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Pei Jiuyin with a stern and indifferent expression, sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed and his legs crossed.

Tong Li looked at the time, eleven o'clock is not too late, it is normal for this man to not sleep, but why does she feel that this man seems to be angry?
She was going out to work, so she greeted him in advance.

Tong Li asked casually, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

The man on the sofa said nothing.

Tong Li looked at it full of doubts, walked to the kitchen area and poured a glass of warm water, she didn't know what kind of temper this man was having.

She is not the kind of person who can coax people. Seeing that there is no response from the other side, she ignores it and goes upstairs directly after drinking the water.

As she was about to approach the stairs.

Pei Jiuyin chuckled, and sneered coldly, "Huh... work? I'm not suitable to go?"

"I'm not suitable to go, so other men are suitable to go?"

Tong Li frowned, retracted the foot that went up, turned around and looked at him, where did he learn such yin and yang words?

"I did go to work, but things turned around and I came back early."

"If the man you're talking about is Qu Rui, we just happened to meet outside, and he just sent me back."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

He knew that Tong Li would not lie, but when he saw the two of them together, he felt very blocked.

"Since you know that work is over early, why don't you call me and let me pick you up?"

"Trouble." Tong Li replied lightly.

"I bumped into him not long after I went out. It's not necessary at all. Even if I didn't bump into him, it's the same if I take a taxi here."

"Hmph... It's really unnecessary. With a confidant by my side, don't I, a dispensable person..."

Tong Li also became angry when he heard his yin and yang words, and rushed to him.

"what do you want to say in the end."

"Hmph." Aojiao Pei Jiuyin turned his face away, disdainfully telling her that he was jealous.

Tong Li's scalp hurts, men are troublesome.

"We really just met by chance, and we don't want you to follow. Is it because of you that sometimes the situation on the scene becomes out of control?"

Pei Jiuyin: "What do you mean?"

"How do you think I fainted last time? It's because of you."

"When I was dealing with Mu Simin's ancestral tomb for the first time, I discovered this strange phenomenon. In addition, when dealing with the matter in the basement, I am even more sure that there is indeed an unknown power in you."

"That's why I don't want you to follow, understand?"

Pei Jiuyin was taken aback for a moment, and lowered his eyes to the wine glass on the table. He could never have guessed that this was the reason.

Realizing that he was being unreasonable, his aura instantly dropped a bit.

"Then...then why didn't you tell me earlier."

But Tong Li didn't take it seriously: "There's nothing to say about that."

As long as you avoid this man, isn't everything solved?
"Why isn't it necessary?" Pei Jiuyin stretched out his long hands to wrap his arms around her waist, and pulled her onto his lap with all his strength, looking at her with tender eyes like the depths of the sea, making one unable to help but sink in that gaze.

"I want to know everything about you. Between us, I don't want you to hide anything from me. This kind of unreasonable suspicion will only make the relationship between two people go further and further."

Pei Jiuyin picked up a strand of her long hair and played with it in his hand, and his fingertips slowly came to her collarbone below her neck: "Tongtong, you shouldn't hide anything when you get along with a couple."

Tong Li looked at the man who changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and slapped his hand off: "It's not a couple."

(End of this chapter)

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