Chapter 153 Poisoned by Tong Li.

Pei Jiuyin's heart tightened, and he squeezed the palm of Man's waist slightly, and before he got angry, he heard Tong Li say again: "It's a Taoist companion."

"What's the difference?"

Tong Li thought for a while, but didn't say why.

If you really want to talk about the difference, she belongs to the Tao, and those who are with her are naturally Tao companions.

"Forget it." Pei Jiuyin didn't want to listen anymore when she saw the confusion on her face.

I'm afraid that I'll hear some unpleasant words from her again later, since I've explained the problem clearly, I'll call her now.

Anyway, he thinks they are lovers, that is.

Hearing that he was no longer entangled, Tong Li was inexplicably relieved, supported his shoulders, got off him, and straightened his messed up clothes.

By the way, he said, "Tomorrow I'm going to City C."

Pei Jiuyin's thoughts that had just rested came up again: "What are you going to do in City C?"

"The target person is trapped in City C, I have to go and bring it back."

"Bring someone, I'll arrange someone to bring it for you." He didn't want her to run around, so why not just stay at home obediently? What should I do?
Tong Li brushed him aside: "You guys can't take it with you."

Speaking of this, Pei Jiuyin instantly understood that it was probably those things again.

"Is it dangerous?" This is what he cares most about.


"By the way, is there any way to intuitively tell others that two people are not related by blood?"

"You mean DNA, right?"

"No matter what A, when the time comes, I'll get him back, and you can help me out."

"Yeah!" Pei Jiuyin felt a little better, and his girlfriend asked him for help, not to mention DNA, just dismantle the No. [-] DNA Research Institute.

"Tomorrow, the affairs of City C will also be arranged for me."

"it is good."

Pei Jiuyin agreed very simply, as if no matter what Tong Li said, he would agree without principle.

He took her hand and scratched her palm, as if pointing something.

Seeing him smiling like a fool, Tong Li shook off his hand and walked upstairs: "It's okay, I'm going to rest."

"Well, take a break..." Pei Jiuyin followed her closely, saying the word "rest" had a special flavor.


In the morning, the first ray of morning light rises in the eastern sky, slowly dyeing the light blue sky into reddish orange, and everything gradually wakes up to welcome the dazzling light.

With a bang, the door was pushed open heavily.

A lady with disheveled hair and wearing pajamas hurried in and slapped the man on the bed on the buttocks: "Youyou, don't sleep, get up quickly."

"Aww..." Xiyou was sleeping soundly, when suddenly she was patted down by an iron sand palm, causing her to sit upright in pain, and her body lost all sleepiness in an instant.

Seeing that it was the unkempt mother, she felt furious in her heart, clutching her little butt that was hurt, and wailing.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Hurry up, your cousin called and asked you to pack two clothes and go to the airport quickly." The lady said as she took off her quilt.

"Airport?" Xiyou gripped her quilt tightly, in a dazed state.

"What are you doing at the airport?"

"I don't know, he told you to go there quickly, and you will know when you go." The lady opened the quilt vigorously.

"Mom, are you still my mother? If you don't know where to go, you just throw me out. What will happen when I'm sold out later?"

The lady raised her hand and slapped her on the leg again: "It's just right if it's sold, I don't have to worry about it if it's sold."

"Hurry up, if you hang around again, I'll take a box and stuff you in, pack it up and drag you out."

Grapefruit fell on the bed extremely speechless, rolling on the bed like a rascal: "I don't want it, if I don't go, I'm going to sleep, you lunatics."

"Your cousin said that the plane took off on time at 7:30, and you only have less than an hour left. If you don't go, he will clean you up later, and I can't save you."


There is no doubt that this is the stepmother.

This point to the airport?Why is she feeling all right?
Grapefruit was in a daze on the bed for a while, and when she came back to her senses, 5 minutes had passed, she was so frightened that the alarm went off, she got up from the bed with all hands and feet, rushed into the bathroom, and tidied up indiscriminately!
In less than 5 minutes, she dragged a small suitcase and rushed to the airport.

When she rushed to the airport in embarrassment, she saw a beautiful woman with a beautiful face without makeup, a graceful figure, and a shockingly beautiful woman, what else did she not understand.

In the car, she couldn't understand why her cousin came to her suddenly, heh, it turned out that she was dating for a beautiful woman, hum.

Xiyou walked over very annoyed, thinking that she would lose her temper no matter what, but seeing her cousin's stern face, she thought about it and took a step back.

Xiyou walked in front of them, pulled the corners of her mouth vigorously, and showed an ugly smile: "Cousin."

"En." Pei Jiuyin just glanced at her lightly, and responded very coldly.

When facing Tong Li in the next second, his eyes became soft and extremely soft, and he was almost tired: "Go over there and give me a call. I have arranged for someone to pick you up there. Apart from your own business, what are you doing?" You can let Grapefruit deal with it."

"She will arrange it for you. If she can't arrange it, you can call me. After the matter is completed, you should come back as soon as possible. I will wait for you at home."

Grapefruit rolled her eyes to the sky, let her handle everything, is she a nanny?Besides what to do, where to go, she has no idea at all, her cousin must be poisonous.


It should have been poisoned by Tong Li.

Both of these people are cancerous.

Grapefruit's eyes turned into diamond needles, and kept piercing the two of them.

"Yeah." Tong Li was okay at first, but gradually became impatient after listening too much.

After getting along for so long, she never knew that Pei Jiuyin could still be so long-winded. She just went out for a while, as for talking from night to morning?

Besides, with her ability, who can bully her?

Although Pei Jiuyin knew that she didn't want to listen, he just didn't feel relieved, and continued to say worriedly: "Why don't I accompany you, I'll wait for you in City C, just..."

Tong Li immediately refused: "No, you can just accompany me with Grapefruit, you can go back."

Pei Jiuyin hesitated to speak.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go." Tong Li was afraid of Pei Jiuyin, and called Xiyou to leave quickly.

Xiyou didn't want to hear her cousin gossip there, so she hurriedly followed with a small suitcase.

Pei Jiuyin reluctantly looked at Tong Li's back.

When they got to the first class, Xiyou began to accuse Tong Li.

"Where are you going is none of my business, why do you have to drag me?"

"Don't you know that if you disturb someone's dream, you will be struck by lightning?"

"I slept so late yesterday, and you woke me up before 7 o'clock. It's so inhuman."

(End of this chapter)

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