Chapter 156 The Weird Shiping Mountain

Since no one is willing to take her there, she will drive there by herself.

"Of course." Li Han agreed without thinking, and handed her the key.

He asked casually, "Miss Tong, where are you going?"

"Shiping Mountain."

Li Han: "..."

"What are you doing there?" Li Han's voice tensed slightly, and his muscles tensed unconsciously.

Is it too late to repent now?He wants to get the key back.

"Work." Tong Li said lightly.

Li Han couldn't help but thump in his heart, could it be that Tong Li's business during the day was to go to Shiping Mountain?
But does she know where Shiping Mountain is?
That place, everyone talks about it, and it's too late to avoid it.

Looking at the night again, I don't know whether to say that she is brave or tired of working if she dares to speak out about going to Shiping Mountain.

Anyone who inquires about Shiping Mountain will never have the idea of ​​going there.

Out of safety, Li Han suggested to her kindly: "Miss Tong, I advise you not to go there at night."

Tong Li held the key tightly, wondering in his heart: "What happened to Shiping Mountain?"

Li Han hesitated to speak, and didn't want to mention Shiping Mountain. That place is a taboo for the people of City C. There are as many evils as there are, and it has been in a state of incomprehension for decades, so I really can't go there.

Seeing this appearance, Tong Li suddenly lost the intention to understand, bypassing him and going to the driver's seat on his own.

Li Han subconsciously stopped her, with pleading eyes: "Miss Tong, if you must go, go tomorrow. I'll find a few more brothers to accompany you tomorrow. It's not safe to go at night."

If this really happened, how could he explain to the capital if something happened.

"Get out of the way." Tong Li's calm tone became a lot more serious, and she was very unhappy with his obstruction.

Even though he knew she was unhappy, Li Han's movement in front of him remained the same. He didn't understand why this woman was so stubborn. There were so many fun things in this world, and instead of playing with them, she chose to touch the deadly ones.

Looking at Tong Li's unwavering eyes, Li Han thought twice, and told her the truth: "Miss Tong, let me tell you this, it has been haunted all these years."

Li Han lowered the last two words a lot, and was very scrupulous about this word.

If it was word of mouth, he wasn't that afraid, but he had actually seen it.

At the beginning, they were young, vigorous and honest, and they didn't believe in the theory of ghosts.

A few people gathered together, clamoring to spend the night there, trying to break the decades-old legend with boldness and boldness.

As a result, the legend was not broken, and they almost became legends.

Since then, in their eyes, Shiping Mountain has become something that can only be understood, but cannot be described.

Li Han still insisted on his own opinion: "I really can't go there."

Tong Li didn't show any fear on his face after listening to his words, but just responded very flatly.


"Can you let it go?"

Li Han thought she didn't understand clearly, and wanted to talk to him again: "No? Isn't Ms. Tong afraid?"

That is...

Tong Li directly reached out to push him away and got into the co-pilot, she no longer had the patience to listen to his ramblings.

She's a mere ghost, so frightened like this, she's wasting so much time.

Tong Li swiftly inserted the car key into the keyhole, Li Han frowned in confusion, he knew she was definitely not joking, she was really going to Shiping Mountain, and it was still at night.

Really just let Tong Li go to Shiping Mountain alone?If something happens, their whole family will have to pay for it.

Seeing that Tong Li was about to leave.

Li Han sighed silently in his heart, he really answered the old saying, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell will go to hell.

I can only accept my fate and open the co-pilot and sit in.

Tong Li looked at Li Han who came in, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'll lead the way." Li Han cried sadly.


From Li Han's point of view, it's not a question of whether he needs it or not, but that he has to follow.

Who told him to be so unlucky to catch her out.

"Let's go, go straight ahead, I've been to that place before."

"You'd better not follow." This was her kindest advice.

But Li Han had no choice.

Seeing him persist, Tong Li didn't say anything.

Following the memory in my mind, I started the car and drove forward slowly.

Li Han lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to call Zhou Yang, completely unaware that the woman sitting next to him was a woman who had only driven a few times and didn't even have the most basic driver's license.

He didn't know if he was too involved, and the car speed gradually increased, but he didn't notice it. He was just annoyed whether he was having too much fun and didn't look at the phone.

After calling a few times, no one answered, so I stopped calling and edited a text message to ask him to bring someone over.

Although it is true that he is a big man, the horror experience when he was a child has been deeply ingrained in his heart. He has to go back to the old place and hope that he will not be scared to death when the time comes.

After the text message was sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no news.

Li Han raised his head and saw that the scenery outside the window was receding rapidly, and then looked at the dashboard.

I pulled away.

Shouted loudly: "Miss Tong, quickly slow down."

Although they usually have the habit of drag racing, but that is only limited to specific occasions.

The traffic on this main line is dense and there are many uncertain factors. No one knows where a car or a person will suddenly jump out. At such a fast speed, it will be too late to brake.

Tong Li turned her head and glanced at him, although she was dissatisfied with his bluffing, she still slowed down a little.

"Miss Tong, it's still too fast."

"Miss Tong, please slow down."


Tong Li stared at her sharply, and Li Han was taken aback by her, that terrifying look seemed to choke his throat, and he couldn't make a sound no matter what.

Li Han turned his neck with difficulty and looked out of the dark window. He couldn't express the pain in his heart, but he deeply realized that this woman was extraordinary.

open it!open it!He doesn't care.

There was no Li Han's voice in the car, and the car fell into silence.

Shiping Mountain is actually not far from the urban area, just 50 kilometers away from the urban area.

With a bang, the chassis of the car seemed to have scratched a stone.

This section of the road has not been driven for a long time, and it is badly weathered, and some ground has been cracked into ditches. Coupled with the gravel falling from the mountain, the car stumbles and stumbles.

But in the end, I came to Shiping Mountain safely.

"Turn left ahead." Li Han said while looking at the sign next to him.

Tong Li listened but did not hear, and kept walking.

"Miss Tong, go to the left to go to Pingshan Villa."

As early as several decades ago, the local tycoons chose a feng shui land in Shiping Mountain, surrounded by green hills, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a beautiful environment, it is the favorite place for rich people to enjoy.

I originally thought about buying this mountain to build a villa, and then I could make a lot of money, but who would have thought that the villa was not built, and a lot of things happened.

At first they worked here for half a year, and everyone was safe and sound, but then for some reason, accidents happened to the construction team one after another.

In the beginning, everyone was only injured, and the construction team didn't pay much attention. Afterwards, people were killed, and everyone started to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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