Chapter 157
I thought it was just a probability event, but with the deepening of the project, people began to die again in Shiping Villa a few days later.

The developer was afraid that his project would be ruined if the investigation was carried out by the higher authorities, so he paid the family of the deceased a sum of money as a cover-up fee, insisting on suppressing the news and speeding up the project.

I thought this matter would be nothing, but since then, there have been casualties on the construction site every three days, and each one seems to be foretelling something.

Such a weird event, no matter how stupid everyone is, they realize that something is wrong.

At this time, rumors of ghosts and ghosts quickly spread quietly in the construction site.

Everyone wants money, but their lives are more serious. If their lives are gone, it is meaningless to earn more money.

Someone secretly went to the construction site to check, and quickly checked from top to bottom, and ordered them to stop and stop work immediately, and no further construction was allowed.

Naturally, it is impossible for the developers to give up this piece of fat so easily. They found many masters, but it is said that those masters are either crazy or missing. As for the ultimate truth, no one knows.

Later, news of ghosts in Shiping Mountain spread all over the country, and everyone avoided Shiping Mountain one after another. Shiping Mountain is also famous in the local area for its haunted area.

Whenever a child is naughty and disobedient, the adults will scare him and throw him to Shiping Mountain if he cries again. The child knows where Shiping Mountain is, and is immediately frightened and dare not do it again.

Fast forward ten years, and the ghost disappearance in Shiping Mountain faded away, and some people picked up the project and wanted to continue it.

Unsurprisingly, when the project was halfway through, something happened again, exactly the same as the first time, first injured and then dead.

The developer had no choice but to suspend work, and this place became a complete unfinished building. No matter how good the environment is, no one would dare to care about it.

Up to now, 30 or [-] years have passed, and no one goes to Shiping Mountain anymore. Even the construction road has to bypass Shiping Mountain. Of course, there are some people who are not afraid of death. The missing persons.

It was precisely because he knew the seriousness of the matter that he strongly opposed Tong Li's coming to Shiping Mountain, but this person was too stubborn, no matter what he said, he would not listen.

Tong Li looked at the front and said indifferently: "When did I say I was going to the villa?"

Li Han: "..."

You are not going to the villa area, so what are you doing in Shiping Mountain?
I don't know if it's due to psychological reasons, but even when he was sitting in the car, he still felt the wind blowing behind him, and he couldn't help getting goosebumps.

Li Han's gaze was fixed on the road under the headlights, and his heart was tightly entangled.

He didn't dare to look outside, and always felt that there were countless pairs of eyes looking at them in the dark, which made people creepy.

Suddenly, a pile of familiar stones came into view again. What was strange was not the pile of stones, but this pile of stones, which he had seen before.

Just now, he noticed a split branch between the rocks. The size of the location in front of him was exactly the same as what he saw just now.

Li Han blinked, thinking he was wrong.

When the pile of stones got closer and clearer to him, until they disappeared in front of his eyes, Li Han was stunned.

Their cars kept driving forward, how could they still pass the route they had taken before.

Li Han seemed to think of something, his face paled with astonishment, he was pale and ugly, pointing his finger at the back of the car, he couldn't figure out a word: "Miss Tong... just that..."

"I know." Tong Li's voice became cold and serious, no matter how blind she was, she couldn't get out, there was something blocking the way.

But this time she did not act rashly, but chose to close her eyes and listen, and the car continued to move forward.

Li Han clutched his chest, and his breathing was slightly short of breath. Fortunately, he didn't have a heart attack, otherwise the scene just now would have scared him to death.

"Miss Tongtong." When people are in panic, it is easy to slap their mouths when they speak.

Li Han bit the tip of his tongue, the stinging pain calmed him down a lot: "Miss Tong, what are you doing here anyway? Speak up if you have something to say, and don't do anything stupid."

"Let's go back first."

It looks so weird here, and one more look makes people feel that the hairs are standing on end.

He is no longer a teenage boy who is more or less in awe of such things.

At most, he was a little scared before, but when he was in this situation, really, he even had to slow down his breathing, for fear of disturbing the unknown objects around him.

The most difficult thing to guess is Tong Li next to her. No matter how much he thinks about it, he can't figure out why a good girl like her likes to come to such a place at night.

"It's okay, it's just some tricks." Tong Li stared at the front, not paying attention to this trick of hitting the wall.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a loud "bang".

A big rock in front of him suddenly fell down, and the shattered stones splashed on the windshield. Li Han was so frightened that he closed his eyes in horror, and his heart almost stopped suddenly.

I thought I was going to die this time, but after waiting for a while, the expected pain did not come.

He slowly opened his eyes, dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

The distance between their car and the big rock in front was only about 5 centimeters, but if Tong Li stepped on the brakes a little slower, they could have an intimate contact with the rock, which was too thrilling.

With such a large rock, it is conceivable that their car will definitely be smashed into meatloaf in an instant.

Li Han looked outside, and even more frightening things were yet to come. He held down his trembling leg.

Their car has already gone up the mountain. Although the road is a bit bad, there are absolutely no mountains on the left and right sides. So where did this stone come from?
Did it fall from the sky?
That's weird. That's gotta be the stuff.

Li Han trembling lips: "Miss Tong, there is no way ahead."

"Let's go back in reverse."

The ghost stone blocks the way, this is really not a joke, it will kill people.

Tong Li turned her head to look at him, her face was still so calm, even a little angry: "Scared?"

Li Han didn't answer directly, but it could be seen from the surface that he was so scared that he wanted to disappear in place.

Tong Li looked at the big rock in front of her, took off her seat belt, and opened the car door.

Li Han was taken aback by his actions: "Where are you going?"

In the current situation, there is no choice but to reverse the car and go back.

She even dared to get out of the car.

"If you're afraid, just stay in the car. Don't come out no matter what you see, or you will be at your own risk." Tong Li warned him coldly, then took out a talisman from her bag and put it on the car.

As long as he doesn't get out of the car, this is enough to keep him safe.

Tong Li closed the car door, came to the side of the big stone, and walked around the stone.

I couldn't see anything on it, so I walked straight forward.

Li Han looked at Tong Li's figure walking away, and wanted to call her back, but he didn't even have the courage to open the car door. Thinking about how many times he had persuaded her before, she ignored her, and now it is even more impossible to listen to him.

He simply stopped shouting.

Li Han blinked and felt itchy eyes, raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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