Chapter 174 Vision "Fever"

They had never seen such a scene before, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

The butler hurried over, looked at a group of servants who were doing nothing, and yelled loudly: "What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and get something to drive away."

Their young master is obsessed with cleanliness, and usually people can't even get close to this house, but now so many birds gather here, one poop is enough for them to choke.

If the young master comes back and sees this messy house, he won't even think about doing it.

Only then did the servant come back to his senses, and everyone dispersed to find tools to drive the birds away.

For a while, the Pei family took the broom and the pole. Everyone was doing the same thing, which was to drive away birds.

The butler looked at the birds flying all over the sky with a sad expression on his face. After thinking about it, he took out his phone and informed Pei Jiuyin.

The bird is still secondary, the most important thing is that there is an important person in it, if something happens, his ten lives are not enough to pay.

A bodyguard walked towards him quickly, breathlessly said: "There are a few people outside the housekeeper who claim to be from the Bird Watching Association. They found that there are a large number of birds gathering here, and they want to come in and study it."

The butler looked in the direction of the gate and remained silent. There must be something abnormal about so many birds coming together.

Those people are bird watching associations, and they are relatively familiar with the habits of birds.

But the butler had his own concerns, and finally waved his hand: "Don't worry about it."

However, there are really many birds, densely packed in a large area. If there is a natural disaster, these birds should also run away. Why are they all gathered together?
After reading this side, groups of people flew over there again, making everyone's scalp tingle.

The crowd took bamboo poles to drive away the birds, but these birds were very clever. They moved, and the birds flew up in numbers. When they stopped, the birds flew back again, just like they were fighting guerrilla warfare.

The number of birds is still increasing, but there are only so many places, and the house can't stand up, so he thinks there should be fewer.

But no, there was no place to stay, so they circled the small building in the sky, like big circles one by one, looking a little creepy.

No one knows what these birds are up to, whether it is a sign of bad luck or bad luck.

When Pei Jiuyin got the news, he immediately put down his work and drove back by speeding car.

When he was near his home, he looked up and saw countless birds circling in the sky, densely packed like an overwhelming river.

After returning home, there were birds everywhere, it was so dark that even the balcony was full, he wondered if all the birds in the city had flown to him.

Seeing Pei Jiuyin's return, the steward hurried up to report: "Master, these birds don't know what happened, they all gathered here suddenly, and they couldn't be driven away."

The butler was in a mess, covered in bird droppings, and exuded a strange smell. Pei Jiuyin gave him a sideways look, and walked away in disgust.

He ran into the house in three steps and two steps at a time. There must be something wrong with so many birds gathering here for no reason.

There is one more important person inside.

When Pei Jiuyin rushed to the room, fortunately, everything was calm, not a single bird came in, and he was lying on the bed safe and sound.

Pei Jiuyin walked to the bed silently, his eyes radiated affectionate soft light, and he looked at the person on the bed unscrupulously.

dong dong dong.
A series of loud noises came from the balcony, Pei Jiuyin shot coldly.

The bird met his terrifying eyes, and became silent for a moment, not daring to peck at the window again.

It felt as if the man in front wanted to catch it and fry it.

Pei Jiuyin took off his coat and threw it on the chair next to him, and walked over slowly. The bird pecking at the window looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and the figure of a kingfisher came to mind.

This one seems to be the last time when Tong Li was unconscious, it flew over and took a bite, and then Tong Li woke up.

Is it coming in?
Pei Jiuyin hesitated for a moment, and opened a small gap on the balcony.

The little kingfisher couldn't wait to fly in, and before he could close the door, another seven or eight colorful birds flew in.

He just wanted to close it, and another 10 flew in. The others seemed to have received some signal, and they all stayed outside and watched obediently, not daring to make trouble.

After these birds came in, they surrounded Tong Li's bed in formation, chirping non-stop.

Then twenty or thirty birds formed a circle, and changed formation after a few seconds.

Repeatedly like this, about 10 minutes passed.

The kingfisher flew to Tong Li's body and pecked her forehead.

Pei Jiuyin frowned as he watched, resisting the urge to drive it away.

He stood by and watched for a long time, and finally when he couldn't bear it anymore, the little kingfisher flew away with the group of birds.

Then, there was a humbling sound outside, and the birds that were hovering in the sky before, as well as the birds that were docked on the roof, swarmed away in all directions!
Pei Jiuyin hurried forward to check on Tong Li's situation. His forehead was pecked red by the dead bird just now, but nothing else was found abnormal.

His eyes were tightly locked on Tong Li, expecting her to wake up, so that she could see him when she opened her eyes.

It's a pity that he watched for half an hour, but Tong Li didn't show any sign of waking up, not even moving his eyelids.

After observing for another half an hour, Pei Jiuyin gave up.

Then he ordered the servant to pay close attention to Tong Li's changes before going to the company with confidence.

It's just that after arriving at the company, he suddenly became restless, and his mind began to wander after looking at the documents. This kind of thing would never happen in the past.

This panic lasted until night, when suddenly there was an abnormal sound of "Dididi" from the mobile phone.

This is the bracelet on Tong Li's hand. It detected an abnormality in her body and sent out an alarm.

Pei Jiuyin dropped the document in his hand, picked up the phone and called up the database. The temperature curve on it rose to 38 degrees in just a few seconds, and the red line was slowly moving upwards, and there was a constant upward trend.

Pei Jiuyin's heart tightened and he couldn't control anything anymore, he hurried to the door, calling home while walking.

The servant received the call and hurriedly notified the family doctor to come.

The temperature on Tong Li's body rose very high. The measurement here was 39 degrees, and the next measurement will directly rise to 39 degrees 4.

The doctor directly gave her an antipyretic injection and observed her for 10 minutes, but it didn't work.

However, they found that although antipyretic injections cannot reduce fever, they can delay the rate of temperature rise.

More than half an hour later, a car drove in from outside. Before the car stopped, Pei Jiuyin opened the door and got out.

The driver was so frightened that his heart almost jumped into his throat.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin walked away, another car stopped behind him.

Qu Rui held a medicine box in his hand, and rushed in eagerly.

The door of Pei Jiuyin's room was wide open, and the servant inside kept using towels to physically cool her down.

(End of this chapter)

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