The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 175 Whose antipyretic medicine glows green?

Chapter 175 Whose antipyretic medicine glows green?

As soon as he saw Pei Jiuyin approaching, the servant consciously left the bed, took a few steps back, and gave him the seat.

"How's it going?" Pei Jiuyin's face showed anxiety that he had never seen before. He sat on the edge of the bed and touched her forehead with his big hand. The scalding heat made his heart tighten.

"Why is it so hot?"

At this time, Qu Rui came in with a medicine box anxiously: "What's going on?"

"It's very hot." Pei Jiuyin's eyes were full of unconcealable worry, and he held her hand tightly.

Qu Rui was relatively calm, and went up to check her complexion, her pupils were all fine and normal.

But when he touched her forehead, the scalding heat also shocked him.

"It's really hot."

He took out the stethoscope and put it on her chest to listen to her heart and lungs. Except for a little slowness, there were no other noises, so it was not a big problem.

Then I feel her pulse condition, the pulse sinks inwards, the disease enters the pulse, and the qi and blood are trapped inside.

Qu Rui withdrew his hand, tried his best to hide his facial expression, and asked in a deep voice, "How long has she been sleeping? What have you done recently?"

Seeing Tong Li's situation, it shouldn't be a day or two, why didn't you tell him earlier?
"Three or four days." She closed her eyes for half a month before, but she didn't see anything.

And this time she specifically explained that she might sleep a little longer, but he didn't care, who knew it would suddenly burn up.

No, a strange thing happened today.

"A large number of birds suddenly appeared in my house today. The little kingfisher was there last time and pecked Tong Li's forehead. I watched it for an hour, but nothing happened."

I thought it was all right.

He said, how could there be so many birds in the house for no reason, it must be abnormal, and he didn't expect to hurt Tong Li.

Had he known this earlier, he would not have let those birds in.

Pei Jiuyin had a slight remorse in his eyes.

Qu Rui froze for a moment, flock of birds?

Forget it, now is not the time to pursue the matter, the body temperature should be lowered first.

He took out a temperature gun from the medicine box, put it on her forehead and dripped it.

The direct display on the above is 42 degrees, which is already the maximum temperature that the human body can bear this time.

But he felt that the temperature on Tong Li's body should be more than 42 degrees.

He looked at the family doctor beside him: "Did you get the anti-fever injection?"

"It's done." The family doctor stood up and said.

Qu Rui hesitated for a few seconds: "Call again."

"Wait a moment."

Qu Rui opened his medicine box, rummaged through it for a while, and took out an ampoule from a box.

He didn't know what kind of medicine was in the bottle, but the medicine was green. He picked up a disposable syringe and took out the medicine inside.

Just about to break into Tong Li's body, Pei Jiuyin grabbed him: "What is this?"

The color is so weird, are you sure it can penetrate into the body?

"The fever-reducing medicine is extracted from traditional Chinese medicine, so it's safe to worry about."

In fact, he didn't say a word, it is also mixed with the elixir that Tong Li practiced before, it is the addition of elixir to form this color, and it can't be removed, but the effect is very good, and it doesn't hurt the body.

The only disadvantage is that it cannot be mass-produced. The main ingredient of this antipyretic medicine is still derived from the elixir refined by Tong Li. If Tong Li does not refine the medicine, everything will be useless.

'Fever medicine? 'Everyone put a question mark on this green water potion that makes people panic.

Only the doctor next to him couldn't help nodding his head repeatedly. Sure enough, the medicine developed by the medical genius was different from others.

Under everyone's concerned eyes, the potion was pushed into the body bit by bit, everyone held their breath involuntarily, and no one dared to make a sound.

After pushing the medicine, not only the person who pushed the medicine, but even the people watching were relieved.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Qu Rui picked up the temperature needle and slowly placed it on her forehead. With a beep, the data was displayed on the display.

38 degrees.

The temperature drops to 5 degrees within 38 minutes of this injection, which is too fast.

Pei Jiuyin began to worry again: "Will there be any side effects if the drop is so fast?"

"No." Qu Rui packed the things in the medicine box and said firmly, they didn't know how powerful the medicine Tong Li made was, but he knew that he could doubt his own medical skills, but he would never question Tong Li Half a sentence.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Pei Jiuyin didn't say anything more.

After dispersing everyone, only the two of them remained in the room.

Another 5 minutes later, Tong Li's body temperature returned to normal.

The hearts of the two who had been tense for several hours were relieved.

Qu Rui stood beside him and nodded towards the door: "Go out and talk."

Pei Jiuyin pinched the corners of the quilt for her, and finally took her body temperature again to confirm that there was no change before going out in peace.

in the living room.

Qu Rui picked up the boiled water on the table and took a sip, then looked at him quietly: "Why did Tong Li become like this?"

Pei Jiuyin leaned on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling, his hands were still trembling uncontrollably. From the moment Tong Li had a fever, his nerves had been tense, and as soon as he relaxed, he couldn't stop trembling.

"I don't know. Something must have happened to her when she went to City C that day. She didn't say anything. She fell asleep when I received someone."

Qu Rui looked down at the table, for some reason, he had a thought of blaming the man in front of him for not taking good care of him

"It should be fine, she is so powerful, she won't let anything happen to herself."


No one is sure.

The next morning, the morning sun gradually emerged, and the bright light coated the earth with a brilliant golden color. The leaves outside the window swayed with the wind, and the crisp leaves shone with shattered light, dazzling the golden light.

The two men sitting on the sofa had slightly black eyelids and were a little tired. They didn't sleep all night, so they watched over the person on the bed, fearing that something would happen to the person on the bed.

Fortunately, the night passed, and the person on the bed did not show any abnormalities.

Pei Jiuyin exhaled lightly and rubbed his slightly painful temples. His heart still felt a little stuffy. He knew that this was a sign that he was going to get sick.

"Come on, let's go down and eat something."

"Yeah." Qu Rui got up from the sofa, his eyes fell on the frowning Pei Jiuyin, and he seemed to notice something was wrong with him.

"Are you okay?"

Pei Jiuyin shook his head.

He walked out first, and Qu Rui followed behind. Just as the two of them stepped out of the room, a gust of wind suddenly blew behind them, speeding up the speed of closing the door.

The two who stayed up all night, their thinking was a little slow, did not notice this abnormality.

They dragged their exhausted bodies to the living room. A sumptuous breakfast was prepared on the table. Everyone was full of worries and had no appetite, so they ate a few bites in awe.

In about 10 minutes, Pei Jiuyin's cell phone heard the familiar siren again.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, his face changed, and Tong Li's body temperature suddenly soared again.

Before I had time to say more, I rushed upstairs.

Qu Rui didn't know what happened, but seeing him running up so eagerly, he also put down his chopsticks and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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