Chapter 183

After Tong Li washed up, she asked the driver to take her to the company.

She rested for a month, and her work stopped for a month.

Fortunately, she had greeted Yi Jianzhou before and stopped taking orders. Apart from Qu Manman's matter, there are still two orders that have not been completed yet.

Tong Li came out of the elevator door and saw Xiao Lingling opening the door as soon as she turned the corner.

Xiao Lingling opened the lock with her head depressed, as if she sensed that someone was looking at her, and when she turned her head to look, she saw that the big boss who had disappeared for a month finally appeared.

She put away her surprised eyes and raised a big smile: "Master Tong, you are here."

Tong Li nodded slightly towards her: "Yes."

"Mr. Yi has been looking for you for a long time. Since you are here, let me call and inform him."

"Well, I don't need it today, I have something to go out later."

"Okay, let me talk to Mr. Yi."

Tong Li went in to get some things, and then asked someone to send her to Qu's house. After a month's delay, she didn't know what happened to the little girl.

Indeed, Tong Li hadn't come for a month, and the noble lady of the Qu family was miserable at home every day. She had to spend a lot of time every day comforting her daughter, and then she kept harassing Qu Rui, asking him to find Tong Li.

No, early in the morning, she heard from the servant that Tong Li was coming, and she was so excited that she smashed the jade bracelet she had just bought.

Although it is worth a lot of money, these are not as good as my daughter.

Just halfway down Tongli Road, he saw the lady of the Qu family trotting over eagerly.

From all the way, he shouted loudly: "Miss Tong, you are finally back."


"Sorry, there was a delay."

The noble lady of the Qu family was out of breath, and waved her hands again and again: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you can come here."

How dare she blame her.

"Come in quickly."

"Mother Li, prepare tea."

Madam Qu respectfully brought Tong Li in. Although she wanted Tong Li to go see her daughter right away, he didn't even take a sip of water when he entered the door, which was a bit unreasonable.

Tong Li sat down and asked some questions about the little girl's daily performance. Fortunately, except for a little depression, everything else was very cooperative.

After a while, the elevator door in the room opened, and the servant pushed Qu Manman down.

When she heard that Tong Li was coming, she couldn't wait to see her, she didn't want to wait for a moment.

"Manman, why did you get down?" The lady of the Qu family hurried over, took the wheelchair from the servant, and pushed her in front of Tong Li.

"Hello, sister." Qu Manman showed two big rabbit teeth, and smiled cutely. Apple muscles had grown on her cheeks, and her eyes finally had light.

"Well, how are you feeling recently?"

Qu Manman smiled and did not answer, his eyes fell on the fingers of the armrest.

Tong Li followed her gaze and saw the index finger and middle finger flicking.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the movement of moving fingers, which is very normal.

But for a person who is completely paralyzed, it is definitely a miracle, although he can only move two fingers.

Within a few seconds of trembling, a thin layer of sweat had already appeared on Qu Manman's forehead, which showed how much effort she had used to make these two fingers tremble.

Everyone present was very happy, only Tong Li had a slight regret. She had been given acupuncture once a week, and within a month, she could at least lift her whole hand.

"We'll do acupuncture again in a while."

"Okay." Qu Manman smiled happily.

The noble lady of the Qu family interjected and asked, "Then do you still have to boil medicine and take a bath?"

Tong Li reached out to touch Qu Manman's pulse, and shook his head: "No, I'll soak it in a few days, and I need to change the prescription."

Qu Manman's body has been conditioned by her medicine, and after a month of precipitation, her physique has changed dramatically compared to before.

She can take the medicine more heavily and speed up the recovery.

The noble lady of the Qu family smiled from ear to ear: "Okay, please let me know when the time comes, so that I can prepare in advance."


Tong Li took her back to the room and prepared to give her an injection.

With the help of his servant, Qu Manman took off all his clothes.

The back that was still skinny last month, after a month of training, a layer of subcutaneous fat has appeared, but it is still a bit worse than normal people.

Tong Li's eyes became cold, he held his breath and concentrated, his index finger and middle finger merged into one, mobilizing a trace of spiritual power in his body, and the fingertip with spiritual energy fell on the straight cervical spine.

Swipe slowly to help her comb the main veins.

Then, at the fastest speed, I started to stitch!
Tong Li was still observing while stitching, but the speed was much faster than last time.

Qu Manman closed his eyes and stretched his brows, as if he enjoyed the acupuncture very much.

I don't know if it's her own illusion, but she could clearly feel the coolness on her back just now, which is very comfortable.

But that feeling flashed too fast, it may also be my own psychological effect.

Tong Li was very willing this time, injecting a little bit of spiritual power into her with each injection, and she couldn't bear it if it was too much.

She guides the aura with golden needles and connects to the abolished main channel. After receiving the aura, the main channel in the body is expanding and growing at an extremely fast speed, and finally stabilized.

As long as this one can be recovered, the rest can be treated slowly with medication, and it is only a matter of time to restore upright walking.

Qu Manman seemed to feel something, she moved her fingers, and was surprised to find that she could move all five fingers.

Before she had time to be happy, she heard Tong Li say: "Don't move around, it's not stable enough."

The frightened Qu Manman loosened her fingers, her voice choked with sobs: "Yes."

She wasn't in pain, she was crying with joy.

She can move all ten fingers, such a great phenomenon, how can it not make her happy, how can it not make her excited.

Tong Li had to wait another half an hour after the needle was done. She walked aside, picked up the paper and pen on the table, and wrote down a few prescriptions.

After finishing writing, she, who had nothing to do, remembered the agreement she signed with Pei Jiuyin yesterday.

He took out his phone from his bag to look, and found Pei Jiuyin's phone number in the address book.

Clumsily wrote a few words on it: "Today, the Qu family is treating you, read it." '

After pressing a few words, she sent it directly, and she didn't want to write any more words.

After sending the message, the person on the other side didn't reply, probably because he hasn't woken up yet.

She took a picture of two prescriptions and sent them to Qu Rui so that he could prepare them in advance.

But no matter what she did, it just couldn't be sent. She didn't want to use the mobile phone. This thing was very useless in her hands. Apart from a lot of burdens, it was completely useless.

"What is sister doing?" Qu Manman was lying on the bed, seeing that she was about to smash her phone in a hurry, so she plucked up the courage to ask.

Tong Li seemed to be angry, and clicked randomly on the phone: "Nothing, Qu Rui who wanted to send something, but couldn't."

Qu Manman: "?"

Can't send it?

"Sister, can you show me?"

Tong Li's eyes fell on her, and after thinking about it, it's not impossible.

She got up and took the mobile phone in front of Qu Manman. Under Qu Manman's guidance, she finally sent the two prescriptions successfully.

I have to admit that she is not as good as a little girl in front of the mobile phone.

She admits.

(End of this chapter)

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