Chapter 184 People in Zhongguancun
As soon as the information was sent, there was a phone call immediately.

Tong Li pressed the answer button, and there was an eager greeting.

"Tong Li, you're awake."

Tong Li: "Yes."

"The two prescriptions just now, you are going to prepare the above medicines, and you will need to use them in a few days."

Qu Rui: "Okay."

"Are you in the Qu family now?"

Tong Li: "Yes."

"Wait there a moment, I'll go over now."

After finishing talking over there, before Tong Li could say anything, she hung up the phone.

After Qu Rui hung up the phone, he went back to the living room and told his family, then hurried outside.

Grapefruit brought out a plate of fruit from the kitchen, and when she came out to see that no one was there, she screamed angrily.

When Qu Rui rushed to Mrs. Qu's house, Tong Li had already pulled out the needle and was explaining some practice matters to the Qu family.

When she saw Qu Rui, the lady of the Qu family smiled and said hello: "Xiao Rui is here."

"Second aunt." Qu Rui nodded to her.

His eyes fell on Tong Li, and he couldn't look away.

They hadn't been able to enter the building since that time, and they didn't know what was going on with her.

To judge whether she is okay, I can only analyze the data monitored by Pei Jiuyin's mobile phone, but I can't feel relieved if I don't see anyone.

Today I finally saw the person come out safe and sound.

Mrs. Qu was sharp-eyed, she saw what they had to say, she stood up and said, "You guys talk first, I'll go and see Manman."

After Mrs. Qu went upstairs, Qu Rui walked up to her and sat down: "When did you wake up?"


Qu Rui nodded: "Just wake up."

Then he asked about Qu Manman's situation: "How is Manman's situation?"

"It's okay, but it's delayed for a month, and the progress will be slower."

"Don't worry, I will get back the time I wasted for a month."

Qu Rui smiled: "That's not necessary, you just woke up, so it's important to take care of yourself."

But judging from Tong Li's expression, this month has not been bad.

"By the way, Zhao Deyi contacted me. He wants you to see what kind of poison he has. Can you help him get rid of it?"

The two looked at each other, and Tong Li said calmly, "No hurry, let him worry for a few more days."

"Hmm!" Qu Rui's lips raised slightly, and he smiled knowingly. Tong Li thought the same as him: Zhao Deyi didn't believe them at the beginning, but now those two people probably won't help, so he turned to find them.

He has to be anxious, preferably until he is in a hurry, then we can negotiate terms, right?

Qu Rui was about to say something else when Tong Li's cell phone rang.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin woke up, he saw that the bedside was empty, and he, who had never gotten up angry before, lost his temper on the bed for the first time.

But when he saw the phone, there was an extra text message, and the angry sulking just now disappeared in a flash.

He immediately called Tong Li with a smile.

"Hey, are you done?"

"not yet."

Qu Rui watched Tong Li's indifferent face soften, and felt sour in his heart.

You don't need to guess who the one on the other side is.

The two didn't chat for long, Tong Li hung up the phone, and before Qu Rui could speak, her phone rang again.

It was Yi Jianzhou calling.

His boss is very willful, and his whereabouts are often erratic. He disappears for a month. When someone appears, he must seize the opportunity.

As soon as Tong Li got connected, she couldn't wait to say: "Master Tong, are you done with your work?"

The voice on the other side seemed to be very anxious. She originally wanted to go to the pharmacy later, but if there was something urgent, she could only postpone the trip to the pharmacy.

Tong Li glanced at Qu Rui: "I just finished my work, what's the matter?"

Yi Jianzhou said anxiously: "The two orders I received last month have not been done yet. The situation in Zhongguancun has suddenly become serious these days. See if you can spare some time today to go and have a look."

Tong Li remembered the information he read a month ago, and frowned slightly: "Is it serious?"

"I see, I will find a time to go there in the afternoon."

Yi Jianzhou smiled comfortably: "Okay."

After Yi Jianzhou hung up the phone, Tong Li's phone rang again.

These three calls were made seamlessly.

"Hi." A soft and arrogant voice came from the opposite side.

Tong Li's voice was light: "What's the matter."

"Is Brother Qu Rui with you?"

Tong Li: "Yes."

Grapefruit suddenly refused: "I knew that no one could make him escape from the old lady's birthday banquet except you."

Tong Li glanced at Qu Rui suspiciously.

But running or not has nothing to do with her: "It's nothing, I'm dead."

"Eh, don't."

"Apart from brother Qu Rui's matter, I still have something to look for you. You have been missing for a month. I told you that there was also a supernatural event at my sister's side. When will you go and have a look?"

Tong Li said lightly: "Are you in a hurry? No hurry, I have something to do in these two days."

Xiyou bluffed loudly: "Hurry, why not hurry, you have been delayed for a month."

"I don't know where to go every day, and I don't do my business, so I have broken my promise, little sister." Xiyou muttered in a low voice, finally found an opportunity to bury Tong Li, and naturally she would not let it go.

"I see, let's talk about it tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Grapefruit's protest and hung up the phone directly.

"Grapefruit?" Qu Rui smiled helplessly.


"Why don't I call her back." Xiyou is not suitable for work. Instead of letting her make trouble there, it is better to bring her back as soon as possible.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Tong Li's eyes: "No, she has her uses."

Tong Li said so and Qu Rui didn't say anything else.

But I remembered her phone call just now: "Where are you going later? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Aren't you going to the birthday party?"

Qu Rui's smile froze for a moment, regret appeared in his eyes: "Okay."

After Tong Li left Qu's house, she went directly to Zhongguancun in Zuocheng District.

There is a lot of traffic here, and the people who live here are mixed, most of them are low-level people working hard in the capital, and the order inside is relatively chaotic.

It stands to reason that Yi Jianzhou introduced rich people, but this rich person likes to live in the crowded Zhongguancun.

The car drove into the narrow path, and not long after driving forward, their car attracted the attention of many people.

Every car in Pei Jiuyin's garage is worth a million dollars. In an impoverished place like Zhongguancun, when a luxury car comes in, everyone gathers to watch the excitement with amazed eyes.

The driver looked at the crowd in front of him, frowned slightly, and honked the horn.

"Dididi..." The harsh horn sound did not drive away these people, but attracted more people.

Everyone stood around the car body, exclaiming in admiration, guessing what kind of car it was and how much it cost, and some people couldn't help touching it.

The driver honked the horn again, and the group remained unmoved.

He stepped on the accelerator impatiently, and suddenly a child was pushed out by someone, which scared him to slam on the brakes, but fortunately, his speed could not be opened.

The child was lying on the car with a dazed expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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