Chapter 185 The Black Cat Blocks the Way
The driver resisted the urge to swear, looked back at Tong Li, and apologized deeply: "Sorry, Miss Tong."

"I'll go down and have a look."

Tong Li nodded. In fact, she didn't quite understand why these people are so obsessed with a car, which is just a means of transportation.

The driver looked very serious. He opened the door and closed it smoothly to prevent them from peeking at the people inside.

He suppressed the urge to beat up this group of people violently, and yelled at them: "What are you doing?"

"We're going in, please let me go."

The driver was a retired soldier. He was tall and burly, with sharp Guan Gong eyebrows, coupled with his fierce aura, his angry shout was earth-shattering, and those people took two steps back in fright.

The driver squinted and saw a brat breaking off the logo of his own car. This was a big deal. Did it move casually?
"what are you doing?"

He strode to the front of the car, stretched out his hand to grab the child's arm, pulled it away, and pushed it into the crowd, looking coldly at the group of watching melon eaters: "Who's child is not optimistic, you can afford to break it!" ?"

The child was frightened by his ferocious aura, and immediately burst into tears.

There was a lot of noise around, and many people began to point and point at the driver.

"Hey, let me tell you why you are like this. If a child touches it, it doesn't really break it. Why are you so fierce?"

"Yes, yes."

"It's great to have a little stinky money."

The driver ignored them, walked over to check the car logo, and made sure there was no damage.

Regardless of right or wrong, those aunts and aunts relentlessly accused the driver.

The driver gave a sharp look, and they all shut their mouths in fright: "A car mark is 20 yuan, if you can afford it, break it."

"Or if the child is broken, which one of you will help him pay for it?"

"You stole 20 yuan?" Everyone didn't know if what he said was true or not, but they all took a few steps back in unison.

A car logo costs 20 yuan, so the whole body of the car is very precious, and if it is damaged even if it is damaged, they will not be compensated to death.

"Second aunt, don't talk about it. The logo of this car is indeed worth 20."

A man in the crowd said loudly, you don't need to trust people from other villages, but the words of people from your own village still carry weight.

Children don't understand how much 20 is, but adults know how big this 20 is.

Suddenly, an aunt jumped out of the crowd, went up and grabbed the child, with great strength, the child flew straight up, and then hid the child in the crowd, fearing that the driver would come and settle accounts with them.

The driver looked at the group of people indifferently. The aunts who were shouting just now will start to hide their heads and tails, not daring to say anything. No one dares to be stuck in traffic anymore, and consciously give way to the car.

They can't afford 20.

Seeing this, the driver stopped fussing with them, turned around and returned to the car, started the car and left here.

After their car went inside, the people behind started whispering again.

"Hey, Sanzi, did you see that woman in the car? She looks so beautiful and looks like a fairy. I don't know what she's doing here?"

"Really, I didn't see it."

"I saw it too. Seeing that half of my face was photographed, I am really handsome, prettier than a big star..."

As the car got farther and farther away, their discussion became smaller and smaller until they could not be heard.

But some children don't listen to the adults. As soon as the car starts, they run after the car until the car reaches a six-story building at the end of the village.

The children didn't follow, and looked at the building with a little horror. After several discussions, the children dispersed.

The driver pressed the window, glanced at a child squatting in front of the gate, and asked, "Is there a kid named Chen Xuzong here?"

The child is about seven or eight years old, and he still licks the old popsicle in his mouth.

Chen Xuzong didn't know who it was: "The landlord upstairs told me to wait for someone downstairs."

"Are you the one I'm waiting for?"

Tong Li opened the car door, got out of the car, looked up at the 6-storey building, and moved her eyes to the little boy.

"Take me to find him."

The little boy saw a beautiful sister suddenly get down from the car, his eyes were straightened, and he forgot to lick the popsicle in his hand. Under the hot sun, the popsicle began to melt quickly, and after a while, a small piece of the ground was soaked.

There is no one who doesn't like to watch beauties, and children are no exception. He really thinks that the sister in front of him is beautiful, even more beautiful than the sister on TV, and he is fascinated for a moment.

"Hey...I'm talking to you." The driver frowned and called out to him,
The child regained his senses in an instant, recalling his appearance just now, lowered his head shyly, and murmured: "Okay..."

Finally, the little boy took a bite of the old popsicle, took out a small red circle from his pocket, and placed it on the door lock sensor.

Drop it.

The door lock opens.

"Sister, come up."

The little boy excitedly ran ahead, leading Tong Li up to the sixth floor. At the corner of the fifth floor, the child pointed to the half-open door: "Beautiful sister, that's the landlord's house, go in by yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little boy ran away without looking back, as if there was something inside that frightened him.

Tong Li looked suspiciously at the jumping figure, then looked at the dark room in front of her, her heart sank.

She walked up the steps step by step and came to the door. There was a smell of plant ash from the crack of the door.

Tong Li pushed open the half-hidden door, and it was dark inside, exuding bursts of strange aura.

She knocked on the door and called out calmly, "Is anyone there?"

No one answered and the owner didn't seem to be home.

Tong Li walked a few steps in, and after entering the entrance, he could see the whole living room at a glance.

The layout of the room was very strange. It was obviously a sunny day outside. For some reason, the host closed the windows and the curtains tightly, making the environment inside dark and gloomy, with lingering cold air.

There are small tables in the four corners of the room, two candles are lit on it, and there is a burning pot under it. There are paper ashes in the pot. It is obvious that someone is worshiping here.

Tong Li wanted to go in and check, but suddenly there was a 'plop'.

A black mass jumped down from a high place and landed right in front of Tong Li.


It turned out to be a pure black cat.

This black cat is black all over, its coat color does not contain any impurities, and its size is larger than ordinary cats.

The black cat's cat pupils were gloomy and sharp, exuding a faint fluorescent green glow, staring straight at Tong Li, looking very cautious.

Tong Li didn't intend to pay attention to the cat, walked around the black cat and continued walking inside.

But before she took two steps, the cat stood in her way again, as if trying to stop her from moving forward.

Tong Li looked down at it, and said coldly: "Go away."

The black cat meowed and took a few steps back, but it didn't walk.

It regards Tong Li as an intruder from outside, with a pair of dark eyes staring at the person in front of it, the cat's ears are raised slightly, its tail is frantically flicked, and its mouth is whistling.

(End of this chapter)

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