Chapter 186 Inexplicable Bruises on Body

This is the rhythm of anger.

Tong Li ignored its signal and walked straight in.

The black cat didn't seem to listen to the warning, its hair was blown up, its back was arched, and its pupils were slightly dilated.

With a 'whoosh', he jumped up, showing the nails hidden in the meat pier, and the sharp nails reflected a cold light.

next second.

With a bang, the black cat slammed straight into the wall five meters away.

The black cat meowed a few times, got up immediately, and wanted to run over to attack Tong Li.

"Xiao Hei back down."

With a roar, the black cat's attack was suspended.

Tong Li looked around and saw a slender man in his forties coming down from the attic.

Such a man wears a braised egg head, wears a bright red suit, hangs a tag around his neck, and wears two strings of Buddhist beads on both wrists.

Tong Li: "?"

The black cat glanced at the man, but did not put away its attacking posture, and still had a fierce look on its face. It kept making groaning sounds, and wanted to attack Tong Li.

The man was not used to it either, so he picked up the small leather whip hanging on the wall, and flicked it twice in the air, as if to hit it.

The little black cat seemed to be very afraid of the little leather whip, so it meowed and left the scene as if fleeing for its life.

Seeing Tong Li's appearance clearly, Chen Xuzong was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, coughing lightly in embarrassment: "Sorry, Xiao Hei has been away from home for several days, and somehow came back again, didn't he scare you. "

Tong Li shook her head, looked in the direction where the cat was fleeing, her eyes darkened: "Is that black cat raised by Mr. Chen himself?"

Chen Xuzong was stunned for a moment, and said: "No, it ran over by itself. I fed it a few times, but it just stayed here and refused to leave."

"It's strange, this cat has been here for so long, and has never attacked anyone, but today I don't know why it suddenly..."

At the end of the conversation, it came to an abrupt end. Chen Xuzong was afraid that she would want to explain quickly: "Of course, I didn't mean that Ms. Tong was recruiting cats to attack."

Tong Li withdrew her gaze and looked at the man in front of her with a solemn expression: "It should attack me"

Chen Xuzong: "?"

He touched his bare head, not understanding what she meant by this sentence.If you don't understand, you don't want to.

"Miss Tong, sit here." He invited her to the sofa, turned around and went into the kitchen to pour her a glass of water, the black cat's eyes on Tong Li repeatedly appeared in his mind, that cat.

Chen Xuzong shook his head, and brought the water to Tong Li.

"I didn't expect Miss Tong to do this at such a young age."

Tong Li: "Is there a problem?"

Chen Xuzong smiled embarrassedly: "Miss Tong, don't get me wrong, I don't discriminate against you. I know that there are some outstanding talents in all walks of life."

"I believe Xiao Yi won't introduce some messy people to me."

Tong Li remained silent.

Chen Xuzong continued to ask: "Miss Tong has been in this business for several years."

Tong Li's eyes moved slightly: "I started contacting at the age of 16."

Chen Xuzong wanted to ask again, "Then..."

"Mr. Chen might as well transfer the matter to you." Tong Li didn't want to talk about her own affairs.

Chen Xuzong heheed twice in embarrassment: "Okay."

Thinking of his own affairs, Chen Xuzong looked sad: "Miss Tong should have known about my general situation when she came here."

"Let me just tell you about my situation."

"I made my fortune in a funeral home. This business is not popular. I hope Miss Tong doesn't mind."

But he almost forgot that people deal with this aspect.

"You know, I know that there are many taboos in this line of work, and I'm also very careful, doing everything well, but I don't know why things have been going wrong for a year or two."

"Especially in the past six months, I think I often encounter and hear some..." Chen Xuzong hesitated to speak, looking around, as if he was worried about something.

"Miss Tong, wait a moment." Chen Xuzong stood up and walked into a room. The moment he opened the door, Tong Li saw several gods inside, and each god was lit with a lot of unburned incense wood.

Chen Xuzong counted out a few sticks of incense wood, lit them, and bowed to those gods, muttering something.

After a while, he inserted the fragrant wood in his hand into the ash altar, and added some wine to the offering cup on it,
After finishing everything, Chen Xuzong came out and washed his hands for a few minutes, making sure that every finger crevice was cleaned before turning off the water.

Tong Li sat on the seat, watching his series of mysterious operations.

"Sorry for the wait."

"Where were we talking?"

Chen Xuzong asked himself and answered: "By the way, at night I would inexplicably dream about those things coming to me, saying that they were cold and asked me to buy clothes for them, and they were very hungry and wanted to eat, and they kept beating me... Anyway Just a lot of weird things."

"There have been times when I've slept soundly at home and woke up the next day to be in a crematorium."

He almost scared the crap out of him, he burned incense and prayed to Buddha, praying that those things would not come to him again.

He has done everything he can, and the situation has not been alleviated, but has become more serious.

From the original once a month.Once every half a month, then once a week, and then twice a week, the frequency becomes more and more intensive.

Sometimes when I wake up, my forehead is swollen for some reason.

Such days made him unbearably disturbed, and he was about to suffer from a nervous breakdown.

After hearing what he said, Tong Li looked up, as if trying to see something from his face.

This person's face is bright, his eyebrows are slightly red, he is prosperous in wealth and luck, he is in good health, free from disease and pain, this is the luck that everyone can't dream of, he doesn't look like someone who is contaminated with filth.

If he was haunted by those things, nothing would happen to him.

In fact, from the information, she has already seen some signs, and today is just to confirm.

"Mr. Chen, have you been in this business for so long, have you made any promises to those monsters?"

"Promise?" Chen Xuzong thought about it seriously, and after thinking for a while, he felt dizzy, and his whole body was resisting him to continue thinking.

Chen Xuzong hurriedly stopped and waved his hands again and again.

"I don't know, I can't think of it. When I think about the problem, my scalp becomes tight and I feel very uncomfortable."

Tong Li looked up and looked around, and asked, "Mr. Chen's permanent residence is not here."

"No, this area is my house."

Chen Xuzong scratched his head embarrassingly: "I think this place is more yang, so I moved here. Not to mention, the few days when I first came here, it was the most peaceful sleep I have had in the past two years."

"It's just that good days can only last for a few days. In the past half a see." Chen Xu Zongzhong rolled up his sleeves.

"In the past half a month, these bruises have appeared on my body and my legs inexplicably."

He knew that these were ghosts, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't leave the gate and didn't leave the house. Nearly a thousand talisman papers were pasted in the house, but it was still useless.

Tong Li was slightly disgusted: "So you are dressed like a red lantern, just to prevent being beaten by those things?"

(End of this chapter)

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