Chapter 188 You Are Two Years Late

Chen Xuzong retorted: "I'm just investing and planning. The specific operation is done by the people below. I never touch it. There is nothing terrible about it."

"Heh." Tong Li sneered.

"But the money that goes into your pocket is dead money. Since you earn dead money, you have to do something for it."

"When you are in your position, you must find your job."

Chen Xuzong was about to go crazy: "I've done it, I'll send them away with dignity, that's what I should do."

Tong Li stared at him coldly, and her tone became sharp: "Really? You said you have been running a funeral home for 20 years, so what did you do when you opened the funeral home before? Why did you think of opening a funeral home?"

Chen Xuzong: "..."

Why open a funeral home?
That has to start with an incident 20 years ago.

20 years ago, he was just a bastard, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't eat anything, his business was messed up, he owed a lot of debts, and was chased around by people.

It rained heavily that day, and he was chased to the countryside by debt collectors, and escaped by hiding in Yizhuang in the township.

At that time, he didn't know what he was thinking. At the moment when the lightning struck, he swore to the heavens, begging the heavens to show him a clear way, no matter what he did, as long as he could make a fortune.

He is willing to pay any price.

He wants to be famous and rich, and make those who looked down on him regret it.

Let those people squat at the bottom and look beyond him.

Not long afterward, there was an inexplicable amount of extra money on his bank card. He thought it was someone who made a wrong call, and stayed in hiding all day long, fearing that someone would come and ask for it back.

Not long after, he had a dream, and the voice in the dream told him that if he was asked to open a funeral home, he would make a lot of money.

When he woke up the next day, his head hurt, but he remembered the dream clearly. At that time, the funeral home industry was cast aside, and no one wanted to do it, and neither did he.

So he didn't listen to the words in his dream, but instead invested in other assets.

It can be imagined later that the loss was a mess.

At this time, he remembered that dream again, so he threw all the remaining money into opening a funeral parlor, but he didn't expect it to really make him start.

Although the reputation is not very good, at least he is now the chairman of hundreds of millions, and the industries he invests in are constantly being embraced.

In the past 20 years, his career has grown bigger and bigger. No matter what industry he does or what industry he abandons, the funeral home must never be lost.

Only then did Chen Xuzong recall that the reason for his fortune was really the fulfillment of his muddled oath at that time?

Tong Li looked at him in shock: "Do you remember?"

Chen Xuzong's eyes widened and he swallowed, still in disbelief.

Didn't it mean to swear, just to give yourself a psychological hint?
Why did it become true?

He squeezed his palms nervously. What he wanted to say seemed a bit difficult to say. After struggling for a while, he finally asked: "Then what Miss Tong, can this be withdrawn?"

Tong Li frowned: "Withdraw?"

Is this going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?


When Chen Xuzong heard these two words, he was so excited that he almost knelt down to her, and begged in a tone of voice: "Then please Miss Tong help me withdraw, I don't want to be that soul transforming master, I just want to be an ordinary person."

Although it was unethical to do so, he couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body when he thought that he had to deal with a bunch of dead ghosts every day.

Tong Li looked at this person coldly: "It is true that you can be released, but from the moment you are released, you will be impoverished for the rest of your life."

Chen Xuzong: "?"

"Everything you have now is due to your oath. If you go back on your word, you must return it in full."

"And in your old age, you will be riddled with illnesses, your wife and children will be separated, life would be worse than death, and you will pass away in desolation at last."

"You will live a miserable life for the next three lives, and you will not live a good day, and you will die in the end."

"If you can afford the consequences, I can help you out."

There will never be a free lunch in this world. Since you choose to enjoy it, you have to pay. If you don’t pay after enjoying it, you will have to pay a painful price.

After Chen Xuzong heard this, he felt as if five thunderbolts had struck his head, and he was stunned. He couldn't bear the first consequence alone.

He has enjoyed prosperity and wealth for 20 years, now let him become poor and despised by others, how is this possible, it is better to let him die.


Chen Xuzong looked embarrassed, and wanted to do a dying struggle: "Miss Tong, there is no better way. You don't have to be such a soul master, and you can maintain your current life."

"As long as you can help me solve it, you can have as much money as you want, and I will give you half of my wealth."

Tong Li doesn't know what language to use to describe this kind of man, she has incomparable contempt and disdain for this man's behavior
Tong Li asked him back: "Do you think it's possible?"

"Soul Transformer, if you want to do it, do it well. In this life, you will have inexhaustible glory and wealth, and your descendants will be blessed."

"If you don't do it, you will give up everything you have now and accept the backlash from the contract."

Chen Xuzong was about to collapse, he beat his head angrily, the dull pain in his head made him calm down a little.

No matter what choice he makes right now, it is extremely difficult for him.

If you ask him, he will not regret the promise he made 20 years ago.

His answer is no regrets, no one doesn't want to live a good life, no one doesn't want to be a master.

If you really have to pay for it.

Then he: "Do."

His life span is only a few dozen years, and most of his life has gone. It is impossible for him to return to a life of poverty, and he cannot accept other people's cynicism, which is worse than death.

Besides, sometimes people's hearts are scarier than ghosts. It's not like he hasn't experienced it before. There's nothing scary about ghosts, it's not scary at all.

Chen Xuzong gritted his teeth, clapped his hands, and decided: "Miss Tong, I accept this appointment."

Tong Li was very relieved to see that he could think about it.

After making this decision, Chen Xuzong felt much lighter physically and mentally. Before, he always thought that some monsters and ghosts were haunting him. This torment and that torment turned out to be his own retribution, and he couldn't blame anyone.

But he still has a question: "Miss Tong, if I accept this appointment, what else should I do? Do I need to perform an appointment ceremony?"

Tong Li: "No, you are already in the appointment period, but you have been avoiding."

"Since you have accepted, start your work tonight."

Chen Xuzong was dumbfounded: "So fast tonight?"

Don't you give him some time to digest it?

Tong Li smiled: "Quick? You're already two years late."

Chen Xuzong smiled but didn't smile, it was indeed his fault, but he still didn't dare to face some supernatural creatures.

He looked at Tong Litian and said falteringly: "That...Miss Tong, can I trouble you to accompany me tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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