The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 189 A Girlfriend Who Is Busier Than Himself

Chapter 189 A Girlfriend Who Is Busier Than Himself
Facing this kind of horror is enough for him to drink a few pots.

If he was allowed to go alone, it is estimated that the soul has not been transformed, and he may be frightened to the point where there is only one soul left.

Fearing that Tong Li would not like it, Chen Xuzong hurriedly offered his own conditions: "I don't ask for nothing, Miss Tong will set a price for as much as I need, and I will give as much as I want."

He has nothing now, only money is left, and he is more willing to spend money to settle than his own life.

Tong Li stared at the glass of water, groaning silently, neither agreeing nor disagreeing, it was like torturing people to death.

After a long time, she raised her eyes to look out of the window, and said indifferently: "Yes, you can talk to Yi Jianzhou about the extra money."

When Chen Xuzong heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I will definitely not treat Miss Tong badly."

But he was also worried: "Miss Tong, if I touch those ghosts, will those evil spirits stick to me? Should I wear a red mandarin jacket, or bring a mahogany sword and gossip plate with me to exorcise evil spirits at regular intervals?"

He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of death. If he dies accidentally, then he will die unjustly.

There were only a few kinds of equipment for exorcising evil spirits, and he felt uneasy if he didn't wear something.

Tong Li was speechless: "No, I didn't ask you to exorcise ghosts. What are you doing with these? You will naturally consider this situation when you are selected by the Yin officials."

"And you have been entangled by ghosts for so long, can you leave a trace of yin on your body?"

Chen Xuzong touched his smooth head, who knows?He doesn't understand what is yin or not, and it is true that he was knocked down by a ghost: "Hehe, then I don't have to shave my head from now on, do I?"

"Why did you shave your head?"

Chen Xuzong confessed honestly: "The eminent monk said before that hair is easy to attract genitals, so I shaved him off."

Tong Li scolded angrily: "Nonsense."

The world of sorcerers is now in a mess by a group of liars who don't understand anything and talk nonsense for money, which is very harmful.

Chen Xuzong shrank his neck, startled by her sudden reprimand, "It's so fierce." '

"Miss Tong, when shall we start?"

Tong Li: "Start what?"

"It's to receive those...ghosts."

Tong Li stood up, straightened her skirt, and said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, they will come to you at night, but you'd better not be in a place with strong yang energy, except for a few powerful ghosts, other ghosts can't get in." Come."

Chen Xuzong smiled bitterly: "I know, I'll go back to the villa tonight."

Tong Liyu was not surprised and said endlessly: "No, just go to the crematorium today, no need to wait, I will take you directly."

Frightened by her words, Chen Xuzong jumped three feet high: "Do you want to play so big?"

Do you want to scare people to death by running to the crematorium all at once?

Tong Li's cold eyes were like an ice pick, poking at him.

Chen Xuzong's body suddenly became stiff. He had seen Tong Li's pretty appearance before, and when he was not speaking, he looked a bit like a master. Although he spoke bluntly, he was generally not aggressive.

But just that one glance almost scared him out of a myocardial infarction.

Chen Xuzong slapped himself lightly twice, and said with an apologetic smile: "Hehe, just kidding, just kidding, my fault."

Tong Li rolled his eyes at him.

Chen Xuzong turned sideways and secretly wiped his cold sweat, his heart was beating, his words were just an Internet term, who would have thought that she misunderstood the meaning.

Chen Xuzong quickly changed the subject: "It's still early, do you want to have a meal, Miss Tong?"

Tong Li glanced at the phone: "No, at eight o'clock in the evening, you go to the crematorium and wait for me."

Chen Xuzong was startled: "Ah? Won't Ms. Tong go with me?"

"I still have something to do." After finishing speaking, he walked straight to the door.

Chen Xuzong was left alone with his eyes wide open and messy on the spot.

Going to the crematorium by myself at night is very exciting, and my scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

After Tong Li left, Chen Xuzong's head cleared up a little, and he began to ask himself in his heart, why did he believe Tong Li's words so much?
After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, so I felt that what she said was what she said.

Tong Li went downstairs, and not long after getting in the car, Pei Jiuyin called.

"Tongtong... Are you done with your work? I'll take you to a place tonight."


Tong Li said bluntly, "I don't have time at night."

The corners of Pei Jiuyin's raised mouth froze, and the fire in his heart cooled instantly.

"Where are you going?"

Tong Li said calmly: "There is something."

The other end of the phone was so quiet for a moment, I didn't know what I was doing, and no one hung up.

After a long time, a slightly dissatisfied voice came from the man: "I want to go too."

"No." Tong Li refused without hesitation, without even thinking about it.

The place he was going to tonight was really not suitable for him, and the ghosts he just stood at the door would not dare to come over.

"Why, I haven't seen you for 6 hours. If you don't come back at night, you still don't let me go to you. What if I am in danger again?"

Pei Jiuyin's voice was mixed with grievance and resentment, as if he had been greatly wronged. If others saw him like this, they would be surprised, but this man pretended very well in front of outsiders.

When there are outsiders, she is as arrogant as a cold plum, but in front of Tong Li, she immediately becomes weak and helpless, like a little daughter-in-law, making Tong Li unable to swear even if she wants to.

Tong Li resisted the urge to hold his forehead: "There is no reason, I just lead people to do it, there is no danger, you go home after get off work, I will go back later."

Pei Jiuyin choked suddenly: "..."

What is it like to have a girlfriend who is busier than yourself, that is, except for sleeping from morning to night, you can't touch anyone at all.


At eight o'clock in the evening, the night was pitch black, with the crematorium as the center, radiating to a radius of ten miles, and the surrounding environment was extremely quiet and gloomy.

Even the wind blowing here is more fierce than in the city.

Rusting... A gust of cold wind blows in the woods from time to time, coupled with the rustling sound, it makes people feel even more creepy.

The driver drove Tong Li to the gate of the crematorium.

It is located in the suburbs, sparsely populated, except for the staff here, even dogs do not come.

It was really unusual for a luxury car to arrive at night.

She made an appointment with Chen Xuzong at eight o'clock, and Tong Li ordered to come over.

Now it's past 8:00, and I haven't seen anyone yet, so I'm afraid I just ran away.

The two waited quietly in the car, and 10 minutes later, Chen Xuzong still hadn't come.

The staff inside saw a car appearing outside from the surveillance, and they thought there was something wrong, so they came out to ask.

However, just as the staff wanted to touch the vehicle, they were blocked by the driver of the vehicle.

The staff couldn't ask anything, just told them to leave as soon as possible.

This is not a good place. I park my car here in the middle of the night, do I want to scare them to death or to scare myself to death?
Tong Li waited in the car for another half an hour, and from the look on her face, she was already very impatient.

"Wait another 10 minutes, or leave if you don't come in 10 minutes."

"Okay." The driver replied.

(End of this chapter)

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