The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 193 Boss ran away?And ran away happily.

Chapter 193 Boss ran away?And ran away happily.

Tong Li's car took Chen Xuzong to a place where he could take a taxi, and put him down.

Chen Xuzong thanked Tong Li repeatedly, and asked for Tong Li's phone number cheekily, so that he could contact him in time in case he encountered problems in this regard in the future.

After all, I often walk by the river, and there are always times when my shoes get wet. If such a big guy doesn't hold his thighs tightly now, when will he wait?

After leaving Chen Xuzong behind, the driver directly drove the car home. Regarding Tong Li's matter, he didn't ask much, let alone talk too much, he just drove.

The car drove for a long time, and it was past 12 o'clock when I got home.

As soon as Tong Li entered, she realized that Pei Jiuyin hadn't come back yet.

Looking at the empty room, I feel a little strange. It's late now, where did people go when they were not at home?
Suddenly thinking of the phone call in the afternoon, are you angry?
Just because he was not allowed to follow?

Tong Li weighed the mobile phone in his hand, thinking whether to make a call to express condolences.

But after thinking about it, it shouldn't be such a small matter.

She pondered Pei Jiuyin's attitude over and over again, she knew that under this man's cold and arrogant appearance, there was a childish heart.

Think it's possible.

Sad people.

Tong Li came to sit on the sofa, hesitated and decided to call and ask.

Beep...the phone is dialed.

On the other side, Pei Jiuyin's eyes were almost cross-eyed, but he couldn't see the phone ringing.

He made so many calls at 10 o'clock and didn't answer any of them.

He is angry, he has a temper too!
You can't always let him go along with a shy face.

So, knowing that what I thought was wrong, I didn't fight.


Gritting his teeth, he endured until Tong Li called.

It's just that when there was no movement at 12 o'clock, he began to keep thinking about it, calling Tong Li a heartless woman.

They just signed the agreement yesterday, but they ignored him today. Sure enough, even if a woman signed her name, she couldn't count.

Just when he was about to be blown up by himself, there finally came a call.

This was a rare call, and Pei Jiuyin wanted her to wait a little longer before answering.

But when the third sound came, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Hello." Pei Jiuyin pressed the corner of his mouth. He was too excited, afraid that if he accidentally laughed, he would lose face.

"Why aren't you at home?" Tong Li asked in a very formulaic voice without much ups and downs.

But for those who have never been greeted, it is like getting a priceless treasure.


Originally, he wanted to say that he was busy tonight and wouldn't go back, but after thinking about it, he couldn't sleep well without Tong Li.

It's my own fault if I don't go back, so I changed my words temporarily: "I still have something to do, so I'll go back later, if you..."

When the words came to his lips, he braked in time: "Wait for me to come back."

If he let her sleep first, she would definitely sleep.

He also had to let her wait for him for a while.

"Oh, I know."

Tong Li hung up the phone, and pondered for a while on the sofa, why did she hear that there seemed to be secretly happy?
Are you angry?
Forget it, this man's mind is difficult to understand, she is too lazy to guess.

Tong Li threw the phone on the table, got up and went upstairs to take a shower.

After Pei Jiuyin hung up the phone, he was so happy that the corners of his mouth almost went to the back of his head.

This phone call gave him a feeling that he had finally come to his senses, after all, it was not easy for Tong Li to put his mind at ease.

Indeed, without what happened yesterday, Tong Li would never have thought that Pei Jiuyin would come back?at home.

In her opinion, such a big person can't be thrown away. She can arrange her own itinerary, and she won't interfere.

Pei Jiuyin locked the file, picked up his phone, and rushed home without stopping.

Secretary Qiao looked at it inexplicably from behind. He thought it was going to be an all-nighter today, and he bought all the midnight snacks, but what did he see?
The boss ran away?And ran away happily.

Then he should be able to run away, right?

Do you want to ask?
The answer is of course not, you have to run first as a respect.

Pei Jiuyin was driving a speeding car and walking on the wide road. At night, there was very little traffic and the surrounding was very quiet. Rows of high-rise buildings were shining with colorful lights.

Phew...the sound of a sudden brake sounded in the dark night, a few black brake marks were drawn on the ground, and there was still a trace of smoke from under the wheels.

Pei Jiuyin clutched his chest in discomfort, his face turned pale.

My heart hurts, it's hard to breathe.

He knew he was sick again.

With trembling hands, he touched the lining bag on his body, and took out a bottle of medicine from it.

He eagerly poured out one and stuffed it into his mouth.

The pill melts in the mouth, and the active ingredients are rapidly differentiated into the heart. The stinging heart is soothed, the pain disappears little by little, and finally returns to normal.

The carriage was unusually quiet, Pei Jiuyin suddenly felt powerless, and slowly leaned back on the seat, looking at the red light ahead, exhaling foul breath.

This is his second attack within a month.

The frequency becomes more and more frequent.

He didn't know what was going on, there seemed to be an unknown force in his heart, trying to tear his heart apart.

His heart...!
Pei Jiuyin pressed his beating heart.

If this continues, how long can he live?
No one can give an answer.

Pei Jiuyin rested in the car for nearly 10 minutes, making sure he was fine before starting the car and going home.

It was already 01:30 when he got home. Fortunately, the lights in the villa were on today because someone was waiting for him to go home.

With a tired body, Pei Jiuyin opened the door, and as soon as he entered, he saw Tong Li holding a small cake and stuffing it into his mouth.

Hearing movement outside the door, Tong Li looked up, and saw that tall and handsome figure, she swallowed the cake in her mouth, and blurted out: "I'm back."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin took off his suit as he walked, threw it on the sofa, and undid the top two buttons of the skirt.

This is just a very ordinary movement, but it is extraordinarily seductive when done on him.

Pei Jiuyin walked up to Tong Li, stretched out his hands through her small waist, and pulled her into his arms cleverly, smelling her fragrance, the fatigue of the day was swept away.

His tender and affectionate eyes stared at her smooth jade face without a single blemish.


"A little bit." Tong Li held the cake in one hand and the fork in the other, afraid of getting his clothes dirty, so she had no choice but to lean back.

Watching her fleeing movement, Pei Jiuyin tightened his arms. His eyes swept over her eyes, nose, and pink lips aggressively. When he saw a little cream on the corner of her mouth, he slowly lowered his head and stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick it. After a while, the sweet and greasy taste successfully made him frown: "It's too sweet, it's not good."

Tong Li: "..." Being manipulated by his coquettishness, he was completely dumbfounded.

The warm residual temperature at the corner of her mouth was still there, she subconsciously stretched out the tip of her tongue to lick it, and the tender tip of her tongue slipped quickly.

Pei Jiuyin's eyes darkened, and his Adam's apple rolled rapidly. Is this a naked temptation to him?

this woman...

Tong Li nodded affirmatively: "It's very sweet and delicious."

"Well, it's very sweet." Pei Jiuyin's voice was slightly hoarse, tinged with danger.

(End of this chapter)

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