The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 194 'Poor' shameless can't eat meat

Chapter 194 'Poor' shameless can't eat meat

Tong Li smelled the burst of hormones, and the man knew at a glance that he wanted to make trouble.

"Have you hugged enough? Let go of your hands."

Pei Jiuyin obediently let go of her, and hugged Princess Ren instead.

A pair of dark pupils stared at her affectionately: "Not enough, never enough."

Being suddenly attacked by him, Tong Li almost wanted to paste the cake on his face, but seeing his expression, she hesitated: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Pei Jiuyin froze, had he been discovered?
He pretended to be relaxed and said: "There is such a thing, thinking of you every day but not seeing you, my heart hurts so much."

Tong Li ignored his nervousness and twisted his body: "Put me down, let me see."

But Pei Jiuyin refused: "No, it's already so late, we'll watch it tomorrow, let's go to bed first."

"No." Tong Li disagreed, and insisted on helping him get a clear pulse first.

Pei Jiuyin saw that she was so worried about him, so he didn't insist anymore, put her on the sofa, next to her, and put his other arm around her small waist, not allowing her to be too far away from him.

After adjusting the comfortable posture, he stretched out his hand, and said rather rascally: "Look."

Tong Li looked at the big kangaroo on her body and felt speechless, but she didn't say anything, and concentrated on helping him feel his pulse.

Tong Li frowned slightly, looked up at his expression, and carefully helped him take his pulse.

"Did you take your medicine just now?"

Pei Jiuyin nodded.

Tong Li withdrew his hand and sighed inaudibly.

"Take a look tomorrow. You just took medicine and suppressed your pulse. You can't see anything."

Pei Jiuyin held her hand and kissed the back of it: "Okay."

Tong Li withdrew her hand but was held tightly.

The eyes of the person next to him became darker, and the low-key look was full of desire.

Tong Li understands too well.

"Didn't you just..."

Pei Jiuyin pressed her small mouth with ten fingers: "Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today."

Tong Li raised his hand and opened his hand: "Don't even think about it, sleep well tonight, and I will show you carefully tomorrow."

Pei Jiuyin refused, and lowered his head to rub against her neck, soaking her skin with hot breath: "No, I'm in good health, I'm fine."

Tong Li was not used to his problem, so he pulled out his head calmly: "I'll decide if you have anything to do, now go take a shower and go to bed."

"No." Pei Jiuyin still wanted to continue rubbing, and it was bound to spark some sparks.

But Tong Li will not back down on what she decides.

She stared at Pei Jiuyin sternly, no matter how much Pei Jiuyin made trouble, she would remain indifferent.

Pei Jiuyin looked at his cold-faced queen, knowing that this road was no longer feasible, and began to plan for another purpose.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"But tomorrow you free up a day for me."

"I'm going to take you somewhere tonight."

Tong Li: "Where are you going?"

As soon as Pei Jiuyin changed his clingy attitude, he sat upright and said solemnly: "My grandpa wants to see you."

Tong Li frowned: "Your grandfather wants to see me, why do you see me?"

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips and smiled, and suddenly felt that it would be good for his grandpa to meet him: "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to meet you. You are my prospective daughter-in-law. It will not be a matter of time before I see grandpa."

Tong Li frowned even deeper, watching him hesitate to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"I see."

"Then it's settled, you are not allowed to run around tomorrow, or I will not forgive you."

After the harsh words, Pei Jiuyin obediently went to wash up.

After he came out after washing the incense, Tong Li was still asleep, and Pei Jiuyin climbed into bed, and seeing the beauty, he still didn't give up.

His strong arms wrapped around Tong Li's waist, and he pulled them into his arms vigorously.

"Turn off the lights." Pei Jiuyin yelled into the air, and the lights in the room went out immediately, and the surroundings fell into darkness.


Tong Li: "Yes."


Tong Li: "Sleep."

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin continued to shout.

Tong Li was annoyed, closed her eyes and ignored him.

Pei Jiuyin might feel that he was suspected by others, so he gradually calmed down.

A few minutes later, Tong Li really couldn't bear it anymore, with a dark face, she took out her troubled hands from her pajamas.

Turning around, Mei Mou stared at the rough outline, and said viciously: "If you don't want to sleep here, you can go back to your room."


Tong Li: "Then give me some peace, or I'll throw you out."

"Oh..." Pei Jiuyin reluctantly responded.

Muttering in his mouth: "A woman who doesn't understand style."

Tong Li moved her body a little bit out.

Pei Jiuyin's black line: "..."

Is he so annoying?


When Pei Jiuyin woke up the next day, the bedside was empty again.

He straightened up like a carp, got up from the bed quickly, picked up the bathrobe on the chair and put it on casually, like the wind, ran downstairs to find someone.

Standing on the stairs, he saw Tong Li eating pastry with a small fork.

Pei Jiuyin breathed a sigh of relief, he thought the woman didn't remember what she promised him yesterday and ran away.

Tong Li looked up as if feeling something, and the two looked at each other, everything was kept silent.

Pei Jiuyin slowed down and came to sit beside her: "Why do you get up so early?"

Tong Li looked at the rising sun outside, and said quietly, "It's getting late."

The servant brought Pei Jiuyin's tableware to him, and then quickly disappeared from their sight, very competently doing so without a trace.

Pei Jiuyin picked up the chopsticks and picked up a crystal dumpling for her: "Did you forget what you promised me last night?"

Tong Li swallowed what was in her mouth and replied, "I haven't forgotten."

"when to go."

Tong Li came and went, picked up a piece of chocolate cake and put it on Pei Jiuyin's plate.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the cake and frowned deeply, the disgust in his eyes was self-evident.

"Don't like it?" Seeing his reaction, Tong Li was taken aback.

This is her favorite pastry.

Since others don't like it, then she will clip it back.

It's just that the cake disappeared into the plate before the chopsticks touched it.

Pei Jiuyin chewed slowly twice, pretending to be nonchalant on the surface, but in his heart he wanted to vomit quickly.

He doesn't understand how there is such a thing in this world, it's so soft and sweet, it makes people's brains tingling and painful after eating it.

Pei Jiuyin chewed quickly three or two times, and swallowed with a thud.

He quickly picked up the milk on the table, drank it, and the glass of milk immediately bottomed out.

But the nausea was still there.

Tong Li carefully observed his facial expressions, seeing how he was bearing the burden of humiliation, and those who didn't know it thought he was being tortured: "If you don't like it, don't force it."

Pei Jiuyin didn't speak, if it wasn't for Tong Li, he wouldn't eat this kind of food even if he was killed.

"You haven't said what time it will be."

Pei Jiuyin replied, "Around 4:[-] p.m., it's far away from here."

"Four o'clock." Tong Li murmured, then she can go to the pharmacy first in the morning.

"Okay, I'll ask the driver to take me there then."

"No, I'll pick you up from get off work early."

 On the 31st, there will be a [-] change, will you guys vote for me?Vote it Vote it
(End of this chapter)

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