Chapter 195 Did He Heal Without Treatment?

After Tong Li finished her breakfast, she took Pei Jiuyin's pulse.

But the strange thing is that his pulse is neither fast nor slow, neither sinking nor floating.

'what happened? '

This is a normal pulse, without any abnormality.

For him, it is absolutely impossible.

Tong Li withdrew her hand, looked at him solemnly, wondering in her heart.

"How is it?" Seeing the change in her expression, Pei Jiuyin didn't pay much attention.

His body knew clearly that he didn't ask himself to eradicate the disease, but only hoped that he could live longer so that he could be with her longer.

Tong Li didn't say a word, and the doubts in his eyes didn't diminish.

After a long time, suddenly, she tore off the collar of Pei Jiuyin's bathrobe, revealing her strong chest, and pressed her small hand on her heart.

Just this unintentional movement made Pei Jiuyin's warm smile stagnate, and the muscles on his chest tensed up instantly when he was touched by the outside world.

He could clearly feel that soft little hand pressed against his heart, which was warm and comfortable.

Although he knew that this hand did not carry any lust, but he really couldn't bear Tong Li's active touch, and it still fell on such a sensitive place.

Tong Li didn't know what messed up things were going on in his mind, if he knew, he would definitely beat him up.

She focused on investigating the condition of his heart, and continuously output a little bit of spiritual energy from her slightly warm palm. The spiritual energy centered on the heart, scattered more than a dozen thin threads, and began to explore around his heart.

After wandering around with all her heart, she was even more confused. The few extra pulses she diagnosed earlier miraculously disappeared?
Did he heal without treatment?

Should be unlikely.

It's also impossible for her to diagnose wrongly, so what happened to him?

Still sick last night?
Or is it all just hidden?

Tong Li couldn't figure it out, she withdrew her hand, but was stopped by Pei Jiuyin halfway.

With a slight smile in the corner of Pei Jiuyin's mouth, he grasped her wrist tightly, spread out his five fingers with distinct joints, and rotated around her palm as the axis, clasping her fingers with his fingers, and the two fingers were tightly intertwined, as if someone Nor can they be separated.

"Don't make trouble." Tong Li frowned, trying to pull out her hand, but Pei Jiuyin increased her strength.

"It doesn't matter. I don't expect my illness to be completely cured. As you said before, I am satisfied if I live to be 50 years old."

Although no one wants to live longer, especially with her, illness is destined by the heavens, and they have already sent Tong Li to him, so he can't ask for anything more.

Tong Li looked at him intently, and said slowly: "Don't worry, you won't die."

"Huh?" Pei Jiuyin was puzzled.

"I haven't found any problems with your body for the time being, and even the abnormalities found before have disappeared."

"I can't."

The angina he had just relapsed yesterday was so clear that it couldn't be a hallucination.

"Could it be your medicine?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No, my medicine can only temporarily suppress it, and it is impossible to completely cure you."

"I can't see any abnormality now."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

Then he doesn't know what's going on.

Tong Li thought for a while, and asked, "During the month I retreated, did anything abnormal happen to your body?"

"Anomaly?" Pei Jiuyin seriously thought about the past month.

"It was after you had a fever that day, we forcibly reduced your fever. When we came out the next day, the door of the room suddenly couldn't be opened, and we couldn't get in. I just stayed in the living room for a while."

"It didn't take long for my heart to hurt. After taking the medicine you gave me, I was fine."

"There was an episode more than half a month ago, and another episode last night, and nothing unusual happened after that."

Tong Li's eyes were slightly confused: "Forcibly reduce my fever? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask."

Pei Jiuyin tightened his fingers: "Do you know how worried I was about you when you burned more than 40 degrees that day?"

Pei Jiuyin remembered what happened that day, and his worries continued, "The day before you had a fever, a large number of unknown birds suddenly gathered here."

"A little kingfisher came in with a dozen other birds, and they transformed a dozen shapes on you, and finally the little kingfisher pecked you a few times."

"And then they all ran away."

"You start to have a fever at night. If it weren't for my higher psychological endurance, I would have been scared to death by you."

"Kingfisher?" Tong Li fell into deep thought. For some reason, when talking about kingfisher, the one in her office automatically came to mind.

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin looked at him in a daze, and slowly leaned his head close to her forehead.

"Fortunately, you came out safe and sound."

Tong Li was not used to this kind of intimacy, so she leaned back: "In the future, I don't need to worry about being unconscious, and I don't need to do anything."

Generally, she will slowly repair this situation on her own, without external intervention. Intervention will cause other reactions in her body.

Pei Jiuyin: "Yes."

Tong Li pulled her hand out of his hand forcefully: "Okay, you go to work, I will go to the pharmacy later."

Pei Jiuyin "?"

"Didn't you promise me yesterday that you would spare me today's time?"

Tong Li rolled his eyes at him and stood up: "It's fine now, I will spare time at 4 pm."

Pei Jiuyin grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Tong Li had no choice but to sit on his lap, slightly annoyed at his behavior.

"Don't fool around."

Pei Jiuyin was dissatisfied with his desires early in the morning, how could he stop so quickly, with a pleading tone in his words: "Let me hug you for a while."

"Just a moment."

Tong Li couldn't stand the soft-spoken Pei Jiuyin more and more, so he felt soft-hearted for a moment and didn't push him away, which caused things to get out of hand.

After being beaten up by Pei Jiuyin, she couldn't take it anymore, and suppressed him with super force value, making him go to work obediently.

And she packed up her things and headed to the pharmacy.

When the car was halfway, she changed her mind and said to the driver in front, "Go to the company first."

"it is good."

The driver turned around and drove the car towards the company.

Today was the weekend, and there was no one in the whole building. She walked alone in the silent building, thinking about Pei Jiuyin's condition.

Unknowingly, she came to the gate of the company. Looking at the closed gate, she rummaged through the bag, but she didn't find the key after rummaging for a while.

Just as she was thinking of other ways to open the door.

"Click..." The door opened with a sound.

Without any action, the door opens automatically.

Tong Li pushed open the door, but found a bird fluttering behind the door.

'Does it open? '

Seeing Tong Li coming, Kingfisher twittered happily.

Tong Li stretched out her finger, and the kingfisher obediently landed on her finger.

The little kingfisher tilted its head and exploded its gorgeous feathers, as if it was showing itself, wanting its master to like it.

 Push a book by Youyou, and those who like it can enter the pit.

  Hu Ping Zigui: Ye Shao is kneeling on durian again today
  [Almighty career beauty VS madly criticized as a fine male protagonist]

  Everyone knows that the second master of the Ye family is a sick girl, and she is really crazy, let alone married, it is not bad to live past 30 in this life.

  But no one thought that Ye Junye, 22 years old, was already the father of three children. He not only got the hall, but also the best quality. He would be crazy for her, mad for her, and bang against the wall for her.

  The former domineering president doesn't love anyone.

  The durian knelt down faster than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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