The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 196 Don't listen to the chapter, I will unload you 8 paragraphs

Chapter 196 Disobedient, I will tear you apart
Tong Li's eyes were fixed on its eyes. This naive little guy's eyes were clear and bright, and there was a wisdom in his eyes. At a glance, he knew that this was no ordinary little kingfisher.

She thought she kept it at the beginning just to add a little life to the office, but she didn't expect this gadget to be spiritual.

Tong Li carried it to the sofa: "You brought the same kind to help me that day?"

The little kingfisher seemed to understand, and poked Tong Li's finger with its sharp beak.

Tong Li turned it around and carefully observed it in all directions. This little thing's coat color is indeed quite beautiful. It has an emerald-like coat color and a long and pointed mouth. Whether it is predation or attack, it has an inherent advantage.

However, this thing usually likes to grow on the river border: "Why did you come to me?"

The little kingfisher can't speak, but it understands what Tong Li means. It spreads its wings and roams around the office, as if to say that this place is more attractive than its original habitat.

Tong Li looked at the happy little bird flying around, and said, "Silly bird."

Seeing that he couldn't see anything from it, he simply ignored it, stood up and walked in front of a huge fish tank.

It contained ghost fish that she had picked up from someone else's house.

The ghost fish was swimming well in the fish tank, but suddenly the fish body shook, as if it sensed danger, it shook its tail quickly, trying to escape from this three-acre land.

But as soon as it floated a few times, one hand pinched three inches below its head and lifted it up.

The ghost fish was caught by someone, and out of self-protection consciousness, it curled up its body vigorously to prevent the enemy from attacking.

Tong Li's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a dangerous and fierce light, and said unhurriedly: "If you twist again, I will take you to stew soup."

After hearing this threat, the ghost fish froze instantly.

Because it knows that the woman in front of it is a ruthless character, and she said she would stew it, but she really knows how to stew it.

Seeing that it was being honest, Tong Li took out a small dagger from his bag. As soon as the dagger appeared, the blade radiated a cold light, and the smooth and smooth surface clearly reflected the shadows of a man and a fish.

Nether Fish thought that Tong Li took out the dagger to chop it off, activated the self-protection mechanism, struggled violently, and cried like a baby.

It sounds very creepy.

"do not move."

"Keep your mouth shut."

Tong Li was very disgusted, and said viciously: "You bit Zhao Deyi, I just took a little blood from you to refine the antidote, if you dare to mess around again, I will tear you apart right now."

The ghost fish froze its body, bent in a strange arc, not daring to move.

Tong Li sneered, holding a fish in his left hand, and took out a ceramic bottle from his bag with his right hand, holding a knife and slashing its tail without hesitation.

The knife is very sharp, but the Nether Fish's skin is very tough, and as soon as its knife penetrates the skin, it shrinks back.

The knife just now couldn't do any harm to it at all.

Tong Li frowned, and made another slash, but the fish's tail still didn't see any wound, and didn't shed a drop of blood.

Nether Fish was trembling in his heart: 'You can't hurt me, you can't hurt me. '

A sudden chill down the spine.

Tong Li looked at the fish coldly, the strength in his hands increased, and he threatened: "Are you sure you want me to be serious?"

Nether Fish's eyes rolled round and round, and the scales on its body shone brightly, as if it was mocking her.

Very good.

With a bang, Tong Li threw the dagger onto the table.

Nether Fish naturally wouldn't feel that the crisis was resolved.

But when she saw Tong Li transforming into a powerful and lethal knife, it froze instantly, its head spinning non-stop.

This woman is a devil. With this knife, no matter how tough her body is, it will be divided into two sections.

Don't you just want some blood?
What a big deal?

It consciously rolled its tail and used its sharp teeth to bite out two holes.

Black blood emerged from the white tail of the fish, and the Nether Fish consciously stretched its long body, gently shaking its tail, urging Tong Li to come over and fill it with a bottle.

Seeing that it was so sensible, Tong Li didn't bother with it anymore.

Take the bottle to collect the blood drops on its body, and when the collection is complete, put it back in the water.

As soon as its body touched the water, the two holes it had bitten out just now instantly recovered.

The Nether Fish glanced outside, seeing that Tong Li was still staring at it, swam to a corner to hide.

Tong Li looked away, packed the bottle and put it in the bag.

The purpose of her coming back was to use its blood to refine the antidote, and she had to rush over as soon as she got it, and try to practice it before four o'clock.

The staff in the pharmacy are very familiar with Tong Li. In addition to being able to come and go freely in the pharmacy, she can even take the medicinal materials she needs at will without charging a penny. She is no different from half a proprietress.

The people below all speculated about her relationship with Qu Rui behind their backs.

Relatives definitely can't tell, because they have been in the pharmacy since they met.

Let's talk about couples, it doesn't feel like it. Although the two seem to have a good relationship, it is second only to the interaction between friends, and there is no intimacy between lovers.

So they are also very confused, why, the little boss will allow a girl to use their own things casually, they have only known each other not long ago.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, and if people go wrong, there must be plans.

Tong Li was not afraid of other people's suspicious eyes, and concentrated on picking out more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials. After picking out, she took them to the room, and closed the door to isolate the strange eyes from outside.

She dug out the previously used stove in the corner, put all the medicinal materials needed in it, and finally added the blood of Nether Fish.

The nether fish was mixed with other medicinal ingredients, and there was no reaction at first, but as the flame ignited, the medicinal ingredients merged with the blood, producing an extremely foul stench.

The smell is indescribable, it is even worse than the ten thousand year latrine.

She never imagined that such a beautiful fish, how could the blood from it stink so much?

Tong Li covered her nose and added a fire talisman. She suppressed the flame very small, to see if she could suppress the smell a little.

Ok!the same.

And as time goes by, the smell becomes stronger.

Gradually, this strange smell began to spread outward.

The people outside could bear it at first, but the smell became stronger and stronger, and they couldn't stand it anymore, so they sent people up to see what was going on.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tong Li standing by the window, and there was a medicine stove on the table. Green smoke curled up from the stove, and that strange smell should be coming from it.

She didn't know what Tong Li put in it, but if this continued, they might be stink to death.

The employee in the store smiled at her, pinched his nose and muffled his voice, and said tactfully: "Miss Tong, what kind of medicine are you cooking? It smells a bit strong."

Tong Li patted the smell under the tip of his nose: "It's a bit big."

But there is nothing to do with the smell, the blood of the ghost fish is just so smelly.

 Add [-] more tomorrow, please give me a ticket, I love you, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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