Chapter 197
The clerk smiled awkwardly and asked, "Hehe... Well, how long will it take you to recover?"

Tong Li looked at the medicine stove and thought for a while: "Two hours."

The clerk was stunned, he still had to endure for two hours.

At this time, Qu Rui had just parked the car, when he got out of the car, he smelled a bad smell, and the smell was still coming from his pharmacy.

As soon as he came in, someone came over to report to him that Tong Li was cooking on it, and the cooked food gave off a strange smell, which made them miserable.

They are okay, after all, they are their own people, the key is to influence the guests.

Qu Rui didn't say anything, just asked them to appease the guests, and appropriately reduced their fees as compensation.


After all this, you still indulge Miss Tong?They are very incomprehensible?

When has anything like this ever happened to a pharmacy?

When Qu Rui came to the pharmacy where Tong Li was, the smell became stronger the closer he got. He pushed the door open, and the sour smell hit his face.

Qu Rui subconsciously covered his mouth and nose.

Her eyes fell on Tong Li at the window sill, she also had a look of disgust on her face.

Look again at the source of all evil that stinks.

"Tong Li, what are you practicing? Why is it so stinky?"

Tong Li's face was expressionless: "Zhao Deyi's antidote has the blood of Nether fish in it, who knew it would be so stinky."

If she knew it was so stinky, she wouldn't practice here.

Qu Rui walked towards her: "How long will this practice take?"

"Two hours." Two hours won't work, she has to stop the fire.

It stinks unbearably.

After staying here for a few minutes, Qu Rui suddenly felt dizzy. It's not that he couldn't stand the smell, it's just that the unique smell made his head dizzy.

In particular, his sense of smell is very sensitive, he can smell even a little bit of smell, not to mention this smell makes people fascinated.

Not anymore!
"I still have something to do, I'll come back later."

Qu Rui found an excuse to slip away.

The guests in the lobby were already noisy, and the staff tried their best to appease the guests.

After Qu Rui saw it, he arranged for people to be at the gate and asked them to come back later.

In this way, Tong Li survived two painful hours amid thousands of scolding.

After the antidote was refined, it was directly sealed with a bottle without waiting for it to cool down.

Without the continuous output of the source of all evil, the air in the pharmacy was slowly replaced with fresh air.

Everyone no longer had to endure the stinky smell, they were relieved.

After refining the medicine, Tong Li gave the medicine to Qu Rui and hurriedly fled the pharmacy.

She needs fresh air too, lots of it.

Tong Li, who escaped, saw that it was still early, so she asked the driver to take her to Mingshou shop to buy a stack of yellow paper.

Chen Xuzong insisted on asking for hundreds of sheets of talisman paper, fearing that she would not draw them, so he transferred all the money.

She knows how to collect money to do things, but it's just so much, it's probably enough for her to be busy for a long time.

After a busy meal, the time came to 2 o'clock.

She originally planned to wait for Pei Jiuyin at the pharmacy, but she never expected to encounter this.

It's been a long time since I left the pharmacy, but I still feel the lingering smell on my body.

Tong Li sniffed the clothes on her body.

I have to go home to take a shower and change clothes.

Tong Li went straight to the bathroom after returning home, and Pei Jiuyin just came back after she finished her bath.

As soon as she came in, she saw Tong Li wearing a bathrobe, standing on the balcony drying and wiping her hair. Under the bright sun, her skin was like the thin wings of a cicada, shining brightly.

His jet-black hair fluttered with the breeze, Pei Jiuyin held down his beating heart, it was over, his daughter-in-law was so beautiful just by looking at her profile.

He tried his best to stabilize his mind, so he didn't rush over on the spot.

But wasn't she very casual yesterday?

how?Is this specially freshened up for tonight?

There was a warm current in Pei Jiuyin's heart, and he suddenly felt that he was not so self-indulgent.

At least she takes it seriously, doesn't she?
(Tong Li yelled for being wronged, we just think we stink.)
Tong Li wiped her hair, and suddenly felt a hot gaze behind her, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Looking back, he saw Pei Jiuyin looking at her with a smile on his face.

Kind of baffling.

"came back?"


Pei Jiuyin walked up, but was stopped by Tong Li when he was about to hug her.

"My hair isn't dry yet."

"Isn't there a hair dryer in there?"

"No, just let it dry."

"I'll help you." Pei Jiuyin took the towel from her hand, took out a stool from it, and asked her to sit on it.

Helped her wipe every strand of hair on her head as she wished.

His, his, is his, every hair is his.


Tong Li was going to be depressed. Originally, he expected to leave the house at four o'clock, but because there was an extra rascal making trouble, he insisted on delaying the time to leave the house until 04:30.

After getting in the car, Pei Jiuyin looked like a successful cat, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

Tong Li turned her head and looked out the window, completely ignoring him.

This man didn't beat Fang Jiewa for three days, so he will beat him at another time.


After the car drove at a constant speed for half an hour, Pei Jiuyin couldn't bear the loneliness. After observing that Tong Li's expression was the same, he quietly stretched out his hand, held her little hand tightly, and said, "Tongtong, my grandpa is very good." The advantage is that he is a little naive when he is older, and he likes to speak loudly, so he has no malicious intentions."

"If he asks any questions, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to answer them. Don't wrong yourself. Everything is up to me."

Tong Li: "..."

Pei Jiuyin opened the car drawer, took out a bag from it, and handed it to Tong Li: "You will give this gift to the housekeeper later, saying it is a gift you prepared for grandpa."

Pei Jiuyin seemed to expect that Tong Li would not be able to prepare anything. As a boyfriend, he had already carefully thought out everything for her.

Tong Li glanced at him, responded sullenly, and then continued to look at the scenery outside.

In fact, she doesn't really want to see any elders, it's not in her plan.

However, Pei Jiuyin insisted, and she agreed in a daze. It was only now that she realized what it meant to meet her elders, but it was too late.

When Pei Jiuyin saw her start to lose her temper, the alarm went off in his heart. He was afraid that Tong Li would regret it temporarily, so he didn't dare to say anything, but just held her hand quietly.

The car drove all the way, and at nearly six o'clock, the car came to the foot of a mountain, and the old house of the Pei family that everyone called was halfway up the mountain.

In the past, the old house of the Pei family was not here. Later, the old lady got advice from an expert, saying that this is a treasure land of geomantic omen that is rarely seen in a thousand years. If you move the old house here to bring blessings to your descendants, you will have unexpected luck.

After the old man considered many things, he moved the old house to the middle of the mountain, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

He even spent billions of dollars to buy a land with a radius of ten miles. Apart from Pei's house, there are no buildings nearby.

Moreover, the seemingly peaceful garden is actually full of dangers everywhere. Without the permission of the Pei family, outsiders cannot step in here.

(End of this chapter)

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