Chapter 198 Sudden Attack (Part [-])

Tong Li was sitting in the car, looking at the sky outside through the window. She didn't know if she was in a low mood. She felt that today's sunset had a hazy feeling, and the more she wanted to see it, the less she could see it. It's annoying.

Pei Jiuyin kept his eyes on the gate, as long as the car passed the gate, he would feel at ease.

Tong Li came back to his senses and looked at the majestic and magnificent gate: "Are you there?"

"Well, here we are."

Their car drove directly into the palace-like manor. Pei Jiuyin held Tong Li's palm tightly, fearing that she would be nervous, so he comforted her with a voice: "Don't be nervous, I'm here."

Tong Li turned her head to the side: Where did this man see her nervous?baffling.

But I have to admit that the Pei family's old house is really beautifully built. The buildings inside are a mixture of Chinese and Western elements, as well as some mysterious ancient elements that people can't name.

The overall look is solemn and grand, and some buildings have a sense of history.

The key point is that it is located halfway up the mountain. When you wake up every day and look up, you can have a panoramic view of the river below. Who can resist this view.

I heard that the river at the foot of the mountain was originally just a stream that was about to dry up. Later, the Feng Shui master said that the stream was changed to a river, which can accumulate wealth and increase blessings.

Mr. Pei Jiatai spent hundreds of millions to develop this creek into a river.

The car drove to the door of a large villa. The car just stopped. Before the driver could make a move, the long-awaited housekeeper opened the door first.

The butler bent down and said respectfully with a smile on his face: "Young Master, welcome home."

"Uncle Yan." Pei Jiuyin shouted politely, and stepped down with his long legs, instead of staying where he was, he went around the rear of the car and ran to the other side to open the door for Tong Li.

"Be careful." He put his hand on the roof eaves of the car thoughtfully, lest she bump into it.

Seeing this, the butler raised his eyebrows and looked at the two with interest.

The eldest son of his family has never been close to women since he was a child, and he and the old man have always mistakenly thought that he likes men.

It's no wonder he was surprised to see him open the door for girls so carefully.

Pei Jiuyin led Tong Li to the housekeeper, and couldn't wait to introduce him: "Uncle Yan, this is my girlfriend, Tong Li."

The housekeeper smiled and nodded to her: "Miss Tong, welcome."

"Hello." Tong Li nodded in return.

They were just about to go in when there were a few barking roars not far away.

A huge Caucasian dog is sprinting at an extremely fast speed.

Caucasus is the king of dogs, with a huge body and explosive combat power, and is notoriously ferocious and brutal.

She is fearless about all dangers, no matter how dangerous the front is, as long as the master gives an order, it will do it with all her might, and she will not flinch in the slightest.

When it rushed over with all its strength, the expressions of Pei Jiuyin and the butler changed drastically.

"Da Mu, stop." The butler roared at the galloping Caucasus.

Caucasus quickly rushed in front of them. It didn't stop, but stared fiercely at Tong Li, as if it regarded Tong Li as an enemy.

"Da Mu, what are you doing? Stop." The butler roared again.

But this dog is not from the manor, and it doesn't listen to the steward.

As long as its owner is silent, it will not stop attacking.

The butler looked around, trying to find out where the dog's owner was, but unfortunately he couldn't find where the dog's owner was when he looked all over the place.

Pei Jiuyin also found that the dog was coming towards Tong Li, so he stood in front of Tong Li and tightly protected Tong Li behind him.

Caucasus seemed to know that Pei Jiuyin could not be touched. Instead of attacking him, it ran aside, raised its sharp claws, and patted Tong Li.

Tong Li was not someone who was beaten standing up.

Just at the very moment, she pushed Pei Jiuyin away, clenched her fists, sideways to avoid the paws swung by Caucasus, and then swung a heavy fist, hitting Caucasus firmly on the head.

A click.

Caucasus was hit on the head, and everyone present could hear the crisp fracture sound.

They knew that the dog was in danger.

Under the huge impact, the Caucasus' body drew a high arc in midair.

With a loud bang, Caucasus fell heavily to the ground, setting off a strong wind.

It got up desperately, but its head was severely injured, and it fell down as soon as it stood up. After screaming a few times, it fell to the ground motionless.

Everyone watched it breathe more and more slowly, weaker and weaker, and finally stopped breathing.

Tong Li looked at the dog with cold eyes, she would not show mercy to anyone who attacked her, whether it was a human or an animal.

The butler looked at the motionless dog, and his heart stopped for a few beats: Dead?

Just now he was worried that Caucasus would hurt Tong Li, but now Caucasus was punched to death by Tong Li.

What is the concept of killing a Caucasian, at least he has never seen anyone who can kill a Caucasian with a single punch, not only a Caucasian, but even an ordinary dog ​​is impossible.

What's more, the Caucasus is a large fighting dog, which is top-notch in every way.

This one has undergone rigorous training, and its fighting ability is the most powerful among all dogs, almost reaching the point of invincibility.

Although she wasn't injured, if she was killed, it would be a big deal.

Pei Jiuyin ran over nervously, hugged Tong Li, and asked anxiously, "Is there anything wrong? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Tong Li clapped her hands and said calmly, as if she wasn't the one who was attacked just now.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the dog bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of hostility.

"Uncle Yan, who brought this?"

Dare to attack people, death is not a pity.

The housekeeper couldn't move his mouth, his heart was cold, and he smiled wryly, who else could it be?
This is a big trouble.

Before he could tell whose dog it was, the owner had already arrived.

Not far away, a stylishly dressed woman walked hurriedly with a group of people on 7-inch high heels.

Looking at the woman in a hurry, the housekeeper knew that today's affairs would not be so easy to be kind.

Seeing the person coming, Pei Jiuyin frowned deeply, and glanced at the butler, as if blaming him for not saying earlier that this woman was also there.

The housekeeper turned his head guiltily, not daring to look at him.

Guan Shangyi came to them and saw her pet dog lying motionless on the ground.

She pointed at her pet dog tremblingly, while her son guarded the girl.

Of course she knew how her dog had died, they had seen it all in the dark, and that was why she was angry.

Her dog was beaten to death by this vile woman.

Guan Shangyi restrained her appearance, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: "Who can tell me what happened, why is my Da Mu lying on the ground, still bleeding?"

A girl in her 20s next to the Caucasus ran to the side of the Caucasus and looked at its mouth full of blood with a little disgust in her eyes, but she had to pretend to be very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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