Chapter 220 Another World

Tong Li walked under the jade statue, took out a yellow talisman from his pocket, saw the hidden closed mouth of the jade statue with a pair of diamond fire eyes, and stuck it directly.

With a flash... a golden light flashed, the talisman paper was immersed in it instantly, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

When it was over, she kicked a few more times below, and the Shantong Jade Statue suddenly trembled violently.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he spun slowly and didn't stop until he turned 90 degrees.

They thought that there would be some kind of secret room under the jade statue, but there was no such thing.

In a direction they couldn't see, a red light flashed across Shantong's eyes.

In the next second, a milky white barrier appeared on the back wall.

Several people stared dumbfounded at the strange barrier in front of them, especially the two brothers and sisters Si Erfeng, they can be said to have grown up watching this jade statue, never expecting that there is a mystery hidden here
Looking at the barrier, Si Erfeng was startled and frightened, and couldn't help asking, "Miss Tong, are those children hiding inside?"

Tong Li looked back at them: "I don't know."

She couldn't sense what was going on inside.

"Will you wait outside, or come in with me?"

The three of them looked at each other, if there was a Shantong inside, they were mortals, and if they met Shantong, they would just give away their heads.

And they intend to find someone, but they don't want to risk their own lives.

After much deliberation, Si Erfeng decided: "Miss Tong, we don't understand anything, we don't know anything, and if we go in, it may only drag you down..."

OK, understand.

Xiyou hesitated on the spot. To be honest, she didn't want to go in. She didn't know what was going on inside. There was definitely danger, but Brother Jiu told her that she wanted to follow Tong Li.

She looked at Tong Li and said falteringly: "Well, I won't go in, right? I don't understand anything, I don't know anything, and if I go, it will only be a burden..."

"Follow you." Tong Li replied to her lightly, turned around and walked inside without the slightest hesitation, as if no matter what was in front of her, she could not stop her progress.

The three of them watched Tong Li walk in, as soon as she passed the barrier, with a whoosh, the barrier disappeared before everyone's eyes, and the jade statue slowly returned to its original position.

It was as if nothing had happened.

At the moment when the jade statue recovered, there was a rush of footsteps, and Mr. Ning, who had left before, suddenly came back.

He didn't look at the crowd, but circled the jade statue with his compass, as if he also discovered the mystery.

Just when everyone thought that he would discover the secret on the jade statue, he turned around and ran out.

It didn't take long to run back again, as if confirming something.

He didn't know if he had encountered some kind of problem, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper until he set his eyes on the three of them.

Asked: "Where is the woman who came with you before?"

The three stood in a row, shrugging their shoulders, expressing that they didn't know, and this was not theirs, why did they tell him?

Ning also could see that they didn't want to tell him.

But just now he clearly detected abnormal energy fluctuations here, why did it disappear as soon as he came here?

He looked at the jade statue again earnestly, but he still couldn't find anything unusual. He gave the three of them a cold look, and finally continued to search unwillingly.

Tong Li passed through the barrier, and a dazzling light hit, she subconsciously raised her hand to block the strong light.

After dozens of seconds, the strong light slowly dissipated, Tong Li slowly opened his eyes, and opened them fully after adapting to the light.

She was stunned by everything in front of her eyes. She thought it was some kind of cave and mountain mansion. In the past, those mountain boys liked to build these things, but it was obviously not here.

She seemed to have entered another world.

Here, as far as the eye can see are towering towering trees, shrubs and vines grow wildly, and some even climb to the top along the trunk, and the leaves are so lush that the light from above cannot shine down directly, making the inside Lighting is too dim.

However, there is one thing that is very strange. Although the dense forest covers the sky and the sun, there are no insects or birds.

Tong Li sniffed his nose, there is no poisonous miasma here, so why are there no other creatures?

This seems very abnormal.

Everything in front of her was full of mystery, she looked at it seriously, trying to find something strange in it.

But apart from seeing that this is not an illusory world, I can't see clearly at all.

Especially in the depths of the dense forest, there seemed to be many hidden dangers.

But she didn't shrink back, but took steps forward without any doubt.

The dense forest was silent, except for the clicking sound of dead branches and leaves when she stepped on it. The air in the shade was very hot and humid, and it would be uncomfortable to stay for a long time, but she still insisted on moving forward.

I don't know how long I have walked, but there are still endless woods ahead.

Tong Li stopped, closed her eyes slightly, let out a touch of her consciousness, and roughly checked the surrounding environment.

The scope of her search continued to expand, but the dense forest seemed to be boundless, no matter how much she explored, she couldn't reach the end, and she didn't find any living organisms.

Just when she was about to give up, her perception was suddenly blocked by a barrier.

Tong Li immediately withdrew her consciousness and ran towards a certain direction. Her speed became faster and faster, and the scenery behind her gradually became blurred.

Suddenly there was a click, Tong Li didn't know what to step on, and an object like a sharp arrow flew towards her in the distance.

Her eyes moved slightly, relying on her keen intuition, she flashed halfway sideways, and a sharp wooden stick brushed past her, the process was extremely thrilling.

Tong Li stood still, looked coldly at the direction where the wooden stick was flying away, and was secretly startled at such a fast speed.

Normally, when it comes out at such a fast speed, there should be a sound, but she didn't hear any sound just now.

She looked around vigilantly, and began to pay attention to this unusual space, but she didn't find anything wrong.

After some careful consideration, she chose to move on.

Just when she didn't go far, the earth's crust shook, and a claw swept from behind her with great gravity.

Tong Li had a premonition of danger and stopped in time, pressing half of her body down, narrowly dodging the big claw.

When I looked up, I saw a huge palm swinging down several big trees.

With a bang, the big tree fell to the ground with a bang, setting off a large cloud of dust and smoke.

It didn't give Tong Li a chance to react, and the next palm continued to slam quickly.

In its eyes, Tong Li is an intruder from outside, and anyone who comes in without consent will be killed without mercy. '

Tong Li stood upright, and quickly transformed into a long sword in his hand. This sword was somewhat familiar. As soon as it was born, it immediately sensed the danger of approaching the little master, and the blade began to emit bursts of humming. Looking at it, it is estimated that it has already flown out.

(End of this chapter)

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