Chapter 221
It is so unruly, Tong Li usually neglects it, but it really wants to express itself, thinking that as long as it shows its strength to the master, the master will know its importance, so that it can be raised to another level.

Tong Li took advantage of the gap to see the appearance of this thing clearly.

This is an ugly bull-headed elephant-body monster. Judging by its size, it weighs hundreds of tons. As long as it moves its feet, the ground will tremble.

And there are countless scale armors on its body, even in the dark dense forest, the scales on its body will emit shining light.

what monster is this?

Tong Li couldn't care what it was at the moment, so he raised his sword and slashed at the monster.

Although this thing is huge in size and has amazing strength, its movements are too slow, especially behind the dense forest, where many movements are hindered, directly suppressing its strength.

Although it can't do anything to Tong Li, Tong Li can't do anything to it either.

The scale armor on this thing was too hard, she slashed several swords, and her arm was numb from the shock, but the monster still hadn't broken a bit of skin, it was almost invulnerable.

Tong Li shook her numb arm, thinking that she was here to find someone, not to fight, so there was no need to fight with it here.

Then he thought about throwing his hands away.

But the minotaur seemed to see through Tong Li's thoughts, and roared into the sky, the whole dense forest was shaken, and the branches and leaves on the tree fell down.

Tong Li looked around vigilantly, and felt that its roar was definitely not as simple as venting.

Suddenly, the sky above the dense forest vibrated, there was a loud rumbling noise in the sky, a strange wind hit, and the clothes on Tong Li's body were blown away.

The relatively thin branches were bent directly by the blow.

Not long after, a huge strange bird swooped down from the sky and brought down a large leaf.

No, there is still a person hooked on that big bird's paw.

It's him?

That defiant brat.

The one surnamed Ning obviously saw Tong Li too. He bumped into here by mistake just now, and encountered this strange bird as soon as he came in. After a fight, he was caught.

He thought he was going to die this time, but suddenly the bird stopped attacking him, grabbed him and flew into the sky, he thought he would be taken back to the nest to eat slowly.

Who would have brought him here.

He looked at Tong Li, who was safe and sound, and moved his mouth. He originally wanted to ask for help, but seeing the giant beast not far away, surrounded by dead branches and fallen leaves, sunken in deep ravines, he also understood her current situation.

I'm afraid that she is also in danger.

However not.

Tong Li saw the person above, but she turned a blind eye to it. It was the big bird, the helper called by the strange cow.

One was enough, but now I have another one.

She looked into the distance, the barrier seemed to be moving, if she continued to consume with them, the barrier might disappear.

Her intuition told her there was an 80.00% chance the baby was there.

and so.

Tong Li ran away.

The man on the big bird's paw was stunned.

The bull monster has a bulky body and powerful limbs, but its moving speed is too slow. Seeing Cong Tongli run away, but it couldn't catch up, it screamed anxiously.

Seeing this situation, the big bird immediately swooped down to catch up. The dense forest has dense trees and the space is narrow. Compared with the vast sky, this place limits its speed by 90.00%.

But its [-]% speed is also very fast for ordinary people.

The surname Ning barely opened his eyes against the cold wind. Although he already felt that the speed of this bird was fast enough, the speed of the woman in front was even more astonishing.

Suddenly felt a sharp drop.

bang... bang... bang
it hurts.

Ning's entire face became distorted.

At some point, Big Bird had let go of him.

Fortunately, there are well-developed green plants here, and those strange-shaped grasses help him buffer a lot of pressure, otherwise it would not be such a painful thing for a while.

With no restraints on Big Bird's feet, his speed has obviously increased.

It shrinks its wings, and its body is like an unowned bow and arrow, flying through the dense forest.

Tong Li heard the movement of the bird behind him, judged the approximate location, swung the sword in his hand, and dealt crazy damage to her.

But this big bird seemed to be welded to a copper wall and an iron wall. She swung so much sword energy, but she couldn't hurt a single feather of it.

In a situation like this, she would normally not love to fight, but the sword in her hand suddenly broke free from her hand like crazy.

This silly sword actually went head-on, fighting with that giant bird.

Tong Li had to stop and yelled at the silly thing: "Tianyan, come back to me."

Maybe Sha Jian's eyes were red and he didn't listen to her at all.

One of the reasons why Tong Li's sword is ranked last is that this sword has a naive air, it's okay if you don't fight, once you join the battle, it's like a wild horse that has run wild, and you won't look back unless you make a fight with your opponent .

But it is also one of the most useful sharp swords. It can slay demons from the top and eliminate demons from the bottom, and it is very loyal to its master. Apart from being a little stupid, I really can't find any faults with it.

Tong Li supported a big tree, watching the Erque sword playing with the big bird, poking here and there, the poking made the big bird anxious.

Its powerful claws grabbed a piece of wood, fanned its huge wings, and used the tree to hit the sword body. Everything on the ground was blown to this side, but the sword had no effect, and continued to tease it.

The sword is a good sword, but this behavior is too cheap.

It was also its cheap behavior that completely angered the giant bird.

The pair of protruding eyes of the giant bird burst into two clusters of angry flames, clucking and howling to the sky a few times.

Tong Li's ears hurt from being pricked, and she thought it was broken.

However, it was too late, there was a huge inciting sound from the sky, she had already made the worst plan in her heart, and she just came to help.

Suddenly, the eyes fell into darkness.

Is it getting dark?


It was the helper of the giant bird.

She doesn't know how many there are outside, but to achieve the effect of covering the sky and the sun, there will be no less than 20 anyway.

Tong Li looked at her sword, biting her gums angrily, it was obviously the best time to escape just now, this sword has to fight for you to lose and me to win.

"If you like to fight so much, then I'll leave you here to fight."

Even if one is difficult to deal with, so many of them join the battle together, as if she has three heads and six arms, or a godless Buddha.

The sword was also stunned seeing so many giant birds.

Looking at his master again, he had already run away.

Although it shaved off a lot of hair, it still couldn't kill it.

Or give it a little more time, and it will definitely win in the end if it goes it alone.

But if so many come together, it is not sure.

It never fights uncertain battles, and its owner has run away, so when will it not run away now?

Silly Sword swung a sword at the giant bird, cut off the last feather on its buttocks, and then flew towards the master with a swish.

Tong Li looked at the sword that fled in the desert, and then looked back at the pursuers who were chasing after him all over the sky, he was really angry.

All the anger turned into one sentence: "I'll deal with you when I go back."

(End of this chapter)

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