The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 222 It was hit hard and withered instantly.

Chapter 222 It was hit hard and withered instantly.

One person and one sword ran wildly, she didn't know what those things behind them were, obviously they were species she didn't know.

If she had a flesh and blood body, she could fight two more, but looking at his invulnerable body, she knew how difficult it was to crack.

Once so many are entangled, it is no joke.

Now she can't wait to step on the Hot Wheels, hurry up, hurry up... just cross that barrier.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the barrier, there was a sudden roar that shook the sky, and Tong Li had a bad feeling in his heart.

The two guarding barrier birds came out from nowhere and swooped down to hit her head-on.

Tong Li had to stop, and slid back a certain distance to avoid it.

She was panting slightly, staring at these annoying things, this time it was really an ambush and a chase, and she couldn't even run away.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she glared at the sword angrily.

However, things have already happened, and it is useless to be angry.

Tianyanjian felt the anger from his master, and started to pretend to be confused at this moment, looking left and right, but he didn't dare to face Tong Li.

Tong Li has no time to worry about it now, her mind is spinning rapidly, thinking about what kind of sharp blade can cut armor in her treasure.

Perhaps the sword sensed the strong thoughts in the master's heart, and it slowly woke up after sleeping for a long time, and the fighting factor in the sword began to become ready to move.

It has been dusty for too long, perhaps because its power is strong enough, and the owner can't use it, so that it is forgotten in the corner. Is it finally useful for it now?
Tong Li felt a burst of heat on his wrist, looked down, and saw a bead emitting a hot light, it seemed to be recommending himself, it could.

Tong Li looked at the innermost bead, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, as if she was recalling what kind of weapon this bead was.

A flash of inspiration flashed through her head, and she finally remembered.

This is a black iron that gathers the aura of heaven and earth. It has been forged and refined for a hundred years. It is said that this sword is as fast as lightning and cuts iron like mud.

This sword was not what she was looking for, but a gift from her cheap master.

It seems that this sword must see blood before it is released, so she has never used it.

It came out so impatiently today...


Just you.

Let her try, what kind of sword was given to her by her famous master.

Tong Li twisted out the beads, muttered words, and then threw her hands into the air.

As soon as the beads had risen halfway, they couldn't bear it anymore and burst out through the wind.

As soon as the sword was released, a vision descended from the sky, the clouds suddenly rolled rapidly, and a bolt of lightning struck down in the distance.

The strong and sharp sword energy swept outward with such force that the trees within tens of meters were cut off by the middle.

Even the two giant birds that had no time to dodge had their claws cut off.

Tong Li's eyes flashed with surprise, she stretched out her hand, and the sword obediently returned to her hand.

Tong Li admired the sword from a close distance. Sure enough, the black iron cast is different. The sword body is light and convenient. Except for a few runes, the sword surface does not have those dazzling compositions.

The gaudy Tianyan sword lies on the gun.

Although this sword looks ordinary, you can tell from the cold light emitting from it that its power should not be underestimated.

Tong Li stared indifferently at the front, looking fearlessly at the menacing enemy beasts. This sword does look very powerful, but he has never tried it, and he still does not know how powerful it is.

"Then let me see how good you are."

Tong Litiao's spiritual energy gathered on the blade of the sword, trying to annihilate these giant birds in one fell swoop.

But this sword is very sensible, it doesn't pay attention to these prey at all, and doesn't need the blessing of the master's aura.

Tong Li immediately looked at it again.

There is no harm without comparison, and the ignorant Tianyan sword was shot again.

A powerful and well-behaved sword instantly became Tong Li's favorite.

She raised her sword and swung a lightning-like sword energy. The silver light suddenly rose, and the fallen leaves collapsed.

The giant bird in front was slashed by the sharp sword light. Those who reacted quickly escaped the catastrophe, while those who reacted slowly were cut in half.

Seeing this power, Tong Li revealed great surprise in her eyes. What she needs at this moment is exactly this kind of sword.

Seeing how powerful the master's sword was, it was deeply shocked and withered instantly.

Originally, it thought that it was the most outstanding sword, but when this sword came out, it easily cut off the giant bird on the opposite side. You must know that it had spent a lot of effort to cut off its hair just now.

With the blessing of a sword, Tong Li was full of fighting spirit, and rushed forward with the sword in hand, a flash of swords and swords, and he slashed at those giant birds.

The giant bird moved very fast, but Tong Li's speed was not low either. Taking advantage of her own advantages, she cut the giant bird in half with one sword.

It should have been a joyful thing, but in the next second, she saw that the giant bird that had been split in half turned into two resurrections.

Tong Li almost doubted her eyes, this is not some kind of monster, there is no magic energy in her body, how can she still have the ability to distribute it.

'What the hell is this? '

A few more giant birds rushed towards her, and suddenly her hands felt hot, Tong Li let go of them.

Baojian began to accurately snipe the giant bird by himself.

The Er Que sword stayed alone for a long time, and finally came to his senses, seeing the sword that was trying to kill the enemy, he also began to join the battle.

But this kind of undead monster has the ability to divide into two, so it can't be eliminated completely.

Tong Li turned her head inadvertently, and saw that the barrier was slowly shrinking.

I said in my heart that it was not good, no wonder the sword wanted to fight by itself, it was probably trying to delay for her.

Tong Li didn't delay any longer, and rushed towards the barrier. At the very moment, she jumped through the barrier, and suddenly her feet tightened. At some point, she had an extra hand on her foot.

The barrier disappeared.

Tong Li looked at the man who had hitched a ride and kicked off the extra hand.

When did this person follow her?She didn't even notice.

Tong Li stood up, patted the dirt on her body, glanced at the panting man lying on the ground, and ignored it.

He turned his head and looked at his surroundings.

The blue sky here is like washing, the clouds are steaming, the grass is green, and the fragrance of birds and flowers is floating around. Everything is like a fairyland on earth, which is completely different from the dull forest outside.

Here is another space?
What is it that has such a great ability to create two spaces?

Now she has reason to suspect that it was not Shantong who took the child away, Shantong is not that capable.

What the hell is that?
What kind of demon can control such a powerful gatekeeper.

Tong Li walked forward blankly, and the one surnamed Ning got up, panting heavily, he didn't know where Tong Li was going, but he was sure to follow her.

Tong Li walked without turning her head and said, "Don't follow me."

It's just the two of them here, and a blind person can see who said the right thing.

(End of this chapter)

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