The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 223 Two-headed man with different pupils

Chapter 223 Two-headed man with different pupils
The people behind heard it and followed even more closely.

After thinking for a while, he introduced himself: "My name is Ning Xuesheng, what's your name?"

When he saw her outside before, he thought she was an ordinary fellow Taoist, but he didn't expect her to be so powerful.

And in this strange place where people are unfamiliar and full of dangers, it is best to work together... otherwise

Tong Li ignored the man behind him and focused on her own route.

Ning Xuesheng frowned, feeling that this person was very rude.

Suddenly there was a sound of children playing in front of her, and Tong Li quickened her pace.

Ning Xuesheng followed closely behind.

They finally stopped on a small hill. Looking down from the top, they could clearly see a bunch of children playing and playing, smiling innocently.

Suddenly the laughter of the children below stopped abruptly, Qiqi looked at their position.

One of the children yelled: "Ada, there are monsters."

Everyone looked at them with horror, and fled in all directions, talking about the arrival of monsters.

Ning Xuesheng looked back, there was no one else but the two of them, so why did the people below say that there were monsters coming, could they be monsters?
Tong Li followed the child's chasing figure and saw a huge figure on the river beach not far away.

Ah Da, who they were talking about, slowly turned around.

Tong Li's pupils tightened slightly, what kind of thing is this?
He has a huge body, with the same limbs as human beings, but with two heads, those two faces are incomparably hideous and terrifying, and his body is covered with dense scriptures, and he has a pair of colorful pupils, as if he could Breathtaking!

Isn't this more of a monster than them?
Children stand beside monsters and call them monsters.

When that Ada saw Tong Li and the others, timidity flashed in his eyes, as if he was afraid of strangers.

He led a group of children and ran towards a small road with panicked steps.

Seeing this, the two immediately chased after them.

From the top to the bottom, Tong Li is more agile, jumping and jumping twice, and the speed is very fast.

Ning Xuesheng was a little bit behind, a lot slower than Tong Li, and when he got down to the bottom, the child and Tong Li had long since disappeared.

He yelled around a few times, and besides his own echo, there was only the gurgling sound of the river under the river beach.

He took out his gossip plate from his body, and took out the five emperors to calculate the direction.

After more than ten minutes passed, he couldn't detect it, which was impossible for him.

He is a rare genius in the family, who has reached a height that others cannot reach at a young age.

However, compared with the woman just now, I am slightly inferior.

Ning Xuesheng looked at the river beach, and wanted to go to the place where the strange man stayed, and see if he could find some useful clues.

And Tong Li followed those children to a small village.

There are vast arable land, green farmland, peach groves with singing birds and fragrant flowers, and countless graves.

It is full of breath of life, this is simply a paradise.

Tong Li walked into the village, except for those children, the giant just now was not there.

When the children saw Tong Li approaching, their eyes were full of panic, and one or two bold children picked up stones on the ground and threw them at her.

"Go away, monster, I'm not afraid of you." Although the child was already trembling with fright, he still pretended to be calm and resisted Tong Li.

Tong Li dodged sideways, staring straight into the child's eyes.

She walked over and picked up the child's collar with one hand, lifted it up, moved her lips, the fog in the child's eyes disappeared, the pupils became clear instantly, and then the beating of Tong Li gradually stopped.

Tong Li said coldly: "Have you seen clearly who I am?"

"Am I still a monster?"

The child seemed a little dazed, and looked at Tong Li blankly, obviously what he was looking at just now was a monster with fangs and fangs, how could it turn into a beautiful big sister in the blink of an eye?
Tong Li put him on the ground and began to ask him: "Are you the children of Taihuacheng?"

The boy nodded blankly.

"Where was the giant just now?"

The child blinked his eyes and asked, "What giant?"

Tong Li guessed that this might have something to do with them being psychedelic: "It's the Ada you mentioned just now."

The seven or eight-year-old boy didn't know how to hide his emotions at all. Speaking of their Ada, he subconsciously looked towards a big wooden house on the left.

Apparently that Ah Da was hiding inside.

Tong Li looked at this small world, and continued to ask: "Do you still remember how you got in?"

"I don't know, we were here as soon as we woke up. Ah Da is very kind to us, don't hurt him."

Tong Li lowered her eyes to look at him, the child was already enjoying herself here: "You have been missing for so long, don't you know that your family is worried about you?"

When he mentioned his family, the little boy's eyes dimmed for a moment, and soon he regained his clarity: "Ada said that we will go back after playing for a few days, doing homework at home every day, learning piano, learning martial arts, it's not fun at all."

"You don't have to do anything here, you can play whatever you want, I like it here, and I want to stay here."

Tong Li: "How many days?"

"How many days have you been here?"

The little boy thought for a while: "It should be a day or two!"

One day is white and one black is a day, but it seems that they have never seen the sky, so he is not very clear.

Tong Li asked a few more questions and then let him go. He didn't know the questions that were too profound, and it was useless to ask them.

She looked back at the pile of grave bags, frowned, and then walked towards the tall building. As soon as she reached the door, the door opened automatically without even pushing.

It was dark inside, and the windows were sealed so that no light could penetrate.

With the faint light, Tong Li saw the two-headed man curled up in the corner, he was indeed big enough, and he looked so helpless and pitiful when curled up.

There was no wave in Tong Li's eyes, she walked to the center of the house, and kept a certain distance from him: "Did you kidnap those children outside?"

The two-headed man slowly raised his head, his colored pupils flickered, Tong Li was taken aback, his face suddenly changed, and he picked up a ceramic bottle next to him with his small hand and threw it at him.

The two-headed man didn't hide, he raised his hand to block it, the vase fell to the ground, but it didn't break, the water in the bottle drenched the two-headed man all over, with disbelief in his eyes.

He has absolute faith in his illusion, but why can't he confuse the girl in front of him?
Tong Li's eyes became sharp, and she warned him sharply: "Be honest with me, don't play tricks."

The two-headed man seemed a little timid. When Tong Li yelled at him, he shrank his shoulders and dared not speak to him.

"I ask you, why are these children taken captive."

"You'd better tell the truth. Although your illusion is strong, it is useless to me. If you dare to play tricks again, I will dismantle you."

(End of this chapter)

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