The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 224 These Children Don't Belong To You

Chapter 224 These Children Don't Belong To You
The two-headed man lowered his head, as if he didn't want others to see his face. He was silent for a long time before he said, "These are my children."

Tong Li: "?"

He continued: "The people of Taihua City have promised me that I will let them avoid the disaster of war and drive away the invading enemies. They will offer twenty children to me every hundred years."

Tong Li thought of the densely packed graves at the entrance of the village: "So, after you kidnapped these children, you ate them?"

The two-headed man suddenly raised his head in shock at her words, his eyes were full of astonishment, and he immediately defended: "How is that possible!"

"They are all my children and I will not hurt them."

Tong Li reminded him sternly: "The child is not yours."

"It's mine. The contract they signed with me. From the day the contract was signed, the child they sent is mine." The two-headed man's eyes flickered, and he clenched his fists tightly. persistence.

"Who signed the contract with you, who do you go to, they can't represent everyone in Taihua City, and the parents of this group of children disagree, you have to return the children."

The two-headed man bowed his head again and remained silent, with an aura of resistance exuding from his body.

Tong Li stared at him, observing carefully, the two-headed man was not Shantong, but she couldn't tell what kind of monster he was.

She has no evil spirits in her body, her forehead is pure white and has no karma, but those runes on his body seem to be some kind of prohibition and suppression.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to persuade him first, and not to do anything unless it is absolutely necessary.

"What are you doing with these kids?"

The two-headed man didn't answer her, his eyes fell on the boy outside the door frame, that boy was the boy Tong Li had removed the psychedelic spell for, now without the psychedelic spell, the terrifying and ugly face of the two-headed man stood out into the eyes of children.

The boy looked terrified, his body trembling uncontrollably, obviously he had heard all the words just now. 'He was captured by someone, and this is no longer the sunny and handsome big brother in front of him. '

’ but a monstrosity with two heads. '

"You are not Ah Da, you are not Ah Da, you are a monster." The boy turned pale, with great fear in his eyes, screaming and running away.

The two-headed man Mu Leng shifted his gaze to Tong Li, and asked in a stunned voice, "Did you help him unlock the illusion?"

Tong Li nodded, which just happened to give her an entry point.

"These children don't like you. You just blinded their eyes to make them like you. Once you show your true colors, they will regard you as an"

Tong Li's words shook him physically and mentally, and his two big heads hung lower, wishing he could find a place to get in.

He also knew that his ugly appearance would scare the children, but he didn't want to, he had no choice.

He didn't want people to look at him with horror and disgust, he didn't want to.

The two-headed man covered his two heads, his shoulders shrugged slightly, as if he was crying, and an aura of world-weariness gradually permeated his body.

Tong Li could see that the two-headed man's heart was not bad: "Did you pile those graves outside for the previous group?"

"Are you also blinding their eyes and trapping them here to live a sloppy life?"

"Is that interesting?"

Tong Li recalled the scene on the river beach, and continued to express her guess: "Did you catch them to come and play with you?"

The two-headed monster's shoulders stiffened.

"Oh, sure enough, a demon is a demon. For his own selfishness, he trapped others here to accompany you through a meaningless life."

"The lifespan of human beings is only a few tens of years, unlike you who have tens of thousands of years. They don't even enjoy the outside world, so they are buried in your hands."

Tong Li's words touched the dark heart of the two-headed monster, and he suddenly became excited: "No, they are very happy here, have you seen it? There are many flowers and crops outside, and there are laughter and laughter every day. I make them happy I am already working hard to prolong their lifespan, they should be happy."

Tong Li refuted him loudly: "You are the one who is happy, you are the one who blinded their eyes and shielded their true inner thoughts, and it is you who let them be your puppets and live under your control."

"Monsters are selfish, and you will only think of yourself from the beginning to the end."

The two-headed man hadn't heard the word demon for a long time. When he heard this word, he recalled those bad things that happened a long time ago.

He covered his head and shook desperately, trying to drive away the voice in his ears.

"I'm not a demon, I'm not a demon, there is nothing good outside, but there are bad people outside, and they are all bad people with sinister intentions."

"How safe are they here with me, they don't have to face the intrigue outside, eat and sleep every day, wake up and play."

"I'm the one who's the best for them."

Tong Li snorted lightly and became more forceful: "That's just an excuse you made up for yourself in order to control others and satisfy your own selfish desires."

"Did you ask them if they would?"

"Did you see the real reaction of the little boy just now? He was afraid of you, he said you were a monster."

"Is this just your wishful thinking? You are different from them after all."

"Even if you have a contract with their ancestors, it has been so many years, and it is enough."

"Let go, put the child back."

"These children don't belong to you."

The four words 'not belonging to you' were firmly fixed in the mind of the two-headed man. His eye sockets were slightly moist and he opened his mouth to refute, but he couldn't say anything.

At this time, a four or five-year-old girl appeared outside the door, the threshold was too high, she couldn't step in, she could only lie on the eaves, looking at the two-headed man with big eyes: "Ada, I miss my mother. "

The sound of thinking about his mother broke the line of defense that he had been holding on to in his heart.

Did he start thinking about himself being selfish?

It's obvious that those people exchanged their children, what's wrong with him, he treats them so well, he only asks them to stay here with him.

He is too lonely, too lonely, his life is too long, he doesn't want to be alone.

After a long time, the two-headed man said, "You go out first, I want to be quiet."

After speaking, he got up and walked into the innermost room with his back bent.

Tong Li stood where she was, staring at the door in front of her. She didn't know if her persuasion just now was helpful. If he still insisted on going his own way, there would be no more fierce battles.

She turned her head and glanced at the little girl who was still in a daze. The little girl anxiously grabbed the corner of her clothes. She wanted to look at Tong Li but didn't dare to.

Tong Li walked out, the little girl's body tensed instantly, especially when Tong Li passed by her, the little fluff on her body exploded in fear.

It wasn't until Tong Li left that she dared to secretly look back.

I was afraid that she would come back suddenly and take him away.

The little girl glanced at the door of the back room suspiciously. Just now Brother Haohao said that Ada was a monster, but she saw that Ada was doing well!

But that sister, so scary.

(End of this chapter)

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