Chapter 225 Her time is running out

After Tong Li left the village, he wandered around and around, but found nothing, so he just admired the beautiful scenery here on his own.

Compared with the air outside, the air here is really better. You can see the blue sky when you look up, and you can enjoy the beautiful sun and clear wind when you look down.

It made her feel as if she had gone back in time.

She walked to a clearing, picked up a branch, and drew a strange figure on the ground.

He put a few stones he had picked up into it, and just as he raised the stones up for calculation, the stones suddenly exploded.

Tong Li froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect this to happen.

She went to pick up a few small stones and tried again, but the result was the same.

Tong Li looked up at the sky, and suddenly saw a string of flashing runes in the sky.

After looking at it for a long time, she shifted her gaze to the house and fell into deep thinking and reasoning. Just when she was about to grasp the key point, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, forcibly interrupting her train of thought.

Tong Li spun around, avoiding that hand.

Ning Xuesheng didn't know what he had experienced. He was in an extremely embarrassing situation. His body was once wet and dripping. His originally gorgeous suit became tattered. The beggars under the bridge were even more miserable.

"finally found you."

Ning Xuesheng put his hands on his knees and panted heavily, his complexion turned slightly blue, as if he had just experienced some catastrophe.

He had been watching well on the river beach, but suddenly the river swelled without warning, and the flood rushed him downstream, almost drowning him in the river.

It took him a lot of effort to swim up.

He sort of understood it, it looked like the wind was breezy and the sun was warm here, but there was danger everywhere.

Tong Li took two steps back in disgust, and looked at the man who came out of nowhere: "What do you want me for?"

Ning Xue recovered her anger and stood upright in an instant. Although her clothes were ragged, she could not lose her appearance: "Fellow Daoist, have you found those children?"

Tong Li nodded.

"That's good."

"It's all right."

Tong Li's gaze fell on the child playing with grasshoppers in the field stalks, and Ning Xuesheng followed her gaze, knowing everything clearly.

"Since the children are here, let's take the children back."

Tong Li: "Where do you want to go?"

The words 'go to the exit' came to their lips, only to realize that they didn't seem to know where the exit was.

They can come in because of that barrier.

"So did you find the exit?"

Tong Li looked at the green field: "No."

Perhaps the two-headed man is the key to getting out.

The runes that appeared in the sky just now should be related to his emotions, and everything here is under his control.

She could if forced out, but those kids?


Pei Jiuyin, who was far away in the capital, frowned so much that he could squeeze a fly to death.

Although he held the document in his hand, his eyes were fixed on a gray dot on the computer.

This plastering has lasted three days.

It stands to reason that this bracelet has undergone special treatment, no matter where it is, there should be a signal sent back.

But now there is no signal. Is there something wrong with their locators?
Probably not, then something went wrong with Tong Li.

According to the news from there, Tong Li passed through that weird barrier and then disappeared.

If it is in China, it is impossible not to detect it, unless it is not in the same space.

Pei Jiuyin seemed to have thought of something, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a mysterious number, informing them to go to Taihua City in u city immediately.

There is most likely a dimensional space there.

For researchers who have been studying this topic, they did not react much when they heard the news.

They have done so many tests but couldn't find it. The opposite is just a big boss who stays in the office all day, how could he know.

But since the boss told them to go, they had to go if they didn't want to.

After Pei Jiuyin hung up the phone, he called abroad again.


In the past few days, Tong Li had unraveled the illusion in the child's eyes, and since then, the two-headed man has never appeared again.

Maybe it's because I'm afraid that my appearance will frighten the children, but it's also interesting.

Now, besides studying the exit, she deals with these annoying children every day.

At this moment, Tong Li was lying on the grass, with several children rolling around beside her, the originally cheerful laughter became particularly loud.

Tong Li wished to throw everyone away.

"Sister, didn't you say you want to take us home? When will we go back." Although it's fun here, no matter how fun it is, it will get boring.

Especially these days, he really misses his parents and wants to go home.

Tong Li looked at the blue sky, wondering if she was dazzled, Pei Jiuyin's face stood out in the small clouds.

what happened.

Miss him so much?

There is a vague premonition in my heart.

Tong Li raised her hand to look, then sat up abruptly, the red line on her arm appeared at some point.

If it was okay at ordinary times, it would be a big trouble now.

Not far away, Ning Xuesheng was being chased by a group of children.

Ning Xuesheng was extremely aggrieved, he is a majestic man, and he wants to take care of so many children, and he is such a disobedient group of children!
It's so noisy, I really want to tie these guys up and gag their mouths, it's really annoying.

If that's all, he can barely accept it.

But why should he serve this group of little guys to eat? He has grown up so much that he hasn't even done any housework, let alone cook meals for so many children, three meals a day.

It's so hateful, these few days he basically stayed in the kitchen, suffering all kinds of tortures, and now he took a breath, and these little things ran out again.

These kids were coming to kill him.

Look, that woman is lying comfortably on the lawn watching the sky, only he cooks hard every day and looks after the children.

Hmph, this woman looks like a human being, but her behavior is really disgusting. Isn't it a woman who cooks and cooks?

Why doesn't she care?Ask him to be a big man to do it.

"Brother Xuesheng, don't run away, let's play hide-and-seek, shall we?" A girl asked innocently as she detoured to block him.

Ning Xuesheng was about to be tortured to the point of madness, and refused with a cold face, pretending to be fierce: "No, go and play with your brother."

The little girl was not afraid of his stinky face, grabbed his hand and began to act like a spoiled child: "No, I don't play with my brother at all."

Immediately after two, three, and four, there were countless sevens, eights, nines, grabbing his clothes, and Ning Xue looked at the sky unrequitedly, what crime did he do to bring a group of children.

He wanted to ask Tong Li for help, but when he looked up, he found that he was no longer there.

Ning Xuesheng looked left and right, but he couldn't find anyone. He could only hear the sound of children's play. His strength was drained in an instant, and he was paralyzed.

Tong Li was running on the trail, she knew she couldn't wait long, her medicine hadn't been brought in, and Pei Jiuyin wasn't there, she had to get out as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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