Chapter 226 The Hope of Going Home

Originally, she wanted to avoid conflicts as much as possible and give the two-headed man more time to think clearly, but she didn't expect the time here to pass so quickly.

No matter what happened today, he had to make a decision, and if he couldn't do it, he would fight.

Tong Li's figure was swaying in the mountains, she knew that the two-headed man would secretly watch the child in a corner every day, and it was not difficult to find him.

But today, the two-headed man seemed to be against her. She searched several places but couldn't find it.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed behind him, and Tong Li chased after him without thinking.

The speed of the two-headed man was so fast that he could hardly see his shadow clearly. Tong Li was chasing after him, and today he was bound to catch up to him and ask him something.

He ran, she chased, he couldn't fly.

In the end, Tong Li intercepted him in a peach grove, and came up and made it clear: "Run? Is it useful?"

Don't you know that monks can't run away from the temple if they run away?

"I've given you enough time, have you thought about it, let the child go home, or."

Tong Li's eyes darkened slightly: "Kill you, I will take the child home."

The two-headed man was frightened and at a loss by her words, looking helpless and hesitant.

Ask him to put the baby back, he doesn't want to.

But the woman in front of him is pressing him every step of the way, what should he do?

What can he do?
Seeing his indecisive appearance, Tong Li became impatient, and his words were not as polite as before, raising his voice a few degrees: "Have you decided yet?"

Such a big man, yet cowardly like this.

The two-headed man curled his lips and said with a wry smile: "I, I. Is there no other way?"

"Or leave me a few minutes"

Tong Li's attitude is very firm: "No, all children must go home."

The two-headed man pursed his lips, lowered his head, a sharp light flashed from the corner of his eyes, and said in a muffled voice, "I see."

Hearing his answer, Tong Li was slightly relieved, but she couldn't take it lightly: "Where is the exit?"

There is no export, and it is useless to say more.

At this moment, the two-headed man fell silent again, and Tong Li suddenly felt dizzy for some reason.

A slightly cool breeze blew, and her mind was instantly cleared up.

She was still in a daze when she just came back to her senses, but when she reacted, Jiaoli's face instantly became gloomy.

Tong Li knew it was his hands and feet, she bent down and picked up a piece of wood on the ground, weighed it twice, and threw it towards the two-headed monster with a vigorous shake of her hand.

The two-headed monster didn't hide from the 'bang', and honestly took the board.

Hearing that sound, one knew that the smashing was serious.

Seeing that he was unharmed, Tong Li's face became even more ugly. She used half of her strength, and most people would have been knocked down by her, but this man just shook his body.

Tong Li glared at him and warned him: "Don't play tricks on me."

"Open the exit immediately."

The two-headed man squatted down and put his arms around his knees, trying to wrap himself up, and his mouth was tighter than 502.

This kind of character that can't beat a fart with three sticks is really annoying.

Just when Tong Li was about to draw his sword angrily, the two-headed man said calmly, "I can't open it now."

"When the fog falls, a barrier will appear in the air layer. The barrier will first appear from the north. When it changes to the east, you will pass through the barrier and go outside."

Tong Li clenched her fists, resisting the urge to kill him: "When will the fog fall?"

The two-headed man raised his head to look at the blue sky, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and in an instant he put away the smile on his face, and replaced it with the usual timidity: "Tomorrow will be at [-]:[-] noon at the earliest."

Tong Li stared at his face, trying to figure out the credibility of his words, if she read correctly, there was a smile on his face just now.

What is he laughing at?

Tong Li found Ning Xuesheng immediately after returning and explained the situation to him.

When Ning Xuesheng heard that he could finally leave, it was as if he heard the sound of nature, and the burden on his shoulders suddenly became lighter.

Now he can't wait to beat gongs and drums to inform those children that he will be relieved soon, and no longer have to serve them to eat and drink.

No one knows what he has been through these days, anyway, life is better than death.

Tong Li understood why he was so excited, and gave him a sympathetic look.

This group of children is also powerful enough, forcibly turning an arrogant and conceited man into a complaining woman.

She could only sympathize with him, but it was impossible for her to take care of the child.

Ning Xuesheng showed two rows of big white teeth, with a smile on his face, he turned around and ran into the kitchen to start a fire to cook. In his excitement, he accidentally scratched his hand, but he didn't care.

As long as I think that I will be liberated tomorrow, this little pain is nothing.


On the other side, the people sent by Pei Jiuyin had already arrived in Taihua City. They originally planned to rest in the hotel for one night, and then go up the mountain to survey and map the next day.

But they never expected that when they got off the plane, they would be taken to the mountain by the people arranged by the BOSS, including the people and the car.

And help them move all the instruments they need into the temple and arrange them one by one.

Several old and frail scientific researchers said that they couldn't walk, so the bodyguards picked up chairs and lifted them up.

When they stood in the huge living room, they still looked dazed.

Finding the dimension of space is not something that can be done in a short time. Is there any need to tie them over in such a hurry?At least give them a break, right?

And what are so many people doing at the door?spy on them?
An old man watched them blow his beard and stare, and when he lost his temper, he put up his hands and wanted to argue with them. They are not prisoners, so what does it mean to monitor them like this?
"Forget it, old Hu. Don't be as knowledgeable as them. Hurry up and finish the test. We'll report it when we're done."

A colleague came up to persuade and said that they are all working for others, and it is better to have one thing less than one more thing.

The old man was so angry that his teeth were itching, he didn't understand, he could only shut up angrily in the end, walked to the instrument and started to operate, still cursing incessantly...

Suddenly a data fluctuated abnormally, which aroused his idea.

"Old Qiu, come over and take a look. Do you see that the data fluctuations here are very different from those outside? Is it my eyesight or..."


Sitting cross-legged on a rock, Tong Li suddenly felt a powerful sword aura coming from in front of her. She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw two swords flying towards her with their tails in their tails.

It is her sword.

These days, she has been seeing that the swords are not in place, thinking that they have been broken, but she did not expect them to come back safe and sound.

Tong Li stretched out her left hand, and the sword turned back into a bead in an instant, and landed firmly in her hand.

They're back, isn't that...

Tong Li looked up to the north, and sure enough, the white barrier was already forming, as long as the barrier moved to the east, they could go out.

Tong Li jumped off the rock and ran towards the village.

Ning Xuesheng stood at the door of the kitchen holding a cooking shovel, staring blankly into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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