The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 228 If one of them is missing, I will take you as a question

Chapter 228 If one of them is missing, I will take you as a question

Tong Li took two steps forward, pulled up the two children and pushed them towards Ning Xuesheng: "Take them away, I'll cut them off."

"But." Ning Xuesheng hesitated to speak, with a face full of reluctance.

No matter how he is a man, it is impossible to justify asking a woman to help him cut off the queen.

"Go." Tong Li turned her head and gave him a hard look. She hated this kind of indecisive behavior the most, it was a waste of time.

Ning Xuesheng frowned tightly, looking at the empty direction, he didn't know what was ahead, but he felt an unprecedented threat.

Weighed his own strength again and again.


His strength is not enough for Tong Li.

Ning Xuesheng stopped being entangled, picked up the two children next to her, and said to Tong Li, "Be careful."

Although the child didn't know what happened, but seeing the strange phenomenon and seeing the serious expression of the elder sister, he also knew that nothing good would happen, so he kept yelling: "Run, run."

In the next second, the two-headed man who disappeared today suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The difference from before was that the two-headed man did not have the timidity in his eyes before, his back was straight, his expression became abnormally indifferent, and he exuded a cold aura all over his body.

Before that, Tong Li always believed that his other head was just a useless sarcoma, after all, he had never seen the eyes of the other head open.

But now, the two heads and four eyes are exuding a cold and gloomy light. As long as they meet his eyes, those who have no concentration will be instantly shocked by his eyes.

She knew that this was no longer the two-headed monster before, or maybe it was two kinds of monsters that were completely opposite to the previous one.

Tong Li transformed her own sword to stand in front of her, narrowing her eyes slightly, and observed that the spells on him had completely disappeared. She was right, those spells were indeed the demon power that suppressed him.

"Didn't you promise to let the child go?"

"Why, are you going to go back on your word?"

The eyes on the left side of the two-headed man's head looked at the children who were running away, and with a big wave of his hand, he cast an invisible barrier forward.

The child didn't notice it for a while, and bumped into it directly, and a big bump immediately appeared on his smooth forehead.

" hurts to death."

"Hey, what is this?" The child slapped the invisible barrier ignorantly.

Seeing the terrifying face of the two-headed man, a few timid ones were frightened and cried loudly, shouting non-stop to go home and find their mother.

Ning Xuesheng was no stranger to the enchantment. He calmly groped around, analyzing in his mind what kind of enchantment it was, so as to find a breakthrough point.

The two-headed man ignored the child's cries, and stared at Tong Li intently, with the corners of his lips slightly raised: "Back to what you said?"

"It's you who turned back?"

"It was so nice when you begged me to worship me, but now the world is peaceful, but I started to regret it again."

"You ungrateful human beings, don't blame me for being unrighteous if you are unkind."

"The child is mine, no one can take it away."

Tong Lilang Gu Hu stared at him, turned the sword in his hand, and the sword flashed a cold light, just like its owner, exuding super coercion: "What if I have to take it away today?"

"Heh" the two-headed man chuckled disdainfully in his nasal cavity. If it was his former body, he wouldn't be able to yell at her, but now...

He opened his arms, looked up to the sky, mumbling something, suddenly the wind rose and a hurricane was set off around him, the big trees shook violently, and the grass on the ground was uprooted.

With a bang, the hurricane rolled up thousands of leaves, forming a huge pellet, and hit Tong Li with a purpose and direction.

Tong Li couldn't refuse such kindness, she raised her sword, gathered strength on the blade, and the sword energy in the sword instantly swelled to the maximum.

The sharp sword aura directly cut off the nearby grass leaves, Tong Li waved his arms, and the powerful sword aura rushed towards the huge leaf cluster with the momentum of breaking through the clouds and fog.

There was a loud bang, and the leaves scattered in response.

Before everyone could be happy, the phoenix they met outside suddenly appeared in large numbers out of thin air.

Ning Xuesheng looked at the black phoenix, his complexion changed drastically.

He is well aware of the power of these things, they can't hurt, they can't kill them, they can reproduce infinitely, they can fight on land and in the sky, they are even more powerful than biochemical weapons.

There are so many, so it's over? ?
Where have the children seen this scene before? All of them were so frightened that they screamed and cried loudly, hugging each other in panic.

Ning Xuesheng didn't have time to comfort them, the most important thing now was to find a way to defeat this barrier.

I don't know if he is too weak or he is too powerful, but after tossing for a long time, the barrier still doesn't move at all.

Tong Li's eyes were cold, and she tightened the sword in her hand, feeling very displeased with these things.

The two-headed man was expressionless, and his voice was as smooth as a machine: "I don't want to hurt you."

"As long as you leave here, don't bother us forever, everyone will be fine."

"If you insist on forcing me to take my child away, you will have to die."

Tong Li snorted disdainfully: "A mere monster is so rampant."

There are more and more phoenixes in the sky, she doesn't believe that there are things that can't be killed, can't be cut with a sword, but burned with fire?Use lightning?
There is always a weakness in it.

She plunged her sword into the ground, took out the only two fire talismans on her body, swung her hand, and hit the talisman papers on the giant bird closest to her.

The giant bird was stuck behind the fire and screamed towards the sky. Tong Li watched the fire on her fire talisman go from big to small, and finally only burned its two tufts of feathers, which shows that the fire has no effect on the giant bird.

It seems that there is only one way to try lightning strikes.

Tong Li stared at the flock of birds above, gathered his spiritual power on his fingertips, put his hands together, and kept changing his gestures: "The five elements of heavenly thunder, with the power of spirit, eliminate evil and punish demons."

As her words fell, there was a frightening rumbling thunder in the sky.

Sure enough, with the sound of thunder, the formation of the group of giant birds above began to appear chaotic, and everyone collided with each other. Some of them wanted to escape, but they fled halfway, and were ordered to fly back by the master.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Tong Li's mouth, she knew that she had made the right bet, these birds were indeed afraid of thunder.

Ray. That's easy.

But considering so many birds, it is unrealistic to fight one by one.

She glanced back at the group of children who were trembling with fear.

Pulling up the arrow on the ground, luck waved a sword aura at them.

With a bang, the barrier shattered.

Ning Xuesheng, who was still working hard, froze with his hands raised in mid-air.

He tried his best, but he didn't break the barrier. Tong Li easily split it with a single sword?
Well, it's not that the enchantment is powerful, it's that he is too weak.

Without turning her head, Tong Li shouted to the people behind: "Ning Xuesheng, take them all out, if there is one of them missing, I will ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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