Chapter 229
Ning Xuesheng knew that she wanted to deal with them alone, and he knew what that meant, his lips trembled slightly, and after a long time of deliberation, thousands of words finally turned into one word: "Okay."

He lifted up all the children, let them run if they could run, and hung them on him if they couldn't run.

The two-headed man's eyes were bottomless, and Sen smiled coldly. The group of people who were running desperately just now stopped in place suddenly.

"No one can escape without my permission."

Tong Li retracted the sword, stared at him with a tiger's eye, slowly rolled off the string, placed it in the palm, mobilized the spiritual energy of the body, and slowly poured it into the bead.

The golden light of the bead suddenly appeared, Tong Li threw the bead up, and the dazzling golden light burst out in all directions without interval.

The strong golden light blinded the giant birds' eyes, causing them to ram around like headless flies.

The whole sky reverberated with the shrill birdsong.

At the same time, the strong golden light also burned the eyes of the two-headed man who hadn't had time to close them.

"Ah..." the two-headed man covered his eyes and screamed in pain.

The restraints on Ning Xuesheng and the others were instantly lifted.

With all his might, Tong Li used the spirit bead as a guide, bit his finger, offered his blood as a sacrifice, and beckoned a hundred thunders.

Ning Xuesheng originally wanted the child to leave quickly, but when he looked at the string of spinning beads in the sky, he suddenly stopped all his movements, and a storm arose in his heart.

This is the Yingqianzhu that is not recorded in the collection of books in Zangshu Pavilion?

According to legend, Yingqianzhu is an artifact of the ancestors of the Tong family. It is composed of 12 magical artifacts and can defeat thousands of troops.

At the beginning, there were rumors that those who get the pearl win the world, but this is a magical weapon of an expert, so it is naturally impossible for them to fall on mortals.

Others don't know, but they do know that this iron horse is rich in gold and gems, and suddenly disappeared one day along with the ancestors of the Tong family.

It stands to reason that this is an artifact of thousands of years, it shouldn't have appeared.

Did he see it wrong?

Ning Xuesheng rubbed her eyes, and opened them again, everything in front of her eyes was still happening: she was absolutely certain in her heart that to be able to exert such a huge power, it was definitely Yingqianzhu.

The key is how can there be Tong Li?

He didn't know much about the history of Tong's family, he had heard from the elders before.

According to legend, the Tong family was just a wealthy and well-known aristocrat at the time, with little influence, but later a very talented ascetic appeared in the family.

It was also an honor for the family to be appointed by the famous Xianzun Daojun at that time to accept her as a disciple.

Later, Daojun took the man away, and there was no news after that.

Although the people left, the Tong family was also very prosperous because of the connection with the ancestor at that time, and their status in the local area was instantly raised to several levels. The Tong family took advantage of the situation to develop and became the most powerful party in the city.

It's just that the limelight has only passed three generations, and the Tong family has gradually declined due to some reasons.

Later, the head of the Tong family couldn't bear to see the Tong family defeated by him, so he sent people to inquire about the location of the ancestor many times.

After knowing that she founded a sect, she selected a few outstanding juniors from her own clan to study.

In this way, he can consolidate his own strength and let the world know that his Tong family is not unreliable.

It's just that they never expected that their ancestors disappeared. Some people said that they were injured by monsters and fell outside. Both.

In the end, the whereabouts of the ancestor of the Tong family became a mystery, which has not been solved until now.

But what did he see now?
Could it be that the ancestor of the Tong family really married and gave birth to a child, and this is her descendant?
Rumbling, there was a deafening thunder in the sky.

A huge wind group formed in the sky above Yingqianzhu, and the scene was like the end of the world, which made people shudder.

A stone on the ground hit Ning Xuesheng's face, and the sharp pain brought back his wandering thoughts.

It finally reminded him of what he was going to do.

He had to get the child out safely.

Ning Xuesheng led the child and ran forward.

Crackling, a thunderbolt struck down, directly hitting a few phoenixes.

This time the phoenix did not regenerate, but really died.

The two-headed man let go of his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and left two lines of blood and tears: "Even if you can attract thunder, so what? My phoenix, thousands of thousands, how many can you strike?"

As long as he drags the door of the space and closes it, this is his home field, and no one can escape.

Tong Li looked at the thunder and lightning that kept falling, and the phoenix that kept disappearing and reappearing.

It was just a small test of her ability just now, and who wants to fight a protracted war with him?

Their goal has always been to get out of this space.

Ning Xuesheng brought the child closer and closer to the barrier. With a bang, the child fell to the ground, and the small palms were rubbed with sand and gravel, leaving streaks of blood.

The child looked at the blood on his hands, his eyes were red but he didn't cry. The child was very strong, and he also knew that it was important to run for his life now, so he couldn't delay, so he wiped the blood on his body, got up and ran forward.

The two-headed man saw that the child was getting closer and closer to the barrier, and finally couldn't hold back and rushed over.

How could Tong Li let him pass easily, and blocked him with a teleportation: "What are you running? Your opponent is me."

The two-headed man clenched his fists tightly, his eyes exuded a terrifying hostility, and he chewed his teeth: "I didn't want to hurt you, but if you insist on going your own way, then don't blame me for being rude."

He raised his fist high and swung it towards Tong Li with lightning speed.

Tong Li could feel the violent power of his fist from a distance.

She walked around in a ghostly figure, took half of the strength of his fist, and returned a heavy punch to him.

The strength of the two is equal, you come and go, you use whatever you get as a weapon, and dozens of moves have already passed in just a few tens of seconds.

The giant bird in the sky was killed by lightning in a large area, and it seemed a little less, but if this continued for a long time, the spiritual energy on her beads would be used up sooner or later.

The corner of Tong Li's eyes glanced at Ning Xuesheng and his party. They have reached the edge of the barrier and can go out soon.

Ning Xuesheng looked back at her, opened his mouth, and motioned for her to come over quickly.

Tong Li understood what he said, but remained indifferent.

Ning Xuesheng was anxiously spinning around in place, and had no choice but to send the child there first.

Seeing the exit, the child knew that he could finally go home and no longer had to stay in this terrible place. His tense emotions could no longer collapse, and he burst into tears.

Children's emotions are easily contagious. As long as one of them cries loudly, the others can't restrain themselves, they open their mouths and cry loudly, holding hands while walking out.

There was a buzzing sound in the ear, and the clouds in the sky flashed quickly as if they were being wound up.

The barrier is also closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It turned out that the two-headed man saw the children walking out one after another, and he was dragged by Tong Li again, so he became impatient.

Then, while dealing with Tong Li, he used his own power to speed up the space time, trying to close the barrier in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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