The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 230 The Attack of the Curse Seal 'Death's Call'

Chapter 230 The Attack of the Curse Seal 'Death's Call'

Seeing his intention, Tong Li gathered a cloud of spiritual energy in his hand and waved it towards his demon veins.

'Kang Dang' the ground shook slightly.

The two-headed man was unable to resist Tong Li's violent attack because all his strength was concentrated on the teleportation time. His tall body was hit to the vital point, and he fell heavily to the ground, raising dust all over the sky.

When the dust dissipated, one could intuitively see that the ground had been smashed into a not-so-deep pit.

He just felt as if someone had punched his body, but he didn't feel any pain.


With a puff, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the blood was quickly absorbed by the ground.

His demon power was cut off in an instant, the changing clouds in the sky stopped, the speed of the barrier gathering slowed down, and everything seemed to return to its original appearance.

The two-headed man collapsed on the ground and didn't struggle anymore. Maybe he knew that he had lost.

His child can't get it back, it's his incompetence.
Seeing that the speed of the barrier slowed down, Ning Xuesheng looked over there a little distractedly. When he saw the two-headed man lying on the ground, he was stunned for three seconds, and then speeded up to drive the child over.

The two-headed man held his body that had been smashed into a pothole. Now, even breathing was painful for him.

He tried to get up, but just as he got up, he fell down again.

Those children that he cherished like their lives didn't even look at him, they only cared about running for their lives, none of them thought about themselves.

Is he that scary?

He never did anything to hurt them?

The two-headed man shouted hopefully at the child, "Don't...don't go, don't abandon me."

A child seemed to hear his shout and glanced back.

Originally, he just wanted to call Tong Li, but for some reason, his eyes fell on the two-headed man who fell on the ground.

Seeing his two terrifying heads and distorted face, emotions of horror and disgust naturally appeared on his face.

It was this look that completely defeated the psychological defense line of the two-headed man. There was a moment of bewilderment in his eyes, and then a thick anger spewed out, and his face became hideous and terrifying: "Liar, adults are liars, and children are also liars." , all human beings are liars.”

"Hahahahahaha..." The two-headed man struggled to get up, knelt down on the ground, his shoulders kept shaking, and he let out a terrifying laugh.

The body also slowly began to change. The two eyes that were injured just now opened suddenly, emitting a supernatural energy wave. All dimensional objects in the entire space were instantly banned. The giant bird was frozen in midair, and even the wind stopped. .

This space has become very quiet, giving people a feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai, and they can't help but slow down their breathing.

Tong Li frowned, this man was obviously exhausted just now, but at that moment just now, the monster power on his body suddenly soared.

She has seen this kind of situation on that demon fox, is she trying to use up the last bit of energy in her body, and die with her?

There was disdain in Tong Li's eyes, but it was just a struggle before dying.

She turned her head and glanced at Ning Xuesheng, all the children had already left, only Ning Xuesheng was left.

The two-headed man's head was drooping, and there was a dark and demonic power permeating his body.

"I know I'm ugly, but I don't kill, make chaos, or destroy plants or trees. I've already hid here. Why do you want to kill me?"

"I just want a family. Why can't you understand me? Why do you have to force me?"

The two-headed man raised his head slowly, his four eyes turned blood red, and the whites of the eyes and the pupils could not be distinguished.

His current emotions have been controlled by killing, as if he will make a devastating move in the next second.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, Tong Li became 100% vigilant, looked up at his beads, and beckoned to take them back.

Her mission has been completed, so there is no need to stay and deal with him.

The two-headed man stared at Tong Li with dead eyebrows: "Since you won't make me feel better, then everyone should not think about it."

He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, laughing at the ruthlessness in this world, laughing at the injustice in this world.

He never thought of himself as a demon, he was born of a human being, and he should belong to a human being, except that he has two heads longer than them, is stronger than them, and is more powerful than them.

He couldn't bear to step on the ants on the ground, why did everyone bully and humiliate him, even his mother hated him, what did he do?That's how they treat themselves.

Could this world be so intolerable for him?


He walks, he hides, he sees no one.

But why, these people still refuse to let go of themselves, and want to take away his last hope.

"Hahahaha." If that's the case, don't live at all.

Although Ning Xuesheng's strength was not as good as Tong Li's, he also sensed a devastating aura emanating from the two-headed man, which was the call of death.

In this case, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of the two-headed man.

Ning Xuesheng was startled by this thought, broke out in a cold sweat, gathered all his strength, and shouted in Tong Li's direction: "Run."

Tong Li didn't know how to run fast.

After she took back the beads, she ran away.

She wanted to run away, but the two-headed man was already possessed by a demon, and it was impossible to just let her go.

He teleported in front of Tong Li, showing a cold smile: "I told you to go just now, but if you don't go, if that's the case, then never go."

"Give me all to die."

After speaking, he swung a fatal blow to Tong Li. Tong Li didn't take it hard, but quickly backed away.

Ning Xuesheng was burning with anxiety, but she couldn't do anything.

The speed of these two people was so fast that he could only see two afterimages chasing each other, which dazzled him.

Then there was a bang bang bang, like an explosion.

A burst of thick smoke rose, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding landscape became ruins, the trees were completely destroyed, and no one place was intact as far as the eye could see.

This is not a fight, this is simply a world war.

He looked back at the exit, it was getting smaller and smaller, but there was still a lot of fighting there.

"Tong Li, hurry up, the exit is about to be closed."

Tong Li had no time to worry about the exit, the two-headed man's demonic power was not low, and he could be injured even if he was distracted.

Bang, the ground shook again, the sound of explosions swept the entire space, Ning Xuesheng was so shaken that he almost couldn't stand still.

Judging from the situation, the two-headed man is going to destroy the regional space he built.

Tong Li and the two-headed man faced each other across the ditch. The two men who had just erupted in a fierce battle were out of breath, and each suffered injuries to varying degrees.

She knew that the two-headed man had tried his best explosive power just now, and now he was at the end of his strength.

Next, she has a great chance of winning, but after the slaps just now, her heart began to hurt faintly, and the curse marks on her body began to move.

On the one hand, she had to suppress the curse seal, and at the same time deal with this lunatic. If it went on for a long time, her body would not be able to bear it.

Must be quick.

Tong Li paid attention to his movements while secretly calculating the distance between herself and the exit.

Only after seeing it did he realize that Ning Xuesheng was still at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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