Chapter 231 Only missing his girl.

What does this man want to do?Are you still watching a play here?

Tong Li was so angry that she wanted to go up and beat him up.

With a movement of her feet, she kicked up a stone and threw it at Ning Xuesheng.

"Don't get in the way here."

Ning Xuesheng: "..."

He knew what Tong Li meant and wanted him to leave quickly.

But if you leave her here alone, in case...

After thinking about it, I felt that I was thinking too much. With Tong Li's strength, he was not even worthy of carrying her shoes, let alone helping her.

He simply gritted his teeth and stepped out.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he came out, the barrier immediately closed.

disappeared cleanly.

Ning Xuesheng reached out his hand to touch the place just now, and was dumbfounded.

Tong Li is still inside, the door is closed, how can the people inside come out?

"Brother Xuesheng, where's the eldest sister?" A younger boy walked over and tugged on his sleeve.

Ning Xuesheng looked down at the little boy, and touched the top of his head with his big hand, not only to comfort him but also to tell himself: "Maybe, I have to kill the monster before coming out..."


The child was innocent and believed his words.

After that, no one spoke, and no one clamored to go home. Everyone squatted in place and waited for Tong Li to come out.

But they waited until the moon was out, and they had several big bites on their faces, but still no one came out.

goo goo goo...

The sound of hunger came from someone's stomach.

followed by the second third
Only then did Ning Xuesheng come back to his senses, and after looking around, he realized that it was already dark.

The mountain is desolate, and the temperature drops sharply after nightfall. Adults are fine, but children wear thin clothes and are prone to catch cold.

It's just that after this incident, everyone became more sensible. When they were cold, they hugged each other to keep warm, and when they were hungry, they clutched their bellies tightly. They were all waiting for Tong Li to come back.

But they were really hungry and uncomfortable.

Ning Xuesheng sighed inaudibly, and looked back at the place where the eye barrier disappeared. He didn't know what was going on inside, but now he had to send these children down the mountain first.

"Let's go, I'll take you back first."

The little girl's eyes were still red, and she stared at Ning Xuesheng innocently, and said in a waxy voice: "But my sister hasn't come out yet, if we leave, what if she can't find her way?"

Then he lowered his head and pursed his mouth: "I want to wait for my sister to come back before going home."

"We also want to wait for my sister to come back." The children behind said in unison. They knew that their sister had just rescued them, and they walked back before her sister came out. That would be very bad.

Ning Xuesheng looked at this group of innocent children, forced a smile, and opened his mouth: "Let's go, big sister may go back through another exit, we will go back and wait for her."

The children looked at each other in dismay, obviously not believing it, but they still held hands obediently and walked down.

When I walked halfway up the mountain, I met security personnel patrolling the mountain.

Ning Xuesheng handed over all the children to them, and returned to the place where he entered the space before.

He used the same method to see if he could get in, but after trying for a long time, he couldn't enter the space again.


That day, the staff reported the information to Pei Jiuyin, saying that they had indeed detected a data similar to a dimensional space.

When Pei Jiuyin heard this, he immediately put down his work and rushed to u city.

When he arrived, the group of people said that the data had returned to normal, and there was no current dimension.

The underlying meaning is that there may be something wrong with the instrument that caused the data to be abnormal, but as for what went wrong, they can't tell why.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the group of people, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Is there something wrong with the instrument?"

A staff member replied with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes: "It should be."

"And the fluctuation data is very large. Under normal circumstances, even if there is a dimensional space, it is impossible to be like this."

"It may really be an instrument error."

As soon as their words were finished, two people ran in at the door, saying that the missing group of children had been found, but Tong Li was not there.

Pei Jiuyin thumped in his heart: "What do you mean?"

The visitor repeated what he had just said.

Pei Jiuyin listened carefully, but there was still no girl for him.

"Where's Tong Li?"

"I heard from the group of children that they didn't have time to come out."

Pei Jiuyin suddenly felt dizzy for a while, his face turned ashen, the blood on his lips faded, and he whispered: "Didn't come out?"


Pei Jiuyin bit the tip of his tongue, trying to wake himself up a bit: "Call me those children."

He wants to ask himself.

The bodyguard obeyed the order to find the child, but the parents were reluctant. Their child had just been lost and recovered, and they didn't want to let the child go into the muddy water again. Who knows if there will be any accidents.

Fortunately, children have more conscience than adults. After they knew about it, they ignored their parents' objections and resolutely went. They also taught their parents a lesson.

After the children have finished eating, the adults organize them to wait in a place.

Pei Jiuyin braced himself to come over, but the children's expressive ability was limited, and they all yelled that they were imprisoned in a village by a monster with two heads.

Then he described the scene of Tong Li fighting with the two-headed man.

Pei Jiuyin sorted out a meaning from their confused expressions.

Besides them, there was also a man named Xuesheng who came out, but his girl was missing.

Pei Jiuyin's heart ached, and he stretched out his hands to cover his heart and told himself that Tong Li would be fine.

After all, she is so powerful, no one should try to hurt her.

In the next period of time, Pei Jiuyin sent someone to find Ning Xuesheng, and spent the rest of the time wandering around the mountain, looking for clues, even though he was told that there was no dimensional space here.

But he knows that there are.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any clues.

Pei Jiuyin lay powerlessly on the grass, looking at the blue sky, touching the watch that Tong Li gave him, as if he could feel her remaining warmth.

"I told you not to work so hard, why didn't you listen."

"Where are you? Why haven't you come back?"

"I believe you must have been delayed by something, maybe you will be able to stand in front of me safe and sound in a few days, right?"

Pei Jiuyin muttered to the sky, only in this way can he feel better.

Suddenly the phone rang, and his thoughts were forcibly pulled back.

After questioning, something happened to the company, and he was asked to go back and deal with it as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Pei Jiuyin was silent for a while, and finally decided to go back first, while others continued to search.


And on an unknown sea level, a floating object that looks like a human body flutters and flutters with the sea water.

It was noon at this time, and there was a group of burly men lined up on the beach. They looked serious and had firm eyes, and they were unmoved even in the face of the vicious sun.

And there was a man among them, with a slightly sloppy expression, and whenever no one was paying attention, his eyes would glance around.

It was his casual glance that saw a dazzling reflection on the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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