The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 232 You can't die like this, life is really big

Chapter 232 You can't die like this, life is really big

"Jing Beichen, correct your attitude."

A stern reprimand drew his gaze back, Jing Beichen's skin tightened, and he immediately withdrew his foolish attitude.

But there was a look of reluctance and reluctance in his eyes, obviously he was convinced and dissatisfied.

He even began to think in his heart that one day he would step on his elder brother and knead him.

Jing Beiyan's face was grim, and he looked at this unprogressive younger brother with quite a headache. He was such a big man, and he would not do business all day and cause trouble every day.

This time, it was the Pei family who provoked him. If the Pei family hadn't let him go for the sake of friendship with the older generation, he still doesn't know if he would be able to stand here.

Look at his attitude, he is so angry.

This time, he must uproot his stubbornness, otherwise he will be toyed with by himself sooner or later.

Jing Beiyan glared at him coldly, then turned and walked towards a cool place.

After the others left, Jing Beichen started to be dishonest again within 3 minutes, and the end of his eyes always swept towards the sea from time to time.

He always felt that the reflective object was not simple.

As the sea washed away, the unknown object got closer and closer to the coastline.

Take a closer look, it seems to be a person.


Something good is coming.

Jing Beichen kicked his teammate next to him, smacked his lips, and signaled him to look towards the sea level: "Hey, Wood, is there anyone there?"

At first the wooden man ignored him, the prince was out of shape all day long, and he was scheming everywhere when he was full, which was very annoying.

Of course, he wouldn't listen to what he said.

Seeing this, Jing Beichen ignored him and went to harass other people, but his reputation is already notorious among the crowd, basically everyone here has been plotted by him, and no one pays attention to him at all.

"Jing Beichen comes out."

Jing Beiyan's roar came again, everyone's nerves were tense, and their faces could no longer be straight, for fear that the instructor's anger would affect themselves.

Jing Beichen stepped out honestly, stood upright, and didn't care about the elder brother's anger, just seeing that he didn't make people feel very uncomfortable.

"Since you can't stand on your feet, then you can stand on your hands."

"Handstand for 30 minutes, do it immediately."

Jing Beichen glanced at his elder brother, but didn't make any move.

Just when Jing Beiyan was about to get angry again, Jing Beichen said loudly, "Report, I just saw a person floating on the sea level. I asked my teammates because I was not sure. I was not wrong."

With a cold face, Jing Beiyan stood in front of him aggressively.

He is five centimeters taller than Jing Beichen, and at this height of five centimeters, the aura he displays can crush Jing Beichen to death.

Seeing his appearance, he obviously didn't believe Jing Beichen's words, not to mention people, there wasn't even a single ghost here.

"Execute now."

Jing Beichen felt dissatisfied, looking at this mighty and majestic elder brother...

Hmph, Lengtouqing, a barbarian.

He doesn't like to fight with him.

Then he took two steps, put his hands on the ground, and pushed himself hard to kick himself up to execute his punishment.

When everyone saw this stubborn boy being punished, although his face was expressionless, he was very happy in his heart.

But Jing Beichen, who was standing upside down, still had restless eyes, watching the floating object in the sea getting closer, he could see more and more clearly.

It is indeed a person.

So boring, he is so bored now, do you want to watch a dead person pass the time?

"Hey, that person on the sea is really human, I won't lie to you."

After a lot of experience about the wolf coming, no one will believe what this person said.

Jing Beichen sneered: "A bunch of wood, cowards."

No matter how much he babbled, no one paid any attention to him.

Jing Beichen held on for a while, his face was covered with sweat, and the sweat accumulated on his forehead fell down drop by drop. As soon as it fell on the beach, it was instantly evaporated by the hot sand.

As time passed, his face became more and more bloodshot, and his arms trembled slightly, but he just didn't say a word.

Standing upside down like this, Jing Beichen was exposed to the scorching sun for half an hour, and now he feels like a meat skewer, which can be eaten with some cumin.

It seemed that half an hour had passed, but his eldest brother hadn't shown up yet. If he didn't hear his order to finish it privately, the consequences would be very serious.

But don't come down anymore, his whole head is congested and dizzy, his arms are sore and swollen, he can hardly hold on anymore.

Jing Beichen gritted his teeth and lasted another 10 minutes, but his elder brother still didn't come.

Resisting the urge to fall, he moved his eyes to the sea level, trying to divert his gaze.

I don't know if it was because he stood on his head for too long, he began to hallucinate, and he seemed to see that graceful girl in a trance.

Jing Beichen felt that he was in a daze, how could he see that woman here.

He looked away, but the figure of Tong Li was still lingering in his mind.

"Damn it."

He turned his gaze back to the sea level again.

The person on the sea level, with the ups and downs of the waves, after his excellent eyesight identification, finally found that it was not his dizziness, but the woman in the sea.

Jing Beichen slid along, both feet landed on the ground, not caring whether his elder brother would punish him, he kept running into the sea.

Everyone didn't know why he was going crazy, they glanced over from the corner of their eyes, they saw him running desperately into the sea, they didn't know how fierce he was, and thought he was determined to commit suicide with the determination to die.

Jing Beichen flapped his sour arms in the sea, and slowly swam outward.

Seeing the face of the stunning beauty in his heart, a gloomy and cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is a blessing in disguise, and I am lucky.

Jing Beichen held Tong Li's hand and swam back non-stop, and the people behind had already closed in. When he saw Jing Beichen pulling people up, he was secretly surprised.

How could someone float here?


On a simple wooden bed, Tong Li's eyes were closed tightly, her facial muscles twitched a few times, and her brows became tighter and tighter. She seemed to have encountered some trouble in her dream, and she was so anxious that a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.


The person on the bed opened his eyes suddenly.

When she just woke up, her pupils were not yet focused, and her eyes were blank for a moment, and she returned to the moment of the decisive battle with the two-headed man in a trance.

It was a devastating self-detonation.

She didn't expect the two-headed man to be injured like that, and he could still burst out such a huge monster power.

Directly turning the space into a virtual sea, trying to pull her to die together.

But now it seems that his purpose has failed, and she is still alive.

Tong Li turned around slowly, observed the surrounding environment, and found herself in a tent.

She tried to sit up but found that she couldn't move her hands and feet.

Looking down, I realized that my hands and feet were fixed with splints.

At this time, a person walked in from outside. When Tong Li saw the person clearly, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating.

Why is this man here?
Seeing her bewildered Tong Li, Jing Beichen showed her two rows of white teeth and smiled cheaply: "Yo, you woke up so quickly, tsk tsk tsk, you can't die like this, life is really big."

(End of this chapter)

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