The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 233 'You Can't Escape From My Palm'

Chapter 233 'You Can't Escape From My Palm'

He sat down on Tong Li's bed, stared at Tong Li who couldn't move, and joked: "Look how destined we are. I'm training here, so you can come across the ocean to find me."

"What? It's not long since we separated, so you can't wait to find me?"

Tong Li rolled her eyes at him, completely unaware of what the man said.

Jing Beichen turned a blind eye, and still asked and answered by himself: "Although the process was a bit difficult, I have received your kindness."

He put his face in front of Tong Li, closed his eyes slightly, sniffed her breath rather pervertedly, opened his eyes again, and his eyes were full of gentle smiles: "Next, let me well……"

"Jing Beichen, what are you doing here?"

Upon hearing this voice, Jing Beichen closed his eyes helplessly, and cursed in his heart.

He stood up from Tong Li's bed as if nothing had happened, shrugged his shoulders, and said that he hadn't done anything.

Jing Beiyan looked at the younger brother and roared at him, "Go out and assemble immediately."

Jing Beichen was used to facing the elder brother's roar of the Hedong lion, he picked his ears, looked back at Tong Li, opened his mouth, and said a word silently.

'You can't escape my palm'

Jing Beiyan saw that his younger brother was still making small movements there, so he went up and lifted the clothes on his shoulders, and slipped him out.

As soon as he went out, he was asked to carry a 20-kilogram sandbag on his back, and he was asked to run around the island. He was not allowed to stop until he finished the run, and someone was arranged to monitor him.

For the past two days, he has been guarding day and night, and if he didn't watch him for a while, he would sneak into the girl's tent. If he was one step later...

Hmph, it's really a dog who can't change eating shit.

Jing Beiyan watched his younger brother running obediently with a sandbag on his back, until he could no longer see his back, then turned and entered Tong Li's tent.

He stood expressionlessly at the door of the tent, keeping a distance of about 5 meters from Tong Li.

Seeing that it wasn't that nasty thing, Tong Li struggled to get up, Jing Beiyan stopped her: "You'd better not move around."

"You have multiple fractures on your body. I don't know if your organs are damaged. It's best not to move around."

When the rescuers came up, there were countless wounds on her body, large and small, and they were also dead horses as a living horse doctor. They thought that she, a weak woman, would not be able to last long.

Unexpectedly, I woke up only two days ago, and my vitality is really tenacious.

Jing Beiyan glanced at her complexion and limbs with sharp eyes. After these two days of rest, her complexion is much better than before, and her limbs are not swollen. Not to mention the recovery, at least they have not deteriorated.

"The medical treatment here is limited, and we are simply fixing it for you. They are looking for medicine for you, and you have to wait a little longer."

Jing Beiyan didn't lie to her. They came here for secret training. They had nothing but a few tents and some simple trauma medicine. Once they were injured here, they had to save themselves or die.


Jing Beiyan's eyes were cold and penetrating, and he began to question Tong Li: "How did you come here, who brought you here? Are there any accomplices?"

One must know that this island is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the mainland, and there is no place marked on the map, so how could she appear here for no reason?
Moreover, her injuries were very strange, as if they were not injured by a sharp weapon. As for how she was injured, he didn't know.

Tong Li thought for a while, and said lightly: "I don't know, I'm alone."

As for the two-headed man, he should be dead.

Jing Beiyan frowned: "I don't know?"

Did she think he would believe it?

"Do you know Jing Beichen?"

Tong Li said nothing, neither admitted nor denied.

Jing Beiyan knew his brother's vile character very well, he looked like he wanted to eat him as soon as he picked it up, and he kept trying to get in for the past two days, and he wouldn't believe it if he said he didn't know him and beat him to death.

"I don't care if you know him or not, you'd better stay away from him, otherwise I won't guarantee that you can go back alive."

This is not a warning but the truth. He can control Jing Beichen in front of his eyes, but once he is out of his sight, no one can hold him back.

Tong Li didn't respond to him, she closed her eyes and adjusted her breath. After the man left, she began to use the aura on her body to repair her injuries.

It was only after this investigation that she found out that there were indeed multiple fractures on her body, but luckily no vitals were injured.

After the bone was repaired, some skin trauma was also taken away, and after some rest, it was already evening.

Not long after she opened her eyes, Jing Beiyan brought her a bowl of fish soup and two grilled fish.

Finally, he took out a backpack in the corner, and took external medicines such as bandages and medicines from it.

"I'll help you change your medicine."

Tong Li refused: "No, help me remove the wooden boards from my body."

Jing Beiyan walked over with a calm expression and helped her untie the splint on her hand. He wanted to help her apply medicine, but the next second he was surprised to find that the woman's wound on the bed had healed.

No, it's not just as simple as healing, it's not even a bit of wound, how is this done?
Could it be that his eyes were dazzled?
Jing Beiyan didn't believe it, and continued to untie the deck of the second hand, but he didn't expect the wound on this arm to heal.

He pinched her bones with his fingers, but before he could figure out why, Tong Li shook her off.

Then he untied the splint on his foot by himself.

Finally, under Jing Beiyan's surprised eyes, he stood up and stretched his muscles.

She didn't know how long she hadn't moved, and she felt that her whole body's bones were shattered.

Jing Beiyan frowned, obviously the woman had only breathed a sigh of relief two days ago, but all the injuries on her body have healed up in just a few days, and she doesn't look seriously injured at all.

"What's wrong with your body?"

Tong Li looked down at the clothes on her body and found that they were not her own set. Suddenly, she felt bad and looked at Jing Beiyan with a complicated expression: "Who changed my clothes?"

Jing Beiyan's gaze is like a torch, like those laser scanners, wishing to scan all the secrets on her body.

"Little five."

"You haven't answered me yet, what happened to your injury?"

Tong Li casually gave him a reason: "The self-healing ability is already high, so there's nothing strange about it."

Jing Beiyan: "..."

Do you think I will believe it?

But he didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't continue to ask, and told him not to run around here, so he got out of the tent.

After the people left, the tent returned to silence.

Seeing that the bowl of fish soup was left untouched, Tong Li walked straight out.

Outside, except for the salty sea breeze, the endless darkness, and the mosquitoes flying all over the sky, there is nothing to see.

Tong Li turned around and returned to the tent, lay back on the bed, and began to think about how to get back.

She felt that it must have been quite a while, and she hadn't reported to Pei Jiuyin yet, wondering if that man was going to ramble again.

A touching hand interrupted her thoughts.

Tong Li raised her hand, her right hand was empty, the chain Pei Jiuyin gave her fell off at some point, she got up suddenly, and searched around her.

Nothing was found.

(End of this chapter)

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