Chapter 234 External training.

She began to try to remember where the chain fell, did it fall in space?Or fell into the sea?

It seems that no matter where it is dropped, the chances of getting it back are almost slim.

I can't imagine how Pei Jiuyin would react if he knew that she had lost the chain he gave him.

The next day Tong Li got up early in the morning, and as soon as he got out of the tent, he looked up and saw the first ray of sunlight rising slowly from the endless sea level.

The orange sunlight dispersed the silver-gray veil covering the sea level, revealing his mysterious and dangerous face.

Before she finished admiring it, a boring face came into view.

Jing Beichen rubbed his chin with his fingers, with a curious expression on his face, he walked around Tong Li again and again, as if doubting something.

You must know that what he rescued was a woman who was on the verge of death, it was astonishing to be sober yesterday, how long did it take to recover?
Tsk tsk tsk... Ordinary people absolutely can't do it.

A thought flashed through his mind, and he pretended to be terrified: "You can't... you're not human, are you?"

Tong Li looked at him indifferently, ignored him, and walked forward.

It didn't take long for other people to come out one after another, and as soon as they came out, they saw Jing Beichen talking to the little girl with a stern face.

The girl didn't want to talk to him at all.


These two people stood together, why did they feel that something was wrong, as for what was wrong, they couldn't remember for a while.

Suddenly the two of them belatedly remembered, wasn't that the girl who had just been rescued not long ago?
Didn't you mean multiple fractures all over your body?Didn't it mean that it was about to die?It doesn't look like she was seriously injured.

The two looked at each other in a daze, not knowing what was going on.

But being targeted by Jing Beichen, that girl will be miserable.

The man shouted in Tong Li's direction: "Jing Beichen."

Jing Beichen looked back at them when he heard the sound, moved his lips, and silently said the word 'scroll'

Two people: "..."


They knew that they couldn't control Jing Beichen, so another person walked towards Jing Beiyan's tent.

Only his elder brother can deal with this kind of person.

Tong Li came to the beach, looked at the red sun at the junction of the sky and the sea, closed her eyes, listened to the splashing sound of sea water, and the cool and slightly humid sea breeze blowing, wisps of sea breeze brushed her hair, cheeks, and every part of her body. In one place, the mood that has been restless all night can be slightly relaxed.

Jing Beichen also opened his hands, his face was full of contentment, enjoying the rising morning light very much.

He tilted his head to look at Tong Li: "It's beautiful here."

"Mmm." Tong Li replied lightly, that it would be better if there were fewer people.

Tong Li thought for a while and asked, "Is there a phone?"

Jing Beichen looked forward, very happy: "No, no signal can be received by any communication here."

"If you want to go back, die as soon as possible."

"Jing Beichen, what do you want to do?" Jing Beiyan's cold reprimand came as expected.

Jing Beichen looked back at this lingering elder brother, feeling very headache.

These days, this man really wanted to tie him to his belt, it was annoying to watch.

"I look at the sun, why, looking at the sun is also against the law."

Jing Beiyan looked at his younger brother coldly, he didn't know what kind of structure his younger brother was, these days he tortured him to death every day, but no matter how much he tortured him, he just didn't learn his lesson.

Tong Li looked back at Jing Yan and asked again: "Can I contact the outside world here?"

She didn't believe Jing Beichen's words.

Jing Beiyan replied coldly: "No, if you want to go back, you can only wait until our training is over."

Tong Li: "."

"how much longer?"

Jing Beiyan didn't say anything, but when he saw Jing Beichen who was giggling, he said calmly, "Sand running five kilometers, floating ten kilometers, prey should not be less than five."

Jing Beichen's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at his brother with a ghostly expression.

Jing Beiyan roared angrily: "Immediately."

'Cut' Jing Beichen, who was oppressed, rolled his eyes at him, and then went for a run honestly.

After waiting for the people to leave, Jing Beiyan stared at Tong Li deeply, turned and left without saying anything.


Tong Li lived here peacefully for a few days, and on the fourth day, as soon as she came out, she saw everyone packing up.

The girl named Xiao Si, who was also the only girl in this training camp, came over to her and said, "Tong Li, we are going out for a week of training today, will you follow us, or stay here?"

Whether she followed them or stayed here by herself, there would be certain dangers, but as for the choice, it was up to her.

"External training?"


"If you go out with us, then pack up your things and leave in half an hour."

Tong Li looked at the waves in the distance, thought about it and agreed, there is nothing but a vast ocean here, so it doesn't matter if you follow.

Then Tong Li's tent was put away in twos and twos, and everyone began to fully armed, putting everything they could use on their bodies, and they could get it with just a stretch of hand.

No matter how you look at it, this is not like ordinary foreign training.

Half an hour later, the team set off on time. There were 12 people in the team, including [-] Tong Li.

Tong Li walked in the middle, followed unhurriedly, Jing Beichen was pressed in front by his brother, and Jing Beiyan held him down when he wanted to slip back many times.

She also found that the last person was sorting out the traces left by everyone while walking, which further verified her guess that this time it was not an ordinary foreign training.

The environment of the island is very harsh, and it is stuffy and hot inside. In addition to a lot of mosquitoes, it is also filled with a smell of rotting animals and plants, which makes people dizzy.

Suddenly the people in front stopped, and without any verbal notification, everyone methodically took out a bottle of spray and sprayed it all over their bodies, not even sparing their faces.

There are too many mosquitoes inside. If no measures are taken, it is estimated that they will be sucked dry before they finish the journey.

Everyone was busy with their work, while Tong Li looked around without any waves, observing the surrounding vegetation.

While everyone was not moving around, he pulled out a few herbs when he saw the herbs he wanted, and hung them on his body.

At this time, everyone seemed to remember that Tong Li had no insect repellent.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the supplies on their bodies were provided on a head-by-head basis, and each person had only one share.

Tong Li was an accidental factor, if any of them gave her the deworming medicine, then this person would be useless.

Normally, they wouldn't care about it, but today they have assessments and tasks. Once they are bitten by poisonous insects, it is one thing whether they will die or not, but they will be out of the game for sure.

They have worked so hard for today. If they are eliminated because of this incident, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

So whether it should be given, and who should give it, is a very rigorous question.

Suddenly, a brown bottle appeared in front of Tong Li's eyes.

She raised her eyes, and saw that Jing Beichen was smiling brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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