Chapter 235 was pitted

"Take it, if such a beautiful face is bitten by bugs, I will feel bad."

Tong Li refused: "No need."

He lowered his head and continued to organize the few herbs he had just pulled.

Jing Beichen was not annoyed when he saw that his intention was rejected, but took two steps back, raised the potion, and sisi...sprayed on Tongli.

It was sprayed all over from head to toe with a cool and strong medicinal smell.

Tong Li closed her eyes, suppressed the anger in her heart, put down the herbs in her hands, and slowly raised her head, looking at the man who owed a beating, her temples couldn't help twitching.

Seeing that she was about to get angry, Jing Beichen said, "You're welcome."

After speaking, before Tong Li could make a move, he quickly slipped away.

Maybe others don't know, but he has personally experienced Tong Li's fist, and when he hit someone, it was merciless.

Seeing Jing Beichen's operation, the two people next to him couldn't help but twitch their mouths.
Jing Beichen sat back beside Jing Beiyan, picked up his elder brother's medicine bottle and sprayed it on himself.

Others understand that feelings are to use one's own to be courteous, and don't use others' for oneself, this calculation is good enough.

Jing Beiyan was also not used to him, so he snatched it back, and sprayed all the potion in two or three strokes.

Jing Beichen: "."

Everyone changed from being speechless just now to gloating.

As long as Jing Beichen can be deflated, they will be happy.

After resting in place for 10 minutes, the group continued to move forward. As expected, the further they went, the more mosquitoes there were.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared. Except for a few mosquitoes, no poisonous insects dared to approach.

The other Jing Beichen, who was sprayed with some insect repellant, was not so lucky. He hadn't gone far on the road, and he was stared at all over his face.

Jing Beichen covered his face and had nowhere to put his anger. His face was sore and itchy after being bitten, which made him wish he could burn it up with a torch.

He felt even more regretful in his heart, just now to show his favor in front of Tong Li, he sent out the potion, who knew that there were so many mosquitoes tmd.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

Everyone looked at the crazy Jing Beichen, no one felt sorry for him, and even felt very happy.

A group of people continued to walk in. Although they sprayed insect repellent, there were still many people who were not afraid of death. After a while, everyone had a few bags on their faces.

In particular, the mosquitoes on the island have a slight toxin. Although the poison is not deadly, the place where they are bitten is itchy and painful. It is the feeling of scratching the heart and lungs, which is indescribable. Anyway, it is very sour. .

However, they gradually discovered a problem. After walking for so long, Tong Li hadn't been bitten by a mosquito once, not even a single wound.

Xiao Si is a girl, she doesn't have any requirements on her appearance, as long as she is clean and tidy, but when she thinks of herself, being bitten like a pig's head is still a bit unacceptable.

She cheekily asked Tong Li: "Tong Li, why didn't insects bite you?"

Tong Li looked at the red and swollen wound on her face, and said calmly: "The physique is good."

Xiao Si: I believe you are a ghost, maybe they are not in good health.

Tong Li said that she really didn't lie to them, her body is invulnerable to all poisons, and these mosquitoes were already scared away when they smelled the breath emanating from her body, how could they come up to bite her.

Suddenly, the person in front stopped again.

After sensing the situation ahead, everyone instantly entered a state of alert.

This is the form manifested in a dangerous situation.

Without looking back, Jing Beiyan sternly said to the people behind: "Everyone, be careful."

They have undergone countless trainings and know a lot about survival in the wild. They were not afraid of so many mosquitoes when they came in just now.

But there is not a single bug here, so abnormal, it is very likely that there is some powerful creature here, even other bugs are afraid of it.

Or there is some poisonous gas here that makes those mosquitoes unable to survive. No matter what it is, we must first understand it before we can move forward.
Tong Li looked around at the tall trees around, observing the traces on the ground, her sensitive nose moved, she probably knew what was going on here.

She looked at Xiaosi next to her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xiao Si glanced at her and replied, "No destination."

Seeing her like this, Tong Li obviously didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask further.

But: "This is a snake's den, I suggest you change the way."

They also saw that 20 meters ahead, there were a lot of retreating snake skins, densely packed in a large area, which also verified what Tong Li said just now, this place may really be a snake nest.

The machine at Jing Beichen's waist vibrated a few times, and he took out the only small flat-screen machine that could receive external information.

When he saw the above information, his eyes darkened.


"The squad over there has come in, and if we don't meet the deadline, all of us will be knocked out."

Everyone understands that this road is the fastest route to the destination. Now that one-third of the journey has been made, it will waste a lot of time to go back.

No one wants to be eliminated. Their pursuit is of course more important than the snake's nest.

Everyone spontaneously took off their backpacks and took out the snake repelling sticks in the bags.

Jing Beiyan said: "Order one each at the front, middle and back, and pass here as quickly as possible."


Several people responded with a serious face as if they were facing a big enemy.

Only two people looked at them busy with indifferent faces.

Tong Li is disdainful, but Jing Beichen is not afraid.

Thirteen people lined up in a straight line, and the three people at the front and back immediately lit the snake sticks.

"Run." Under Jing Beiyan's order, everyone began to trot step by step. The smell of snakes became stronger and stronger as they walked in. They knew that they had entered the core area of ​​the snake den.

Jing Beiyan watched the six roads with his eyes and listened to all directions, and gradually slowed down, fearing that a snake would come out from somewhere. They walked forward 30 meters, turned a big bend, and saw more than a dozen colorful snakes on the ground. little snake.

It was just a few, not enough, he waved the snake stick in his hand, and the little snakes fled the scene one after another after smelling an extremely pungent smell.

There were a few long and fierce ones that struggled for a while, but were finally defeated by the scent of the snake repelling stick, twisting their small waists and fleeing quickly.

The 13 people continued to move forward, but before they had gone far, the people in front stopped abruptly, so that they couldn't dodge behind, and they crashed into the car one by one.

Everyone turned their eyes to the front, and the sight in front of them gave them goosebumps all over their bodies.

It's not that they haven't been exposed to snake training, nor have they caught snakes, but the truth is that some people have begun to have physiological reactions, nausea, and weak legs.
Tong Li turned his head and looked forward, in front of him was a thousand-year-old tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, which could not penetrate even the scorching sun. If you ignore the colorful and long insects on the tree, this place will be a good place for shade. place.

"That's so much." A person behind stumbled.

Not only a large number of small snakes, but also a huge boa constrictor hovering on the top of the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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