The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 236 Do You Call This Deadly Thing Cute?

Chapter 236 Do You Call This Deadly Thing Cute?

Looking at its sharp teeth, powerful snake body, and cold and ruthless eyes, it is undoubtedly saying that the territory here belongs to it.

What puzzled them was that snakes have a very strong sense of territory, and now all the snakes gather here, either there is a snake king here, or there is something it wants in this tree, otherwise it is impossible to have so many kinds snakes gathered together.

"Boss, have we been tricked?" If they walked over here, they would probably be gnawed to the bone.

What do the people above want to do?It's impossible not to know that this is a snake's nest, but he just pointed them to the snake's nest, what does it mean?
Raise the difficulty?

To embarrass them on purpose?

Don't want them to live?

The point is that no matter how difficult it is, you can't make such a large nest of snakes. The snake dealers will tremble when they see it, let alone them.

Jing Beiyan frowned tightly, and an incomprehensible emotion flashed in his eyes.

It is human nature to be afraid of snakes, and even with so many snakes, he can't remain indifferent.

Is it possible to pass safely?
Not too possible.

In particular, these snakes are brightly colored, all of which show its toxicity, and a bite is enough to kill a person.

But this road is the fastest road to the destination. If they go back now, the second team will definitely overtake them, and they will also be out by then.

Just when everyone was frowning, a voice of gloating at others' misfortune sounded.

"Huh? It's really a bit much. I have dinner today. Cooking snake soup, grilling snake meat, and eating snake gall are all good choices."

The person next to him silently added in his heart: if you are lucky, eat snake soup, if you are unlucky, the snake will eat you.

"Boss, why don't you go back, it's really difficult."

Jing Beichen felt even happier when he heard that: "Yes, hurry back and admit defeat."

Then you can pack it up and go home, it's really boring here, if you stay any longer, if you don't get tortured to death by his brother, you will be bored to death.

In addition to training every day, it is training. When he returns someday, he will burn it down with a torch.

Jing Beiyan pondered for a while, he didn't want to just admit defeat, although this challenge would be more difficult, but it was not impossible.


What are they afraid of?
Jing Beiyan came up with various solutions in his mind, but they were rejected one by one in the end.

What they want is to pass safely, and driving away the snake is obviously the best way.

"Otherwise, if we throw a few snake repellents over, we might scare them away." A person behind said suddenly.

Another retorted: "I'm afraid they don't scare us away, we do."

Just imagine, with so many snakes running around like a madman, a few of them rushing to bite them, they are killed in minutes.

Not even scum left.

Moreover, when that boa constrictor is a display?They don't have much to drive snakes away, and this method is unrealistic.

"It's actually not that difficult to think about the past."

Jing Beichen stepped on his pair of army green military boots, walked up to them with his head held high, and looked down upon them very much: "It's just a group of snakes, what's there to be afraid of, such cute little animals, I don't know how to appreciate them at all."

Everyone was speechless: 'Cute?He calls this damn thing cute?Did this person misunderstand cuteness? '

Jing Beiyan glanced at him sharply: "What can you do?"

Jing Beichen kept silent, pretending to look mysteriously at everyone.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked unhurriedly into the group of snakes, with that leisurely pace, those who didn't know thought he was strolling in the park.

Jing Beiyan saw his younger brother walking forward without fear of death, wondering why he was going crazy, so he stretched out his hand to pull him, but was slapped down by his hand.

"Leave me alone." This meeting is very airy.

As the distance he advanced was getting closer and closer, everyone held their breath, and their nervous eyes all fell on Jing Beichen, except for him, nothing could enter their eyes.

One step, two steps, three steps, approaching, and two steps away from stepping into the range of the snake group.

At this thrilling moment, Jing Beichen stopped.

He looked back at the crowd, showing a tricky smile, and walked back slowly.


A teammate stood up and asked, "Why didn't the snake attack you?"

Could it be that this snake doesn't attack humans?

"There is no reason, I can let you pass safely, but you all have to promise me one condition." He never does business that loses money, and he will not do it if there is no benefit to take.

The teammate asked with a half-smile: "What conditions?"

Jing Beichen smiled sinisterly: "I don't know yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."


"Forget you, you are also a member of the team."

Jing Beichen shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Then wait."

He wasn't in a hurry anyway.

Everyone knew that Jing Beichen was treacherous, but there was nothing he could do about him. He was not an official team member, but was just plugged in temporarily by virtue of his connections. It didn't matter to him whether he could pass the assessment or not.

But it's different for them.

In the end, under the coercion of Jing Beichen, everyone reluctantly agreed.

Jing Beichen looked at the devastated appearance of this group of people, and he was in a good mood. With what they thought was a difficult task, he walked back to the snake path.

He is indeed not afraid of snakes. This is from when he fell into the snake den when he was a child. At that time, he thought he was dead when he fell into the snake den. It's like watching a scourge.

He can't forget the scene at that time until now, it was so exciting.

It's a pity that these snakes are only afraid of him. If he knows how to control these snakes, it will be fun.

The giant python perched on the tree saw Jing Beichen approaching, and slowly twisted its enchanting snake body.

The scales on the body emit a strange light as it twists, and the snake letter in the mouth keeps revealing, as if it is a temptation or a welcome.

The people outside are just the snake letters, hissing, even if they haven't passed by, listening to the sound feels like they are in the scene, making people feel weak all over.

Jing Beichen's eyes were focused, he tightened the smile on his face, and stared at the giant python with death-like eyes. The eyes of one person and one snake were extremely vicious and vicious, like a silent fight. Can't wait to put the opponent to death and then hurry up.

Others couldn't see Jing Beichen's eyes, but they were terrified when they saw the eyes of the giant python. They couldn't help but start to wonder, can this really pass?
And the giant python clearly has the strength to strangle the prey in front of it, why is it indifferent?

Everyone watched the two of them with breathless concentration, and the time passed minute by minute, and it seemed like years had passed in just a few minutes.

Jing Beichen stared at the giant python for a full 15 minutes, without any movement, just staring, they all doubted whether Jing Beichen understood snake language, and the two discussed things with big eyes and small eyes.

After another 5 minutes, the giant python moved. Is it going to eat people?
(End of this chapter)

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