Chapter 237 Jing Beichen's Usefulness
No, it twisted its snake body and circled back to the tree, lying on the tree with a sleepy expression.

And Jing Beichen looked at the snake with amazing perseverance, and won the short-term right to use this road.

It took a lot of energy to look at the snake. He slowly closed his eyes, a few drops of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he seemed to be a little bit exhausted.

Opening it again, with a displeased expression on his face, he raised his chin towards them: "Okay, we can pass."

The teammates subconsciously turned their attention to Jing Beiyan. They didn't trust Jing Beichen. You said they might believe it in the last match, just by looking at each other for 10 minutes, and then telling them it's okay?

It's just like the Arabian Nights.

Jing Beiyan looked closely at Jing Beichen's eyes, those pupils were like a bottomless abyss, people couldn't tell whether what he said was true or false.

But the snake did not attack him.

One is understandable, but the snakes all over the tree don't attack him...

Jing Beiyan thought about it for a while, and finally decided: "I'll pass first."


"Boss... I'll come first."

The two stopped him, if this person really cheated them, let him come, no one can touch their boss.

"I'll come first."

"I'll come first."

All of a sudden, everyone pushed and shoved each other, scrambling to go first.

Jing Beichen sneered at their behavior: "Will you come or not? If you don't come, I'll go."

Jing Beiyan yelled at them: "Shut up, everyone."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

He grabbed the shoulders of two teammates who stood in front of him, and pushed them back in four or two strokes.

Just walked over so calmly.

Jing Beiyan himself is calm and composed, and there is no trace of fear in his eyes. The moment he gets close to the big tree, the whole heart of his teammates is raised in his throat, for fear that those snakes will suddenly attack him.

Then their captain: "..."

Fortunately not.

"Don't look at those snakes." Jing Beichen reminded.

Jing Beiyan's footsteps were half a beat slower, the tip of his tongue pressed against the root of his teeth, and then he looked at a tree in front of him, and took a decisive step resolutely.

The person who left didn't know whether he was afraid or not, but the whole face of the person who looked at him was distorted.

In just 30 to [-] meters, they felt that the captain walked for a century.

At last they saw a miracle.

Their captain walked through the snakes unharmed.

55555~ It's scary to say.

Jing Beichen showed a cold smile to the person in front: "Next."


This smile...why do they think that Jing Beichen intends to kill them?
Before everyone rushed to get out, now everyone changed their previous attitude and pushed each other out.

Seeing that they were bored to death, one of the tall ones waved his hand, pushed these people aside, and said boldly, "I'll come first."

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the tremolo in the last word.

It was obvious that he was flustered too.

The tall man closed his eyes, looking like the wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man is gone and never returns.

He imitated Jing Beiyan and stared at the tree in front of him intently, and walked over as if nothing had happened.

But out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but glance at the snakes. Looking at those twisted snakes, he had to say that his psychological quality was a little weak, and he was lying here.

The speed under his feet subconsciously increased, and another one passed safely after dozens of seconds.

Continue to the next one.

With the first two cases, the people behind feel a little more confident.

As long as you don't look at the snakes or provoke them, you can basically pass safely.

But there was one who was the most timid. When he walked to the middle of the snake group, he suddenly looked at the snake group. Just such a glance immediately aroused the restlessness of the snake nest.

Thousands of pairs of snake eyes stared at him, as if they were going to come up and eat him in the next second.

The guy was stunned and stood there motionless, not knowing what to do next.

Jing Beichen stepped forward and raised his leg. The movement was very fast. Before his foot landed, he had already floated out.

With a plop, the team members landed gloriously, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

The people on the ground struggled in embarrassment for a few seconds before standing up. He clutched his painful and numb buttocks, and looked back at Jing Beichen resentfully: this kick was somewhat personal.

The kick is too hard.

The few people behind, having learned the lesson of the previous person, all walked forward honestly, not daring to look around.

After a while, eleven members passed safely, leaving him and Tong Li alone.

Jing Beichen walked up to him, with a smile on his face, leaned slightly and stretched out his hand.

A normal woman is facing a group of snakes, seeing this action, she will definitely put her hand on it without hesitation, for a little sense of security.

But Tong Li just glanced at him lightly, then walked over straight.

Her action scared the person in front almost jumped over and pushed her back.

Fortunately, Tong Li also came over safely.

Jing Beichen's courtship failed, but seeing Tong Li's eyes shine brighter, he thought to himself: She deserves to be the woman he likes, and she is not afraid of the snakes at all.

After passing the snake's nest, a group of people walked forward non-stop.

They wasted a lot of time here, wondering if the team over there had arrived.

If they take things away, it's over for them this time.

Fortunately, after their desperate running, they finally got the things before them.

At night, a group of people found a suitable place to set up camp.

Everyone was busy with the work at hand, only Tong Li sat on the side with his eyes closed.

She was thinking, seeing a hundred-jointed snake in the snake's den today, judging from its length, it must be more than a hundred years old.

If you catch it, Naqu Manman's disease can be cured.

After everyone finished eating, they went back to the tent to rest and reserve their strength to continue the test.

In the middle of the night, the moon hangs high, and the sky full of stars keeps twinkling. I don’t know if it’s because of being on the island. The stars that used to be unattainable in the past seem to be within reach here.

Tong Li opened the zipper of the tent, lightened her hands and feet, and tried not to make any noise.

She looked in the direction she came from today, after thinking for a moment, she decided to catch the snake.

It's okay not to let her see it, but if she sees it, how can I let it go.

In the dark night, a girl in a green military uniform flew alone on the gloomy path, except for the sound of insects, the sound of her running.

Tong Li came under the big tree today at the fastest speed. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt that the temperature here seemed to be much lower than in the morning.

Suddenly, a lifeless little black snake twisted its waist and circled around her feet.

"Go aside." Tong Li kicked the little snake and approached the big tree.

She could still see clearly when she looked at it in the morning, but after nightfall, the underside of the big tree was as black as ink, if it wasn't for her good eyesight, she really wouldn't be able to see clearly what was inside.

The closer she got to the ancient tree, she found that the temperature was really getting lower, much lower than other places.

Not right.

(End of this chapter)

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