Chapter 238 Ancient Ice Silkworm
And the most obvious intuitive feeling is that the irritability in her body caused by the curse mark has been soothed at this moment.

Tong Li stretched out her hand, the red line moved slowly through her pressure, but the symptoms it produced were not pleasant.

But now... what happened?
Is it because of that tree?
Tong Li retreated vigilantly, stopped after reaching a certain distance, and the uncomfortable energy began to flow out of her body again.

She took a few steps forward.

The body feels a burst of coolness, very comfortable.

That's right, as long as she is within the radiation range of this tree, she can suppress the discomfort in her body.

Tong Li's eyes darkened, and she picked a leaf from a nearby branch. After wiping off the ash on it, she twisted the two ends of the leaf with two fingers to straighten it, and slowly put it to her lips.

A beautiful piece of music slowly escaped from her mouth.

The group of snakes who were originally enjoying the night suddenly became restless for some reason. After a while, they saw a group of colorful long snakes rushing out of their nests.

Tong Li looked at the countless snakes, which quickly spread out to the surroundings, and was a little shocked in her heart. This number was far more than what she saw during the day.

I'm afraid not all the snakes on the island gather here.

So, what is the secret of this tree?They can live together peacefully in a tree.

A few minutes passed, and there were still a steady stream of snakes rushing out of the big tree. People with trypophobia at this density probably had a heart attack on the spot.

It's just that there are so many coming out, but none of them are what she wants. She saw a hundred-jointed snake the next day, why hasn't it come out yet?

Did she see it wrong?



On the old tree, a snake with a hexagonal head and a red and black coat, with a length of more than two meters, clings to the big tree and slowly climbs down.

Seeing that it was going to follow the group of snakes, Tong Li pressed the leaves with his fingers to change its tune, and the snake turned around as if being controlled, and swam towards Tong Li.

The Hundred-Jie Snake is a kind of snake with a highly venomous body. Once bitten by it, no matter whether it is a human or a snake, it will undoubtedly die. It is this kind of poisonous snake that everyone fears, and it has many treasures on its body.

Its guts can be used to make antidote to various poisons, and its skin can be used to make invulnerable leather. In fact, the meat is also a great tonic.

But its danger is also relative.

But she didn't want it to make an antidote, she wanted to extract a substance that could restore Qu Manman's tendons from the snake gall.

Tong Li bent down and reached out, ready to...

Suddenly, a hand next to her was so quick that it could not cover her ears, one step ahead of her to pinch the snake seven inches away.

The moment the hundred-jointed snake was caught, it woke up and began to twist and struggle desperately.

It wrapped its whole body around Jing Beichen's arm, trying to smash the thing that grabbed it.

Sucking... Jing Beichen gasped in pain, his face changed slightly, he grabbed the snake's body vigorously, untied it from the back of his hand, and then stepped on its tail with his feet, stretching it straight.

This thing is at least 2~3 meters long, whether it is long or short, and has great strength, but luckily he can hold it down.

Tong Li put down the leaves, her eyes were slightly cold: "That snake is mine."

Jing Beichen turned the snake's head and glanced at it casually. The pattern circles on the snake's body were very dense, and the shape of the head was still angular. It looked like a poisonous snake. He had studied it before, but he didn't seem to have seen this kind of snake.

However, there are so many snakes in the world, it is normal that they are not recorded.

He looked at the cold beauty in front of him, and said rather rascally: "But this is what I just caught, it should be mine."

Tong Li didn't have time to pester him, and stepped forward to snatch the snake back.

In the next second, Jing Beichen hid the snake behind him, and said with a playful smile, "It's not impossible to want to, unless you teach me how to control the snakes."

"It's the tune you played just now."

Tong Li's eyes are as cold as ice. Why does such a man with bad intentions want to learn how to control snakes?
Anyone with a brain knows what he wants to do.

She can't teach.

Dare to snatch her things halfway, huh...

The wind in the forest blew the leaves and made a rustling sound, and soon the rustling sound followed.

Tong Li's ears moved, and she heard that the group of snakes had come back.

She looked back at the ancient tree, then at the snake in Jing Beichen's hand.

Put the blade back on the lips again and play the tune. The group of snakes who were swimming back just now seemed to hear some terrible sound, and all turned their heads away from the sound that made them ravage.

Tong Li no longer cared about the snake in Jing Beichen's hand, but came under the old tree and jumped up the tree nimbly.

Jing Beichen carried the snake and followed her to the tree, watching her jump up and down on it: "What are you looking for? What treasure is there?"

Tong Li ignored him and continued to search the tree.

If the feeling outside was not accurate enough, she can 100% guarantee that there is absolutely something wrong with this tree when she gets here.

But she searched all over the tree, but found nothing unusual.

Since it's not on the tree, it's probably in the trunk.

Tong Li stood on a thick branch, pressed her small palm on the torso of the elder, and then lowered a touch of spiritual consciousness, only to find that a section of the tree below had been corroded and hollow.

Looking down, she saw a fat, short bug sleeping soundly.

She continued to lower her consciousness, came to the bug, and circled around it.

This worm was crystal clear all over, exuding wisps of cold air, even in the form of her consciousness, she could feel the incomparable cold.

If she guessed correctly, this should only be an ancient ice silkworm, which also makes sense why the temperature here is so low.

But this thing usually lives in the ice and snow, how could it appear on this deserted island.

How could she let go of such a treasure today.

Tong Li withdrew his consciousness and jumped down from the tree.

After landing firmly, he circled around the big tree, wondering where would be the best way to get in.

Finally, I chose a place with a thinner trunk.

Jing Beichen walked around to her side with a snake in his hand, before he had time to ask you...


Tong Li broke the tree trunk with one punch, and Jing Beichen behind her was shocked by her hand.

"What are you going to do?"

Chi chi chi... A sound of restlessness came to her ears, and Tong Li looked back.

Maybe it sensed that someone wanted to kill the ice silkworm, the giant python swam back with other small snakes.

Tong Li's expression suddenly became more serious.

He raised his leg and thumped against the opening a few times, and quickly kicked out a hole that could accommodate a person.

Jing Beichen shook his head beside him: "It's really violent."

Tong Li quickly got in, she wanted to take the ice silkworm away before the snakes came back.

Jing Beichen also heard the movement behind him, looked back, and turned back again, the woman in front of him was gone.

"What about people?"

He looked left and right, then probed in and studied for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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