The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 239 What if I stabbed the snake's nest?

Chapter 239 What if I stabbed the snake's nest?
But it was too dark inside, and he didn't have a night vision device, so he couldn't see anything.

Then he yelled inside: "Hey... Sister Li... Ah Li... Little Li'er... Li..."

"Shut up." Tong Li's temples twitched when he heard the flat voice.

Originally, she wanted to secretly take the ice silkworm away.

The loud voice of the man above is wishing to announce it to the world.

I was afraid that the things below would not know that she had come down.

This is just great.

The ice silkworm woke up.

One person and one insect stared at each other silently, you don't move and I don't move.

The ice silkworm shook its cute little head, blinked its eyes, and looked at the human who suddenly appeared in front of it.

Don't look at it's cute appearance, it's brutal when it's fierce.

A sneeze can freeze half of the tablet.

"Hey, hurry up, those snakes are coming back." Jing Beichen spoke again, and he could feel that the snakes were very irritable at the moment.

He was lucky enough to let them pass through here today, but there was no guarantee that the snake would still listen to him now.

Tong Li naturally noticed it, and she was also anxious, but it was not so easy to want these things to go with her.

She tried to put her hand in front of the ice silkworm, and said in a slow voice, "Do you want to come with me?"

Bingcan shook her head and looked at her, as if she didn't understand what she said.

Tong Li pulled the muscles at the corners of his mouth, letting himself show a softer smile, like coaxing a child: "Follow me, I can take you to find something delicious."

I don't know if the ice silkworm understood the word "eat", its eyes lit up obviously, and it began to move its short and fat body.

Tong Li saw its intentions, didn't even need to move it, and couldn't wait to get it in his hand.

"Then you follow me from now on, don't go back on your word."

Ice silkworms are very lazy by nature, they can be killed if they can't move, just lying on Tong Li's palm, they closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Tong Li looked at the sleeping ice silkworm and couldn't believe it: "This thing?Just go with her? '

"Sister Li... If you don't come up, you really won't be able to leave later." Jing Beichen's urging voice came again, this time he was really impatient.

Tong Li also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so she hid the ice silkworm in her pocket like a treasure, looked up at the exit, then jumped up, stepping on the ridge of the tree.

When he jumped to the exit, he met Jing Beichen's eyes, he stretched out his hand to pull her, but Tong Li slapped her away.

Jing Beichen made fun of himself, put it down and took a few steps back: "It's really cruel."

Tong Li came out of the tree hole, outside...


All the snakes surrounded them tightly, and every snake stared at Tong Li with very angry eyes, wishing to tear them apart.

Jing Beichen glanced at Tong Li and then at the group of snakes, lowered his voice and asked, "What did you do down there just now?"

Tong Li's face didn't turn red and his heart didn't beat: "Nothing."

"Didn't do anything?"

It's nothing they can show a father-killing and enemy-like eyes.

Tong Li turned her head and looked at the hundred-jointed snake in his hand.

While he was not paying attention, he grabbed his wrist, pushed him, snatched the hundred-jointed snake, and then dodged, and got into the dense forest first.

This movement is smooth and flowing, done in one go, and there is no time for people to react.

Jing Beichen looked at his empty hands, and was in a mess by himself.

The mastermind ran too fast, and when the snake reacted, the person who snatched their ice silkworms and captured their snake king had long since disappeared.

And as an accomplice, the snake group would certainly not let him go, but the snake group was afraid of the aura on his body, and dared not attack him if they wanted to.

Jing Beichen also took the opportunity to sneak into the dense forest.

The group of snakes watched the two of them run away, chasing them in twos and threes.

Tong Li's speed was too fast, she ran away in the blink of an eye, and couldn't catch up even if she wanted to.

Compared with the slow Jing Beichen, it was much worse.

Countless snakes chased after him.

Jing Beichen looked up to the sky and cursed, he didn't do anything, okay, why do you have to chase him?

Not to mention that people like to bite softly, damn it... Even snakes like to bite weakly.

Jing Beichen hated Tong Li to death, originally the snakes were respectful to him, what did she do to make these snakes chase him fiercely.

She is definitely not as simple as catching a snake.

In the night, two figures, running in different directions, kept running.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Jing Beichen couldn't run any longer. When he saw a big rock, he didn't care whether the snake followed him or not, so he fell directly on the big rock, panting heavily.

Looking at the sky full of stars, he suddenly laughed out loud.

He should be thankful that he was tortured by his brother every day during these days, otherwise he really wouldn't have the speed and strength to escape.


And Tong Li didn't know which corner she was in, so she ran as hard as she could anyway.

She knew that snakes had a very good sense of smell, even if they couldn't catch her now, as long as she was on this island, they would find her everywhere.

So at the moment, you must first cover up your breath.


At 6:[-] in the morning the sun rose on time.


One after another, two or three swear words resounded throughout the dense forest.

Whoever pulls away and sees a group of snakes will be scared to death, okay!
Especially after what happened yesterday, they felt that they would have a stress response when snakes were mentioned.

"That's why some people zip up and don't come out." Jing Beiyan told them loudly while sitting in the tent.

He was a little surprised to see so many snakes. Didn't he pass safely yesterday?

Why are there so many snakes all of a sudden?

"Everyone counts."

As the captain, he wants to know if the players are safe.

"Wu Chang is here."

"Su Hong is here."

One after another, there were thirteen people in their team. Except for him, ten people had already arrived, and there were two more, one was his good brother, and the other was the girl.

"Jing Beichen."

"Jing Beichen."

Jing Beiyan yelled a few times, but no one responded.

In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that the person was bitten, and the other is that the person is not there, and he does not know where he went.

In any case, he hoped it was the second.

A team member quietly unzipped the zipper a little and took a look outside, which directly frightened him out of his psychological shadow.

An Equitling sea snake was opening its mouth wide, ready to attack him. He quickly pulled up the zipper, but the sea snake missed.

I wiped and escaped a life.

This sea snake is more poisonous than the king cobra, and it takes less than ten minutes for him to bite you.

"Boss, what to do, there are so many snakes."

They thought that after passing the Snake Pass, there would be nothing difficult for them in the future.

Well now, besieged by snakes.

"Xiao Si, is Tong Li in the tent?" Jing Beiyan's voice was calm and powerful, without timidity, which made people feel more at ease.

"No no."

In contrast, Xiao Si was much flustered, her tent was close to Tong Li, and she knew how many snakes were around her without opening it.

"Boss Yan, I have too many snakes here. I. I"

She wanted to say she was afraid, but she couldn't.

I am afraid that this word cannot appear in their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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