The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 240 Cancel the assessment on this island

Chapter 240 Cancel the assessment on this island
Another teammate took advantage of the absence of snakes to climb up, quickly pulled the chain away, and took a look outside. When he saw Tong Li's tent, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole picture became ferocious in an instant, and the pores all over his body dilated Drive to the extreme.

Not anymore.

He pulled up the chain, sat on his knees, covered his stomach with his left hand and retched a few times.

too disgusting.

Tong Li's tent was almost covered with snakes, one after another, tightly entwined, without a single gap.

He sat down in despair: "What should I do?"

In this way, they can't leave at all. Are they really going to admit defeat this time?


On the other side, the second team was also troubled by snakes.

When they woke up in the morning, they saw a group of countless snakes. The colorful snakes almost didn't scare away their three souls and seven souls.

Before going to bed, they had placed snake-repelling powder around them, and if a few bold snakes slipped in, they would understand.

It's so fucking amazing, so many, is it true?
They have never seen so many poisonous snakes when they grow up.

For a while, people on both sides couldn't come out.

The monitors stationed on other islands saw that the positioning of the two teams had already stayed in place for most of the day.

I wonder why these people don't move?Is something wrong, or is the locator malfunctioning?

But they can understand that one locator is broken, but it can't be that all locators of the two teams are broken.

After much thought, they decided to report the anomaly.

Immediately after receiving the order from the superior, the satellite monitoring was called to capture the picture of the isolated island.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the picture sent back.

They didn't see people, but they saw colorful poisonous snakes.

"So much?" The two people in front of the screen broke out in cold sweat.

Come to think of it, one is scary enough, it's all over the mountains and plains, and anyone who sees it will be terrified.

The two teams only had a few snake-repelling guns on them. Facing so many poisonous snakes, nothing happened.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, they immediately reported the situation urgently.

Several persons in charge immediately held a meeting and decided to switch this assessment to a spare island.

After all, nothing is more important than human life.

What they can't understand is that this island has been used as a training base all year round, and they are very clear about the situation inside. There are snakes, but a litter is limited to thirty or fifty snakes, and at most there are hundreds of them.

And as long as humans don't deliberately destroy their nests and avoid them carefully, there is no problem.

Now this scene?What happened on the island?

At 12:[-] noon, the two captains received orders from their superiors to cancel the assessment on the island and go to Island N instead. Military planes will be sent to take them away later.

Everyone has no opinion, and dare not have any opinion. No one wants to leave this island more than them. Although it would be embarrassing to change the venue during the assessment, life is still more important than life.

Jing Beiyan was more worried about the two people who ran outside. They had a tent and could still cover them for a while, but the two people didn't have any shelter. Everyone knew how likely they were to survive among the many poisonous snakes.

However, the reality is that Jing Beichen was lying on the rock, looking at the blue sky with empty eyes, there were a few snakes crawling around on his body, and there were countless snakes under his feet.

Fortunately, they didn't bite him, otherwise his life would have to be explained here today.

Tong Li was standing on a tree, and there were a few snakes underneath, but they didn't find her, so the situation was fine.

The problem right now is that the snake gall must be fresh, but the other auxiliary medicinal materials she refined are not there, so it is impossible for her to put the snake, but if she holds it in her hand, other snakes will definitely find it along with her breath.


Tong Li frowned and looked at the vast sea, local control is really a troublesome thing.

She tore off a few leaves from the tree, cleared all the snakes around the tree, and went to join the main force first anyway.

Tong Li took the snake and ran all the way back to the main army. Before he got close, he saw that the main army was already surrounded by snakes from a distance.

She knew that these snakes must have followed her breath to find them.

If she just goes back like this...

Before she could make up her mind, the snakes seemed to notice Tong Li, and turned their heads abruptly. After identifying the culprit, their bodies flew into the air instantly, and their mouths made a hissing sound.

After the snakes heard the movement, they all raised their bodies and looked at Tong Li. After confirming that it was the person who stole their things, all the snakes attacked them. What a magnificent scene.

Facing the snake army, Tong Li had no choice but to run first. Although she was not afraid of snake bites, it was still troublesome to kill with so many snakes.

After the people in the tent heard a thin, rustling sound, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if the snake had left.

Someone bravely opened the zipper, only to find that all the snakes around them had really disappeared.

"All the big snakes have run away." The team members came out of the tent and wept with joy.

Really, just now when he was inside, he really thought he was going to die.

It's a pity in my heart, I didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the mouth of these poisonous snakes, it's so fucking worthless.

Immediately afterwards, other people also came out of the tent, looking at the messy weeds on the ground.

Buzz buzz... There was a sound of flapping wings overhead.

Everyone looked up and saw that the people above had sent two helicopters to pick them up, but now the snake group has all retreated, so should they go or not?

All eyes turned to Jing Beiyan, waiting for his order.

Jing Beiyan looked deep into the dense forest and gave an order: "Go"

No one knows if the snakes will come back.

Maybe not so lucky next time.

After the helicopter found them, it began to descend, put down the ladder, and everyone climbed onto the helicopter one by one, and moved to the next venue.

But Jing Beiyan had to find two people before he left.

Jing Beichen also saw the helicopter hovering in the sky at the other end, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

It stands to reason that the assessment has not been completed, and it is impossible for the outside world to have a helicopter, unless something major happens.

He looked at the pile of snakes in front of him, and he was afraid that the pile of snakes had spread to the other side.

Could it be that someone died?
Or bitten by a snake?

He got up from the rock and stretched his waist: "Is it finally possible to go back?"

Jing Beichen went to the haystack and pulled some firewood out, and lit it.

Billows of smoke rose slowly as signal smoke.

The signal Jing Beiyan received immediately sent the pilot over.

And Tong Li was miserable.

The colorful snakes were chasing after her, no matter where she fled, there would always be a few snakes, and then other snakes would rush over to support her.

A posture that is bound to kill her.

She killed a few snakes, but for such a huge group of snakes, the number she killed was simply negligible.

Suddenly there was a burst of coldness from the pocket, and the thing inside seemed to want to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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