Chapter 241 Rescue
Tong Li took it out of his pocket, and when the little guy came out and saw Tong Li, there was a look of confusion in his eyes, as if he didn't remember where he was.

He looked at Tong Li seriously with wide eyes, and then at the group of snakes below, seeming to remember.

The little guy was shaking his body in Tong Li's hands, looking like he was about to sneeze, Tong Li quickly turned his head outward.

The ice silkworm took a deep breath, opened its mouth wide, and let out a ha-qiu sound. The sound was not loud, but it was a little cute, and a cold air that was visible to the naked eye sprayed out from the mouth.

Tong Li stared blankly at the front, she just didn't want the bug to sneeze at her, but she didn't expect the power of this bug to be so great.

The snakes within 10 meters in front were all condensed into ice strips, and the two snakes' eyes were wide open, as if they couldn't believe themselves, so they just died.

Don't say that the snake doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it either.

Tong Li put the ice silkworm in front of her eyes, raised one finger, and gently touched its cold body: "Are you so powerful?"

One sneeze solves a lot of problems.

She only knew that this kind of bug had the effect of curing diseases, but she didn't expect that her own defense was also very powerful.

This baby is good.

After the ice silkworm sneezed, a large number of snakes died, and the snakes behind felt the shock from the strong, and dared not move against Tong Li.

They also didn't expect that the ice silkworms would rebel, and now most of their own kind were dead, and the enemy was right in front of them, but they couldn't beat them.

The two sides are in a stalemate like this, the enemy does not move and I do not move.

After the ice silkworm sneezed, it became drowsy again, with its short and fat body in Tong Li's hands, it found a comfortable place, closed its eyes, and fell asleep.

Tong Li wondered if it was a sleepy bug, how could it be so sleepy?

And the helicopter in the sky circled most of the island, but there was no distress signal anywhere.

Maybe that person didn't know how to ask for help at all.

In other words, the person is dead and cannot send a distress message.

Jing Beichen leaned leisurely on the seat, looking at the scenery below.

He bet that if Tong Li died, none of them would die.

That woman... is very powerful, they are all dead, and she may not die.

The pilot lowered the flight altitude, and the people above held binoculars and observed carefully.

But the trees below are too dense, and it is impossible to see the scene clearly through the leaves.

Jing Beichen suddenly said, "Look for places where there are many snakes."

That woman must have stolen something from them, and that group of snakes chased her like crazy.

No matter how much she can run and jump, she can only run on the island, but snakes are everywhere, even if she has wings, she cannot escape the pursuit of poisonous snakes.

The team members listened to his words and concentrated on looking for snakes. Not to mention, relying on this method, they saw a bunch of snakes with tall heads in an open place, staring at one direction.

The inside was covered by trees, so it was not clear whether there was anyone inside.

However, analyzing the reaction of the snake, people estimate that it is inside.

Jing Beichen snatched the binoculars of his teammate next to him, picked up a loudspeaker from the front, and shouted to the people below: "Little Li'er...are you down there? We're here to save you. If you're down here, shake it Tree."

Little Li'er... what the hell is this called?Goosebumps arose on several of them.

And what did he say about shaking a tree?

The thinnest tree below is thicker than a human being... How could it be possible for a little girl to shake it.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face. An extremely lush tree with branches and leaves like a big umbrella swayed among the many trees.

If you say it’s smaller, they can still believe that it was shaken by people. Just that one tree, even a wild boar can’t shake it.

But Tong Li rattled the tree that was thought to be unshakable even by wild boars.


Jing Beiyan let the pilot land on the open space.

Before falling to the ground, she saw Tong Li crawling out of the leaves and standing securely on the leaves.

Everyone: "...?"

Can people stand on the leaves?

The pilot couldn't control that much anymore, the helicopter descended and blew a huge wind, shaking the tree.

They were worried that the girl would be left behind if she waited a while.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he hurriedly put down the ladder, the leaves on Tong Li's feet, jumped lightly, grabbed the ladder and climbed up.

And Jing Beichen came to the door of the cabin at some point, staring at Tong Li with those fiery eyes.

Seeing that Tong Li had reached the door, he stretched out his hand to give Tong Li a hand.

Tong Li didn't appreciate it, so he just ignored it and came up by himself.


The person next to him almost jumped out of the helicopter, but he never expected Tong Li to hold a snake in his hand.

"Tong...Tong Li! What are you doing with this snake in your hand? Throw it down quickly."

What is wrong with this girl, playing with snakes?Seeing snakes now, they all have psychological shadows, and they wish to be as far away from snakes as possible in this life.

Jing Beiyan had a cold face, exuding an aura that no one should get close to, and his eyes were staring at the snake in her hand even more unsteadily.

play snake?The snake only chased her and disappeared all night, and she didn't want to catch so many snakes, but she just grabbed a poisonous snake and didn't let go.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the snake disaster is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Miss Tong, the sudden madness of the snakes is related to the snake in your hand?" Jing Beiyan expressed his conjecture.

Tong Li lowered her eyes to look at the snake in her hand, without making any excuses, and gave a soft acknowledgment.

There was a dark cloud over everyone's heads "..."

Are you so frank?

"I can't stop watching." Jing Beichen folded his hands on his chest, interjected with a sinister smile.

"How can a mere snake make a snake angry?"

Everyone nodded in their hearts and dreams.

Tong Li kept her mouth shut and remained silent.

Jing Beichen raised his eyebrows slightly, looking for trouble: "Little Li'er, do you think you can just keep silent? Do you know how much we have lost because of your troubles? Now this island is completely unusable. You have to bear a lot of responsibility, whether it is in terms of manpower or material resources."

"If they give you a charge of destroying military land, I think you will have to sit for ten or eight years."

"Brother, do you think ten or eight years is enough?"

Tong Li was stunned for a moment, she looked calm on the surface, but her heart was like a lightning strike, and she asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Several men looked at each other, secretly reached an agreement, and said in unison: "Yes."

Tong Li looked outside, lost in thought.

Jing Beichen smiled and brows relaxed, and he really deserved a beating: "Don't expect Pei Jiuyin to help you, these things...he can't intervene, even if he can, he will be cut a few times."

"Well, do you think that person surnamed Pei will shave himself a few times for you?"

Tong Li was silent for a while and said: "I didn't make trouble."

Jing Beichen didn't believe it: "I saw you go into the tree hole and take something last night, and that group of snakes went crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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