Chapter 242 I'm back.

Tong Li glanced at the crowd indifferently. Although they pretended to be calm on the surface, she still found that one or two of these people had a guilty conscience in their eyes.


'Heh' she sneered in her heart, knowing what these people were thinking.

Want to hit her with bugs?

There are no doors.

"I see."

A very calm sentence, and then there was no more text.

Jing Beichen: "?"

that's it?
Why do you feel different from what you imagined?
Shouldn't you beg him for help?
He is like a savior again, showing his strength in front of her.

"So what the hell did you take in the tree hole?"

Tong Li turned sideways, rested with eyes closed, and ignored him.

She was afraid that she would not be able to resist kicking this man down.

How could Jing Beichen give up so easily, the more she keeps silent, it means that what she got must be some kind of rare treasure, he doesn't really care about that kind of treasure, he just thinks it's fun to piss people off,
"Are you really not afraid that we will sue you?"

"You have to tell me, I can let them open a back door and let this matter go."

Everyone rolled their eyes at him in their hearts: You are so awesome.

Tong Li didn't listen to the words outside his ears, so he threw two words to him when he was really annoyed: "Whatever."

Everyone held back their smiles, pressed their fists to their lips, and coughed twice: They have cooperated with him so much, but he still can't get out of the way, that can only be blamed for his incompetence.

Jing Beiyan's eyes fell on Tong Li, and the air pressure around him dropped a little. He learned from their analysis just now that his brother probably provoked this girl before.

The girlfriend of the Pei family.

The old man said that Jing Beichen was beaten into a pig's head by the girl in front of him, if it was her, it would be so possible.

After all, if he can survive among the snakes, his own ability will not be that bad, and he may be even stronger than them.

No matter what her skills are, he knows very well who his brother is, and he will avenge any revenge.

When he came up to save this girl, he had a ferocious look and an abnormal attitude these days.

It will definitely not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Jing Beiyan looked at Jing Beichen with half-closed eyes: what does his brother want to do.

Jing Beichen felt his elder brother's inquiring gaze, raised his head and looked at him, revealing evil intentions in his eyes, not only did not avoid it, but also gave him a rather provocative look of meddling.

Jing Beiyan's eyes became a little colder in an instant.

Tong Li was also completely relieved because of his provocation.

The helicopter sent all the personnel to another island, but Tong Li was sent back to the land directly. For this reason, Jing Beiyan had a big dispute with his brother.

You must know that Tong Li finally got into a difficult situation. He originally wanted to implement his pursuit plan here, let her fall into his gentle trap unknowingly, and when the time comes, he will make her obedient like a little sheep, and then bring her to the surname In front of Pei, he stomped his aloof appearance into the ground.

Such a challenging thing is exciting to think about.

But this great opportunity was ruined by his brother.

How could he not be angry, how could he not be annoyed.


With her feet on the ground, Tong Li stared at the words on the screen at the airport before she believed that they had really sent her back.

She thought that those men were going to play tricks, but she didn't expect to send her back so easily.

Tong Li glanced at the snake in her hand, and hid it in her sleeve, because if she brought the poisonous snake into the public eye, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

Or hide it.

After exiting the airport gate, Tong Li looked at the cars coming and going... She had no money on her.

A taxi stopped in front of her, and Tong Li was a little confused, but she still discussed with the driver and paid the money when she got there.

It's okay, if you don't, just walk back by yourself.

The driver saw that she was a little girl, wearing a camouflage uniform, and her address was in a wealthy area, so no matter what, she could not escape the order, so he agreed to her request.

Tong Li returned to Pei's house by car, but the car was stopped at the door. After all, it is impossible for anyone who can come here to take a taxi.

But when they saw the people in the car, the two of them were dumbfounded, and immediately put the car in respectfully.

Tong Li returned to Pei's house, put the snake into the fish tank, and saw that it showed signs of escaping, so he moved the coffee table in the living room.

Cover the entire fish tank with a coffee table, press the opening tightly, and put the ice silkworm on it to suppress it.

With this gadget, no matter how strong it is, it can't escape the fish tank.

After settling them, Tong Li went back to the room and took a quick shower.

Running up and down the island last night, the sticky feeling all over her body made her feel itchy and uncomfortable. She seized this opportunity and wished she could rub off a layer of skin on her body.

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is a Dangdang sound from the clock.

Looking at the clock, the people inside have been in the bathroom for nearly an hour.

After another 10 minutes, the people inside finally came out.

As soon as Tong Li stepped out of the bathroom door, she heard the sound of a car stopping outside, then the door was opened roughly, followed by the sound of running.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

A haggard and anxious face was reflected in her pupils.

Seeing the familiar girl in front of him, Pei Jiuyin gasped for breath and was already stunned.

The room was very quiet, only the sound of his beating heart could be heard.

It has been 65 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes and 32 seconds since his girl left him.

Pei Jiuyin's whole body tensed up, and he slowly walked in front of her, his eyes were full of lingering, they were extremely gentle eyes.

Standing in front of her, he raised his hand to help her wipe off the water droplets on her forehead, but he was afraid that the person in front of him would disappear if he touched him.

After all, this kind of scene happened from time to time, and he couldn't tell whether it was a hallucination or reality.

Seeing his cautious movements, Tong Li felt a slight pain in her heart for some reason, so she took the initiative to reach out and hold him, showing a relaxed smile: "I'm back."

Pei Jiuyin lowered his head to look at the fingers they were holding tightly.


It's his girl, it's real, it has touch, temperature, and voice.

"Sorry, this time..."

Pei Jiuyin suddenly hugged her into his arms, smelling her breath, it was still so familiar, it was great.

She has come back.

It also filled all the vacant corners of his heart.

If time could be turned back, he would never let her go. He was really afraid that he would never get her back.

"You're finally... back." Pei Jiuyin's voice choked slightly, the excitement of regaining what was lost made him unable to control his emotions.

If he could, he thought that time would freeze and let her stay in his arms forever, unable to go anywhere.

"Well, I'm back." Tong Li responded softly, with a soft smile on her face.

The two hugged each other tightly, without saying a word, all the joy flowed out of their bodies unintentionally, and the air was filled with their longing for each other.

After an unknown amount of time, Tong Li patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, let go first."

(End of this chapter)

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