Chapter 243 Is He Crying?

Pei Jiuyin reluctantly let go of his hand, feeling a soreness in his heart, Tong Li looked up at that handsome face, saw his flushed eyes, and wanted to laugh inexplicably: "Why are you still crying?"

"No, it's the redness of my eyes caused by lack of sleep." Pei Jiuyin turned his eyes away. This was a normal physiological reaction caused by excitement, so he didn't cry.

Tong Li nodded in disbelief.

Suddenly her pupils moved slightly, her face changed, she couldn't control her hands and pushed the man down on the single sofa, leaned forward, and pressed him down, the teasing eyes just now turned into longing.

The accident happened so fast that Pei Jiuyin was a little confused.

Seeing the situation, Tong Li didn't hesitate, put her hands on his face, leaned over and kissed him on the lips, with a rare expression of emotion: "Miss me?"

After Pei Jiuyin came to his senses, he covered her hands with his own, and placed a longing kiss on her palm: "I want to... think about it day and night."

"But I can't find you no matter what, not even in my dreams."

"Sorry." Tong Li kissed him again like a superficial touch on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't look for it, if I disappear, you just need to wait for me where I am, and I will come back by myself."

"do you know?"

Pei Jiuyin blinked his eyelashes lightly, his hot eyes fell on the pink lips, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he hummed indiscriminately.

Tong Li could see that he was also thinking, she tried her best to restrain the restlessness in her body, and looked at the black eyes under his eyes: "Did you not sleep well these days when I was away?"

Pei Jiuyin wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her up a little, making her get closer. His voice became hoarse: "I can't sleep without you."

Tong Li stroked his eyelids lightly with her fingers: "Then why don't you go to sleep first?"

Pei Jiuyin looked at her, with hot fire in his eyes, can they still sleep at this moment?
No, he saw it.

The red thread in her hand.

She wants him, but she loves him and wants him to rest. Has his girl finally loved him?

Pei Jiuyin tightened his grip on that small waist, thinking that not only did she need him, but he wanted her very much.


He pulled the person closer, pulled the other person's head down, a warm touch came, and the lips of the two joined together seamlessly, it was that kind of soft jelly-like, slightly moist touch that made people feel warm. fascinated.

The temperature in the room was just right, but the moment they touched it, the temperature rose again and again, and a single spark ignited the fire.

The consciousness of the two was in a daze, and they gradually sank into the deep sea, and soon there was a violent tide...


As the sun was setting in the morning, after a night of climax, the curse mark on Tong Li's chest was completely soothed, and she hid it at a very fast speed without knowing it.

The sun is shining brightly outside, full of vitality, but inside the house is another scene.

Tong Li woke up from the cold, even with a big stove attached to her back, the huge temperature difference made her subconsciously raise her guard.

Her eyes opened instantly, revealing a sharp expression. She didn't see the danger, but she saw her room, plunged into the ice and snow.

What happened?

Except for their bed, everything is covered with a thick layer of frost, even the ceiling?

Tong Li instantly remembered that the ice silkworm she brought back was the only one with the ability to freeze everything.

She threw off the quilt and was about to go to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but Pei Jiuyin grabbed him on the bed.

Tong Li turned around and found that Pei Jiuyin was still closed, apparently in a deep sleep. This was his unconscious reaction, was he afraid that she would leave?
Tong Li sighed silently, knelt on the bed with one knee, stroking his frowning brow with fingers.

Whispered in his ear: "Hey, let go first, I'll be back in a while."

Pei Jiuyin didn't move, Tong Li lowered his head and kissed him lightly on the forehead, the person on the bed seemed to feel a sense of security, and gradually loosened his grip.

Tong Li put his hands into the quilt, covered him with the quilt, got up, picked up the clothes from the ground, put them on, and hurried downstairs.

When she came to the door, she found that even the door was frozen, and she had to push it open with great effort.

Go out to the corridor and look down, good guy, the freezing situation below is worse than the room.

What is this little thing playing for, it's against the sky.

Tong Li quickly went downstairs to the fish tank, and saw the little bug rolling happily on the coffee table.

As for the snake below, it was frozen, and it was unknown whether it was dead or not.

Tong Li squeezed out 4 words between her teeth: "What are you doing?"

The ice silkworm immediately jumped up when it heard the sound, bouncing around like a little ball, it could be seen that it was very happy to be here.

By the way, the surrounding area was frozen.

"Why did you make this place like this?" Tong Li said in a serious tone, pointing at the things she had frozen.

Ice Silkworm looked at her fingers in a daze, and didn't feel anything wrong, and it was cold, so comfortable.

Tong Li looked at its stupid look, resisted the urge to touch its forehead, and warned it sharply: "Don't freeze casually, I know you do."

"Quickly remove all the ice."

The ice silkworm understands, the feeling is that she doesn't like ice.

Then it pursed its mouth and huffed and blew air outside.

There was a loud crackling sound, the ice shattered, and everything that was frozen was also shattered.

Tong Li smiled lightly, it was really good.

The fingers under her waist were slightly bent, and she flicked the little thing's head.

The fleshy body of the ice silkworm suddenly popped out with two hands, tightly covering the painful spot from Tong Li's bullets.

The mouth is flat, the eye sockets are red, and she looks like she wants to cry.

"I hate crying the most, don't cry in front of me." Tong Li's tone got worse.

Ice Silkworm's eyes were full of tears, but was suppressed abruptly by her words, she lowered her head and sobbed a few times, her appearance was pitiful.

Whether it's really pitiful or not, Tong Li could see clearly, and she wanted to teach it a few more words, when she heard hurried footsteps behind her.

Looking back, Tong Li saw Pei Jiuyin's flustered expression, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing her.

When Pei Jiuyin came together and saw no one, his heart slowed a few beats, and he ran out to find someone regardless of the surrounding environment.

Fortunately, people are in the living room.

At this time, he also found anomalies in his home.

"how come……"

Tong Li pointed to the culprit: "It did it."

Pei Jiuyin walked to Tong Li's side and took her hand, and after holding it firmly, he turned his attention to the ice silkworm.


Tong Li shook her head: "It's the ice silkworm."

Pei Jiuyin: "Where did you get such a small thing?"

Will it freeze the surrounding area?

Tong Li: "I picked it up on the island."

The ice silkworm protested: "That's not true, it was obviously a lie, and it was lied to say that there is delicious food, it has been out for so long, and it has not eaten anything." '


"Hmm..." Tong Li didn't say much, it's a long story, and it can't be explained clearly in a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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