The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 244 It was so dangerous, I almost got eaten.

Chapter 244 It was so dangerous, I almost got eaten.

In the end, Tong Li resisted the urge to kill it, and taught it to use its own energy to dissolve the surrounding ice after exhausting its resources.

Therefore, he also guessed that this should be an ice silkworm abandoned by the ethnic group.

It is not difficult to understand why it appears on an isolated island, why it does nothing but destroy.

So stupid, it's a real headache. '

But if it wasn't stupid, it wouldn't be possible to follow her back for no reason.

Pei Jiuyin couldn't help teaching worms to guide worms, so he quietly stayed by her side, watching her patiently teach a worm.

For some reason, there was a moment of trance in front of his eyes, and Bai Nuozi suddenly turned into a little baby, and Tong Li had a kind smile on his face, teaching him bit by bit.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the scene of his mother lovingly smiling at his son, as if struck by lightning, he involuntarily stepped back a few steps, his face was full of shock, as if he saw something terrible.

Tong Li noticed his abnormality, raised her head to look at him, and saw that his face turned pale.

"what happened to you?"

Pei Jiuyin came back to his senses, and took another look. The baby in front of him turned back into a bug. It was obvious that it was just his hallucination.

Well, it's just an illusion.

But he was also frightened into a cold sweat by the hallucination.

The corner of Pei Jiuyin's mouth couldn't help but press down: "It's nothing, are you ready?"

Tong Li felt that he was a little strange, but couldn't tell what was wrong, looking at the wet house: "It's almost there."

"Let's go, go eat. I'll have someone come and clean up here later." Pei Jiuyin didn't want her to focus on Xiao Chongzi anymore, so he dragged her upstairs to change clothes, and took her to another house for dinner .

Not long after they entered, someone brought breakfast.

Seeing the fragrant breakfast, Tong Li immediately whetted her appetite. You must know that she has never had a serious meal when she is outside these days.

Ning Xuesheng's skills in the space with two monster heads before can be said to be indescribable. After one meal, he would not want to touch it a second time.

As for being on the island, except for meat and fish, I have long been tired of it. When I see whole grains, I feel very kind.

No, as soon as she got the chopsticks in her hands, she couldn't wait to pick them up and stuff them into her mouth.

one by one.

It seems that Yaxiang actually speeds up the speed of chewing and swallowing virtually.

Pei Jiuyin didn't move his mouth, and kept helping her pick up various snacks, while blaming himself for being too impulsive last night, not remembering that she had just returned and hadn't eaten yet, and kept pestering her.

So now I am serving her food with all my heart.

Tong Li ate a little too much at the beginning, but then he stopped eating. He picked up a crab roe dumpling for him: "Eat it yourself."

Pei Jiuyin put down his chopsticks and shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

"If you're full, then tell me why you disappeared for so many days?"

Speaking of this Tong Li remembered something, she subconsciously looked at him to observe his expression.

This kind of thing may not matter to her, but it may be worse to Pei Jiuyin, he cares about such trivial things.

Tong Li was silent for a moment, but decided to confess to him: "Before that, I have to tell you one thing."

"What?" Seeing her upright expression, Pei Jiuyin also became nervous.

"It's nothing."

"It's just..." Tong Li looked at his sincere eyes, moved his eyes away with guilt for some reason, and unnaturally pulled the hair broken by his ears with his fingers.

"It's the bracelet you gave me. I don't know where I lost it."


Pei Jiuyin looked at her silently without saying a word, and the dining table seemed strangely quiet for a while.

"Otherwise... I'll think of a way to get it back."

"..." He thought it was a big deal, but it turned out it was just because of a bracelet.

"It's okay, if it's gone, I'll make another one for you."

"But later." This kind of stuff is not easy to do.

Tong Li lowered her eyes slightly, pinched the milk cup: "I lost your things, are you not angry?"

Pei Jiuyin took out a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth: "It's just a chain, and you didn't throw it away on purpose, so why be angry? Nothing is more important than you."

"Tell me what happened during the time you disappeared?"

He cared more about her than the bracelet.

Tong Li picked up the cup and took a sip, sorted out his words in his mind, and said concisely: "It's nothing, I found the demon who took the child that day, he is not a mountain boy."

"In the early years, he did sign a contract with the local mountain people, but time has passed, and today is different, and the child's parents do not agree."

"I want to take the child away, but he is too attached to the child, and if he doesn't want to, we have conflicts."

"In the end, I accidentally fell into the sea, was rescued, and came back later."


Pei Jiuyin frowned, obviously dissatisfied with her answer: "That's it?"

He has listened attentively to her adventures in the past two months. From her words, he can vaguely understand the original appearance of the matter, but he can't feel the shock.

He knew that things could never be that simple.

Tong Li nodded: "Yes."

There was nothing to say.

Tong Li glanced at the time: "It's getting late, I have something to do later, do you want to go to work first?"

She still remembers the snake in her heart, which she caught all the way back, if it really died, then what she did would be in vain.

Pei Jiuyin looked at her, and said quietly, "What are you going to do?"

Just came back and didn't accompany him?
"I caught a snake back. It was used by Qu Manman to practice medicine. It was frozen by ice silkworms in the fish tank just now. I don't know if it died."

Seeing her appearance, Pei Jiuyin really didn't want to stay for a minute longer: "I'm asking for leave today, I'll accompany you wherever you go."

Tong Li froze for a moment: "But your job"

"I'm not an iron man. I take a day or two off every now and then. It's fine."

Tong Li: Alright.

I can't understand this man's thinking, so he can follow if he wants to.

After the two left the dining table, Tong Li went to fish in the fish tank, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the little ice silkworm with its mouth wide open, and had already swallowed half of the snake.

The white snake hangs its head listlessly, it looks like it's dead, but it's not dead, its eyes are still moving.

"Shut up." Tong Li shouted angrily.

The little ice silkworm that was eating happily was startled, sucked it away, and another part of the snake was swallowed.

Tong Li didn't care about other things, went up to pick it up, and pulled the snake handle out of its mouth.

Well, it's still too late.

She didn't know how it got such a long snake in, but it almost ruined her efforts just now.

Tong Li stared at it ferociously, and said angrily, "What are you eating it for?"

The little ice silkworm looked at her pitifully, and then looked at her food, as if saying, 'I'm very hungry, if you don't find food for me, I can only find it myself'

(End of this chapter)

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